Should racism be accepted if......

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who are the people you see on videos freaking out over wearing a mask? I’ll give you a clue. They look like milk. :lol: :lol:

LMAO well I sure wasn’t going to make an argument that the white race has the highest IQ haha. Suppose it doesn’t help when a world leader is promoting the problem but I see what you’re saying.
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LMAO well I sure wasn’t going to make an argument that the white race has the highest IQ haha. Suppose it doesn’t help when a world leader is promoting the problem but I see what your saying.
It’s not an IQ thing. It’s an entitlement thing. There’s plenty of room for all of us. But we seem to want to take over the entire world and push all of our beliefs onto everyone else.
So you are saying that racism is all white people have to cling to and by tooth and nail? I’m sorry for whatever you went through that has your thinking so diluted. Stop making the problem worse. I would love to see you guys go to a BLM protest or march and tell that to all the “white”faces in the crowd. I suppose you also wish to forget or ignore that white people fought against there own kind to reverse slavery and us “white” Canadians who used the underground railway to free slaves. I’m not sure what you went through and I won’t pretend to understand but this shit that you are spewing, makes you sound just as bad as the whole race that you wish to paint with the same brush.

how about you do something to make things better for all minority races, Cause this hate speech that you are spewing is only making it worse. Why continue to pit races against each other? We are not all Donald Trump and we are not all Derek Chauvin either. There is good and bad in everything.

Do you really believe that all white people have is racism to cling to?
Yes. You have no culture except McDonalds and disposable clothing. Ask your fucking grandparents why they were so quick to assimilate and throw away their heritage? These are the consequences if America's racism. The only way this country can stay vibrant and evergreen is through the co opting and then erasure if immigrant cultures. You fucked black people over and took everything twy had then whitewashed it and resold it to yourself. Rock and roll, comfort food, hip hop, none of these are American in nature. Look at your cuisine. Your clothing styles, all coopted. Social media would have stopped at cat videos if not for hip hop and black culture. Your biggest idols are Elvis, Eminem, and the Kardashians.
Say something.
So you are saying that racism is all white people have to cling to and by tooth and nail? I’m sorry for whatever you went through that has your thinking so diluted. Stop making the problem worse. I would love to see you guys go to a BLM protest or march and tell that to all the “white”faces in the crowd. I suppose you also wish to forget or ignore that white people fought against there own kind to reverse slavery and us “white” Canadians who used the underground railway to free slaves. I’m not sure what you went through and I won’t pretend to understand but this shit that you are spewing, makes you sound just as bad as the whole race that you wish to paint with the same brush.

how about you do something to make things better for all minority races, Cause this hate speech that you are spewing is only making it worse. Why continue to pit races against each other? We are not all Donald Trump and we are not all Derek Chauvin either. There is good and bad in everything.

Do you really believe that all white peop

If you're not Trump or Chauvin why are you acting like them. Don't try and gaslight minorities like it's their problem to fix. The sad part is our shoulders and backs are strong enough to have to fix it for you again and again. As for your white people fixed slavery bullshit, a person that sets fires and then puts them out when it threatens their home is still an arsonist and not a firefighter. Jackass.

I went to high school with the richest kids in the world. You know what they did with the opportunity? They date raped each other and almost drank themselves to death. Got so bad the headmaster had to quit. Look up Phillips Academy Andover. Waaah affrimative action.
Can anyone explain to me why all these white guys are afraid of white genocide? We’re the only race concerned with it. I’ve never heard another race even discuss the topic, let alone be afraid enough to argue about it. What a strange thing to be scared of.

Secondly, have you done the math on how long that would even take? or are you guys just worried about being the minority? What’s the fear? I don’t get it.
It’s just the fear of not being special imho. Plain ol white guy, how boring I guess.
Some people would love to be just a plain ol white guy.
Yes. You have no culture except McDonalds and disposable clothing. Ask your fucking grandparents why they were so quick to assimilate and throw away their heritage? These are the consequences if America's racism. The only way this country can stay vibrant and evergreen is through the co opting and then erasure if immigrant cultures. You fucked black people over and took everything twy had then whitewashed it and resold it to yourself. Rock and roll, comfort food, hip hop, none of these are American in nature. Look at your cuisine. Your clothing styles, all coopted. Social media would have stopped at cat videos if not for hip hop and black culture. Your biggest idols are Elvis, Eminem, and the Kardashians.
Say something.

You're literally retarded.
Yes. You have no culture except McDonalds and disposable clothing. Ask your fucking grandparents why they were so quick to assimilate and throw away their heritage? These are the consequences if America's racism. The only way this country can stay vibrant and evergreen is through the co opting and then erasure if immigrant cultures. You fucked black people over and took everything twy had then whitewashed it and resold it to yourself. Rock and roll, comfort food, hip hop, none of these are American in nature. Look at your cuisine. Your clothing styles, all coopted. Social media would have stopped at cat videos if not for hip hop and black culture. Your biggest idols are Elvis, Eminem, and the Kardashians.
Say something.
Okay....I think you have deep seeded issues for which race has nothing to do with.
Then please speak on American culture.

@BurtMaklin @codster25
Canadians have issues that they haven't even begun to address. Those dogs are hollering.

Throw a stone into a crowd of dogs, and the hit dog will holler.

The underlying metaphor is that an accusation or unflattering description (the 'stone') made about the individuals in a group of less-than entirely respectable people (the 'crowd of dogs') will get a response (the 'holler') from whichever of those people are so accurately described or accused (the 'hit dog').
At 21, but yeah we needed to know how selfish and inconsiderate you are, on top of your satanic lesbianism, hatred, racism and lying thought habitations.

I'm smarter than you, most everyone here, period.
Yeah, but, do you believe the earth is flat?
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