Nutbag Poster
Well-Known Member
That's the exact effect AK Bean Brains mentions in his potcast with TK/NL5 Haze. I've gotten the impression that some Congos and Malawis can do the same thing. Anybody found that crazy scary buzz in Axis? Jungle Spice? Goldstar? It's not the kind of weed I'd want for the day-to-day but I'd love to have one to shut up the "mister smartypants" types if the need arose.White-out, ears ringing, face gets hot, chest pounding, tunnel vision, hands get numb, i'm blacking out, i must sit down now!
I have low blood pressure and sometimes i can get that effect by holding in a hit too long. Usually it takes a potent Sour Diesel to do that to me.
Nigerian you say? SIGN ME UP, I'M IN!