And YOU Voted For......??


Junior Creatologist
Wuddup everyone

Just askin a simple question here, Who did ya vote for???

N if you dont wanna post up who u voted for, just post some funny Obama/McCain/Palin/Biden/Nader pics man, ive seen hundreds of them, n would love for people to post them up here.


Well-Known Member
Shit I forgot it was voting day...Im gonna vote for that black chick...cus she punches authority in the face! j/k Thanks for the vote reminder tho..


Junior Creatologist
Did anyone seriously vote?? The reason i ask is, because even as a community of anti-establishment liberal pot smokers, we still have a responsibility to ourselves to make sure that shit doesnt get any worse for us in the white house, and on Capitol Hill. Even if we completely disagree with the way that our gov't fucks us over, we still have to take action in order to change anything. Nothing gets done if everyone decides to stay off the grid and just doesnt vote. If we dont, then u know who wins?? John McCains of the world, or George Bushes of the world. Hell, if every pot head voted, Ralphie Nader would probably have a fuckin fighting chance of getting his happy ass into the White house for once instead of just running every 4 years, and getting a half of a percent of the American vote.

What were workin towards here is a more liberal America, that doesnt come down on harmless people like us for growing and smoking (and possibly selling occasionally) a harmless plant, and throw non violent drug offenders in jail. If we dont put in work for ourselves, then were never gonna be able to get shit changed in our favor. I mean, to be honest i personally think that we should completely dismantle our entire Gov't structure and rebuild it from the ground up, but because there arent enough people who give a fuck about changing shit for the better, that will never happen, and well always have big brother tryin to stroke us for everything we hold dear in our lives - namely, our Privacy.

bah- politics is just depressing. We got lucky this time with a liberal Dem like Obama in office, but what happens next time when Adolf Hitler Reincarnate, and Joseph Stalin the 3rd are running for pres head to head, n then in the background theres lil Ralph Nader. If we didnt vote, wed be fucked. I just hope that everyone who is old enough and eligible to vote voted. My entire family went in and voted together, yet i was unable to, even though i tried, because i got a fuckin F on my record, so they denied me at the booths, but i wish i could have put in my sayso man. If your able to, Dont waste your voice next election. Make your presence in the country fuckin count for somethin. If you feel so strongly about Cannabis Reform, you have to Vote for Cannabis Reform. THATS how laws get changed.


Well-Known Member
Obama!!(Who wants to tax medical herb) Once everyone sees we can make a shit load of money off of taxed weed they're gonna wanna legalize it in every state; (the gov. is greedy don't ya kow) haven't you seen, "Super High Me"?