First Grow with Coco Coir

HeisenBud Mic

New Member
Hi everyone, I have grown for a couple years in soil with T5 lights and got decent results.
I have redone the grow room with LED lights and want to try growing in Coco coir, I have been using Technaflora Nutes on their schedule of water, water , feed but am thinking I will need to feed every water in coco? I have already purchased Mother Earth Coco/perlite 70/30 mix, should I rinse it and condition with calmag (I have Magical from Technaflora).

I am a newbie to the forum this is my first post

Thanks for any advice
Oh I was not aware that Coco required that much watering, my tap water is very high PH so I drive an hour to get natural spring water that has a PH range of usually around 6 to 7 . Maybe I should rethink the Coco. From what I am reading the girls really like the Coco .
Wonder if they will take my bags back? I am using Fox Farms Ocean Forest mixed with Happy Frog right now had a few problems but girls are doing good now about 1 week into flower.
Thanks TintEastwood for the link, sounds like alot of work compared to soil, do you use coco?
Automating the feeding is key.
Mixing nutrients takes time, bigger res, mix less often.
The cocoforcannabis site lets you know the options and what you are getting into.

Some run bigger pots and feed them less - once daily. (at a higher EC)
Other run small pots and slam them with multi-feed. (at lower ECs)

If you are giving it water, you will want to use nutrient rich water to very slightly past max capacity.

If the coco is dry it needs 100% added moisture until it cannot contain more moister. This is your water capacity.

When you have an active plant growing and you water daily, the plant may only have used 10% of the moisture since the previous day, and 10% may have been lost to just drying from natural environment causes. This drying can leave your medium too nutrient dense and out of balance. To combat the potential negatives you fill the medium slightly past capacity. This is watering to runoff, for me I have maybe 5%-10% additional runoff.

So you arent really flooding the coco daily but replenishing about 25% of the maximum water capacity daily, so everything is fresh and mimics a constant nutrient dense "soil".
I will read up, hey tint do you agree with Bob about mixing the Technaflora Nutes at 1/4 strength, is that for the entire grow?

Should I increase strength as the girls get older?