What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
Note : I Really didn’t want to post this .... it is incredibly sad . I’m sure you have all heard of this story but it needs to be shared.

I know they were suffering from advanced age and other conditions but this needs to be played as trump is holed up in a subterranean cell forever blaming him for his lack of national response to this virus. We still do not have a national plan in place , No mask mandate , No direction .... only shoulder shrugs and “ it is what it is “ . I hope whatever darkness comes over that family , ensures suffering and pain.

Fuck Trump and his minions .



Well-Known Member
RICO charges against the tRUmp family would be nice.
I think RICO is federal, but there should be enough to indict a few of the assholes, I wonder when the judge is gonna rule on Trump's last stand for hiding his taxes. When they get their hands on his taxes the shit will fly! NY state has got lot's to put the works of them in Singsing forever, they will be coping to federal charges just to do the time.

"The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization".


Well-Known Member
Note : I Really didn’t want to post this .... it is incredibly sad . I’m sure you have all heard of this story but it needs to be shared.

I know they were suffering from advanced age and other conditions but this needs to be played as trump is holed up in a subterranean cell forever blaming him for his lack of national response to this virus. We still do not have a national plan in place , No mask mandate , No direction .... only shoulder shrugs and “ it is what it is “ . I hope whatever darkness comes over that family , ensures suffering and pain.

Fuck Trump and his minions .

Can't watch it, some should I suppose, I don't need the additional sadness, it's a tale told a thousand times a Day in America.

MAGA, winning, he still has 40% of the country voting for him the last I heard, they have no problem with election cheating either, or treason, or mass murder. They are a fucking suicide cult of personality, nothing more, the republican politicians were manipulated and enthralled to a malicious psychopathic moron with a fucking IQ of 78! Imagine being completely owned by a fool who is a few IQ points away from being a drooling fucking idiot.


Well-Known Member
It appears that Deutsche Bank was subpoenaed by NY state last year and handed over a shit load of Trump financial records and perhaps taxes too. This might have something to do with the big announcement Thurs by the NY AG of something of national importance... Reported by the NYT

Trump’s Bank Was Subpoenaed by N.Y. Prosecutors in Criminal Inquiry
The subpoena, sent to Deutsche Bank, suggests that the inquiry into President Trump’s business practices is more wide-ranging than previously known.

Trump’s Bank Was Subpoenaed by N.Y. Prosecutors in Criminal Inquiry

The subpoena, sent to Deutsche Bank, suggests that the inquiry into President Trump’s business practices is more wide-ranging than previously known.

The New York prosecutors who are seeking President Trump’s tax records have also subpoenaed his longtime lender, a sign that their criminal investigation into Mr. Trump’s business practices is more wide-ranging than previously known.

The Manhattan district attorney’s office issued the subpoena last year to Deutsche Bank, which has been Mr. Trump’s primary lender since the late 1990s, seeking financial records that he and his company provided to the bank, according to four people familiar with the inquiry.

The criminal investigation initially appeared to be focused on hush-money payments made in 2016 to two women who have said they had affairs with Mr. Trump.

But in a court filing this week, prosecutors with the district attorney’s office cited “public reports of possibly extensive and protracted criminal conduct at the Trump Organization” and suggested that they were also investigating possible crimes involving bank and insurance fraud.

Because of its longstanding and multifaceted relationship with Mr. Trump, Deutsche Bank has been a frequent target of regulators and lawmakers digging into the president’s opaque finances. But the subpoena from the office of the district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., appears to be the first instance of a criminal inquiry involving Mr. Trump and his dealings with the German bank, which lent him and his company more than $2 billion over the past two decades.

Deutsche Bank complied with the subpoena. Over a period of months last year, it provided Mr. Vance’s office with detailed records, including financial statements and other materials that Mr. Trump had provided to the bank as he sought loans, according to two of the people familiar with the inquiry.

The bank’s response to the subpoena reinforces the seriousness of the legal threat the district attorney’s investigation poses for Mr. Trump, his family and his company, which in recent years have faced — and for the most part fended off — an onslaught of regulatory, congressional and criminal inquiries.

But while the subpoena of Deutsche Bank indicates the breadth of Mr. Vance’s investigation, his inquiry is still at an early stage, a person briefed on the matter said.

The district attorney’s office has spent the past year trying to obtain Mr. Trump’s personal and corporate tax returns, and the Supreme Court last month upheld prosecutors’ rights to seek the documents. But legal wrangling continues, and Mr. Vance’s office has said that its investigation will be hamstrung unless prosecutors get the tax returns.

Mr. Trump and his company have denied wrongdoing and have sought to dismiss the inquiry by Mr. Vance, a Democrat, as a politically motivated fishing expedition. Mr. Trump’s representatives have accused his former lawyer and fixer, Michael D. Cohen, of lying when he told Congress that Mr. Trump exaggerated the value of his real estate assets as he sought loans and in dealings with his insurance company.

The subpoena to Deutsche Bank sought documents on various topics related to Mr. Trump and his company, including any materials that might point to possible fraud, according to two people briefed on the subpoena’s contents.

The bank’s cooperation with Mr. Vance’s office is significant because other investigations that have sought Mr. Trump’s financial records have been stymied by legal challenges from the president and his family.

Last month, the Supreme Court dealt a blow to congressional investigations into the president’s finances when it ordered lower courts to reconsider whether Deutsche Bank and Mazars USA, Mr. Trump’s accounting firm, had to comply with congressional subpoenas seeking his records. The ruling meant that the subpoenas would not be enforced until after the presidential election in November, if at all.

Mr. Vance’s office declined to comment.

Whatever records the Manhattan prosecutors obtain are subject to grand jury secrecy rules and might never become public unless the district attorney’s office brings charges and introduces the documents as evidence at a trial.

Even if investigators uncover what they think is evidence of fraud, criminal charges could be hard to prove. Valuing real estate assets involves subjective estimates and other assumptions, making it difficult to prove that someone intended to commit fraud. The New York Times reported previously that some Deutsche Bank officials viewed Mr. Trump’s financial statements as based on wildly optimistic assumptions and, in some cases, reduced his estimates of his assets’ values by up to 70 percent.

Some of the insurance and bank issues that have drawn scrutiny from reporters are also too old to be the focus of a criminal case.

Tax returns can be crucial evidence for proving that a defendant misstated the value of assets, said Daniel R. Alonso, who was Mr. Vance’s top deputy from 2010 to 2014 and is now in private practice. “Tax returns are an obvious place to look because of the precision required by tax authorities,” he said.

The district attorney’s investigation has been proceeding in fits and starts since it began in the summer of 2018. Almost immediately, Mr. Vance paused the inquiry at the request of the United States attorney’s office in Manhattan, which had prosecuted Mr. Cohen and was investigating whether others at the Trump Organization had committed crimes in the course of arranging the hush-money payments.

In early 2019, Mr. Cohen testified on Capitol Hill that Mr. Trump had inflated the value of his assets in order at times to obtain financing from Deutsche Bank, including in 2014 when he bid unsuccessfully for the Buffalo Bills football team. Mr. Cohen also told federal prosecutors in Manhattan about insurance claims the Trump Organization had filed that he believed had been inflated.

Last summer, after federal prosecutors concluded their investigation of the hush-money payments without bringing additional charges, Mr. Vance’s office resumed its inquiry. In August 2019, the office served a subpoena on Mazars, seeking the president’s tax returns and other financial records going back to 2011.

Mr. Trump filed a lawsuit last September seeking to block Mazars from complying. The case is still being litigated nearly a year later, even after the Supreme Court’s ruling last month affirming Mr. Vance’s right to criminally investigate the president. The justices said that Mr. Trump could go back to the lower court, where he first sued, and raise other objections to the subpoena.

Shortly after Mr. Trump filed his suit last year, Mr. Vance’s office provided the judge who has been overseeing the case, Victor Marrero, a two-page summary of its secret grand jury investigation, which was not made available to the public or to Mr. Trump. Days later, at a hearing in federal court in Manhattan, Judge Marrero said the inquiry “clearly is very complex” and “involves a lot of parties, extends over many, many years.”

While Deutsche Bank has been cooperating with prosecutors, Mr. Vance’s office made it clear to Judge Marrero last month that its inquiry had been stalled without the tax returns.


Well-Known Member
NYT: Deutsche Bank Complies With Subpoena For Trump’s Financial Records | The Last Word | MSNBC

Andrew Weissmann tells Ali Velshi the revelation from the New York Times that Deutsche Bank complied with a subpoena for Trump’s financial records indicates the investigation by the Manhattan D.A. is “not just about hush money payments.” Tim O’Brien says prosecutors scrutinizing Trump’s documents for possible crimes of bank and insurance fraud or money laundering “is the stuff that could really worry Trump.”

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member
I think RICO is federal, but there should be enough to indict a few of the assholes, I wonder when the judge is gonna rule on Trump's last stand for hiding his taxes. When they get their hands on his taxes the shit will fly! NY state has got lot's to put the works of them in Singsing forever, they will be coping to federal charges just to do the time.

"The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization".
Under RICO, a person who has committed "at least two acts of racketeering activity" drawn from a list of 35 crimes—27 federal crimes and 8 state crimes—within a 10-year period can be charged with racketeering if such acts are related in one of four specified ways to an "enterprise".
New York Racketeering / RICO Laws: The Basics
As with the federal law, New York law also criminalizes the offense referred to as "enterprise corruption." The enterprise corruption statute is New York's version of the federal RICO Act and was added to the Penal Law by the Organized Crime Control Act of 1986 to combat the "diversified illegal conduct engaged in by organized crime," including the infiltration and corruption of legitimate enterprises.
Additional details of the law are listed in the following table.
StatuteNew York Penal Code Article 460, et seq.
Statutory Definition of Enterprise CorruptionA person is guilty of enterprise corruption when, having knowledge of the existence of a "criminal enterprise" and the nature of its activities, and being employed by or associated with such enterprise, he or she:
  1. Intentionally conducts or participates in the affairs of an enterprise by participating in a pattern of criminal activity;
  2. Intentionally acquires or maintains an interest in or control of an enterprise by participating in a pattern of criminal activity; or
  3. Participates in a pattern of criminal activity and knowingly invests any proceeds derived from that conduct, or any proceeds derived from the investment or use of those proceeds, in an enterprise.
The enterprise that is corrupted need not be the criminal enterprise by which the person is employed or with which he or she is associated, and may be a legitimate enterprise.
Statutory Definition of Criminal EnterpriseA "criminal enterprise" is "a group of persons sharing a common purpose of engaging in criminal conduct, associated in an ascertainable structure distinct from a pattern of criminal activity, and with a continuity of existence, structure and criminal purpose beyond the scope of individual criminal incidents."
Elements of an Enterprise Corruption Charge
  1. The defendant participated in a pattern of criminal activity
  2. By engaging in one of the three proscribed forms of conduct (i.e., conducting or participating in the affairs of an enterprise through a pattern; acquiring or maintaining an interest in or control of an enterprise through a pattern; or investing the proceeds of a pattern in an enterprise); and
  3. The defendant had knowledge of the existence of a criminal enterprise and the nature of its activities and was employed by or associated with that enterprise.

I want to thank President Trump for getting us out of the destructive, anti-American global organizations. How did we get so far off track?
Welcome new (magat) member.
Thank him when you next visit the bunker to felch the impeached slob


Well-Known Member
New York Racketeering / RICO Laws: The Basics
As with the federal law, New York law also criminalizes the offense referred to as "enterprise corruption." The enterprise corruption statute is New York's version of the federal RICO Act and was added to the Penal Law by the Organized Crime Control Act of 1986 to combat the "diversified illegal conduct engaged in by organized crime," including the infiltration and corruption of legitimate enterprises.
Additional details of the law are listed in the following table.
Trump, his family and a lot of his buddies are fucked under this law alone, they will probably find it was a mistake not to get charged federally when the cell door slams behind them in Singsing. The feds will have other charges later, but this looks like it's gonna blow wide open before the election, like a cherry bomb under a giant turd. To indict means to publicly release some of their hoard of Trump records, I'm sure everything else has been shared with or summaries given to the appropriate house committees privately. Remember all the witnesses they have and these are largely documents based cases, they go pretty quick, slam dunks, or say the pros.


Well-Known Member
Does this sound like Individual 1? With apologies to Groucho.

Think this will get Donald's attention?

WATCH: Biden Says He Wouldn't Stand In The Way Of A Trump Prosecution
Joe Biden says that he believes prosecuting a former president would be a "very unusual thing and probably not very ... good for democracy," but he would not stand in the way of a future Justice Department pursuing criminal charges against President Trump after he leaves office.

The comments from the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee came during a virtual interview Tuesday with members from the National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists.

"Look, the Justice Department is not the president's private law firm. The attorney general is not the president's private lawyer. I will not interfere with the Justice Department's judgment of whether or not they think they should pursue the prosecution of anyone that they think has violated the law," Biden told NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro.

Trump has been connected with alleged illegal activity by his former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen and investigators working for former special counsel Robert Mueller. What isn't clear is whether federal authorities are investigating the president or whether prosecutors might take action against Trump if he no longer enjoyed the privileges that protect him from being indicted as a sitting president.
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Well-Known Member
Trump, his family and a lot of his buddies are fucked under this law alone, they will probably find it was a mistake not to get charged federally when the cell door slams behind them in Singsing. The feds will have other charges later, but this looks like it's gonna blow wide open before the election, like a cherry bomb under a giant turd. To indict means to publicly release some of their hoard of Trump records, I'm sure everything else has been shared with or summaries given to the appropriate house committees privately. Remember all the witnesses they have and these are largely documents based cases, they go pretty quick, slam dunks, or say the pros.
or ammonium nitrate.


Well-Known Member
Think this will get Donal's attention?

WATCH: Biden Says He Wouldn't Stand In The Way Of A Trump Prosecution
Joe Biden says that he believes prosecuting a former president would be a "very unusual thing and probably not very ... good for democracy," but he would not stand in the way of a future Justice Department pursuing criminal charges against President Trump after he leaves office.

The comments from the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee came during a virtual interview Tuesday with members from the National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists.

"Look, the Justice Department is not the president's private law firm. The attorney general is not the president's private lawyer. I will not interfere with the Justice Department's judgment of whether or not they think they should pursue the prosecution of anyone that they think has violated the law," Biden told NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro.

Trump has been connected with alleged illegal activity by his former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen and investigators working for former special counsel Robert Mueller. What isn't clear is whether federal authorities are investigating the president or whether prosecutors might take action against Trump if he no longer enjoyed the privileges that protect him from being indicted as a sitting president.
the law is supposed to apply to us all equal, not just the have and have not.