Obama wins!!!!

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Well-Known Member
After this election, I want to move out of the USA. This is the worst thing that could have happened to our country. And it has nothing to do with race, it is simply about socialism.

Why would people want to better their life and make some more money if the gov is just going to take it. All the teachers wanted Obama, but who is going to go to college if they can't make more money by doing so?

I was in the process of opening a business just before this whole economy fall out, and now that Obama is in office, there is no chance I am even going to try. What is the point in trying to open my own business or try and make more than a pitiful $250k a year if they are just going to take half of it!

But hey, at least we made history right?


stays relevant.
This ranks right with 9-11 as one of the greatest tragic days in american history. I do believe hell just froze over. Isnt this a sign from the book of revelations ????? MAKES A NICE TARGET THOUGH....

You calling an election that ended in McCain congratulating Obamas victory tragic? I think the fact that you even have hands to type with is tragic.

God I hate ignorant hillbillies... :dunce:


Well-Known Member
You calling an election that ended in McCain congratulating Obamas victory tragic? I think the fact that you even have hands to type with is tragic.

God I hate ignorant hillbillies... :dunce:
it's surprising that they even understand the concept of the internet at all:roll:


Well-Known Member
After this election, I want to move out of the USA. This is the worst thing that could have happened to our country. And it has nothing to do with race, it is simply about socialism.

Why would people want to better their life and make some more money if the gov is just going to take it. All the teachers wanted Obama, but who is going to go to college if they can't make more money by doing so?

I was in the process of opening a business just before this whole economy fall out, and now that Obama is in office, there is no chance I am even going to try. What is the point in trying to open my own business or try and make more than a pitiful $250k a year if they are just going to take half of it!

But hey, at least we made history right?
250k pitiful? What kind of business were you opening..?


stays relevant.
After this election, I want to move out of the USA. This is the worst thing that could have happened to our country. And it has nothing to do with race, it is simply about socialism.

Why would people want to better their life and make some more money if the gov is just going to take it. All the teachers wanted Obama, but who is going to go to college if they can't make more money by doing so?

I was in the process of opening a business just before this whole economy fall out, and now that Obama is in office, there is no chance I am even going to try. What is the point in trying to open my own business or try and make more than a pitiful $250k a year if they are just going to take half of it!

But hey, at least we made history right?

I strongly encourage you to leave the United States then... In fact, I will gladly find you an affordable home in any other country of your choice, where you can start all of the greedy businesses you like.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it seems there's no shortage of stupidity in the US... Must be from all that southern lovin' (inbreeding)
your right, the average american only has a 6th grade education(we see which ones those are). no substance behind their beliefs or knowledge. as for the rest of the redneck inbred bunch they come out retarded with 3 fingers, i'm surprised they dont just shove that shit down they're throats thinking that their hand was food


stays relevant.
your right, the average american only has a 6th grade education(we see which ones those are). no substance behind their beliefs or knowledge. as for the rest of the redneck inbred bunch they come out retarded with 3 fingers, i'm surprised they dont just shove that shit down they're throats thinking that their hand was food

Seriously... Those who care more about race than they do about the future of America... Truly 100% pathetic.


Well-Known Member
look on the bright side bush is gone.
Haha, I see you're the half glass full guy here.

At least Bush was entertaining during his presidency... He said so much stupid shit, so many fucked up speeches. Too bad he fucked the country up.
I was watching this documentary on body language, and believe it or not, Bush was a mastermind on body language compared to most politicians. Every time he would meet with other leaders he would strongly state his power in everything he did with his body... It was interesting. Total goofball in every other way though. :roll:


Well-Known Member
$250k is not that much per year for, let's say, a family of 4. For one person, you are well off, but most people in that situation are not the only person being supported on that income.

After going to school, spending 1000s and 1000s of dollars, and years and years of your life, it would be very disappointing to make the same amount of money as some one that has done nothing.

Why penalize some one for doing better than you? Why penalize some one for wanting to have things that cost large sums of money? Why penalize some one for working harder? This just doesn't make any sense and will lead to a lazy welfare state.


Well-Known Member
Haha, I see you're the half glass full guy here.

At least Bush was entertaining during his presidency... He said so much stupid shit, so many fucked up speeches. Too bad he fucked the country up.
I was watching this documentary on body language, and believe it or not, Bush was a mastermind on body language compared to most politicians. Every time he would meet with other leaders he would strongly state his power in everything he did with his body... It was interesting. Total goofball in every other way though. :roll:
its a shame that he wasn't impeached. i mean people slip up here and there but it was really like the bush admin. had no plan whatsoever. it's these same people that voted for mccain


Well-Known Member
I love how everyone that voted for McCain is a stupid fuckin inbred redneck, and everyone that voted for Obama are the smartest people ever....


Active Member
finally this crap about the campaign can stop being shown on australian tv - and as for obama, i'm glad he won.. the man is good enough to be an aussie :D


Well-Known Member
$250k is not that much per year for, let's say, a family of 4. For one person, you are well off, but most people in that situation are not the only person being supported on that income.

After going to school, spending 1000s and 1000s of dollars, and years and years of your life, it would be very disappointing to make the same amount of money as some one that has done nothing.

Why penalize some one for doing better than you? Why penalize some one for wanting to have things that cost large sums of money? Why penalize some one for working harder? This just doesn't make any sense and will lead to a lazy welfare state.
well why should those who dont have shit pay the same as those that do? that makes no sense proportionally those who have more are getting taxed more DUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR why the fuck would they get taxed the same?
you have really high expectations buddy my parents are making a total of 180 k per year and they have their masters
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