First Time Grower - Documentation and Questions


Hi, I just failed my first grow, I let my cat eat it. You guys may have seen the thread, and I decided to choose a name more desirable


Moreover, I have just received my new seeds! Auto OG Kush and Auto Bruce Banner

I will be documenting updates here and posting pictures/videos to show the problems/comments I may be having for all you lovely people to help me with. I really want to make this a successful hobby! So any tips, tricks, that you feel I am not applying, SHOUT THEM OUT! Thank you

To start off, what soil is exactly best? I see so many opinions. I am going to be using this:

I have a 1000w LED coming for the rest of the grow, using my 25w LED for seedling stage.

Are Autos the best choice for beginners? or Feminized? Any other tips, please, thanks!

Day 1 Video:


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Also wondering what the distance I should keep the LEDs from the seedling? My LED light for seedlings uses about 25w, the one I am getting for the main grow is 100w (1k watts), should i keep both only 1 foot away because of the low temperature? Don't want to overbear them with light!

Thanks for any tips, tricks :)
Your light should have an instruction sheet with recommended distance. If in doubt keep it high. If it’s too weak they’ll start stretching for it. Then lower it. Medium? You’re going to get every possible choice as an answer. I use Pro Mix HP. Very happy with it. Autos suck for a lot of reasons but starting with them is understandable. I use only regular seeds unless someone turns me on to something else. But I’ve also got the space to work with them. Feminized you already know you’re growing it out as a female.

Only 1 has germinated so far, this is day 3, the taproot looks like its wrapping around the seed, i thought I pit it in right, what should I do? It is usually covered by a piece of the rooter btw


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I transferred the Rapid Rooter to the soil medium, put it under light. and have a peaking seed. Wish luck! :)

Any tips, suggestions, PLEASE SHOUT IT OUT!

Video Attached:
Patience young grasshopper. Three days isn't long for a seed to germinate.

How big is your tent? 100w blurple LED is only good for like 2 square feet of canopy coverage.

And going back to your soil question, there is no "best". Basically any good, organic potting mix will do. I prefer something local if possible, and I avoid MiracleGro because even if it's the organic stuff, they're a garbage company.

I apologise. I didn't watch your videos so I may be missing something. I just don't like YouTube haha.
Tent is 2x2x4, so do you think I should bury the seed a little more since the seedling is peaking and its only been 4 days?
No, just let her do her thing. I was just saying don't stress it if it takes a few days longer for the others to pop. Depending on temps it takes my seeds anywhere from 2 to 5 days to germ, and back before I got dialed in it took 10 days or more sometimes.

Your gonna want more light in that tent eventually. That 100w blurple will be okay but you should really have twice that with cheap lights. You'd be better off with a 150w HPS imo, which are short money as well. Good LEDs are expensive.
I would rather spend the money on a high quality LED tbh. I was going to get something like this with Samsung LEDs when I get into a plant that is growing for 5+ weeks:,aps,163&sr=8-7.

Is that one high quality enough do you think? I know the problem with LEDs that they advertise (1000w) but usually only pull 10% of that, so I understand I do not want cheap LEDs, but yes, was a initial investment. Would I be better off getting a 2nd Giixer?

I will update with more pics at end of day, Thank you for the help!
I would rather spend the money on a high quality LED tbh. I was going to get something like this with Samsung LEDs when I get into a plant that is growing for 5+ weeks:,aps,163&sr=8-7.

Is that one high quality enough do you think? I know the problem with LEDs that they advertise (1000w) but usually only pull 10% of that, so I understand I do not want cheap LEDs, but yes, was a initial investment. Would I be better off getting a 2nd Giixer?

I will update with more pics at end of day, Thank you for the help!

I'd skip the second Giixer and wait till you can get the SpiderFarmer. I have that exact light in my 2x4 and it's pretty solid but was a little underpowered for that space. It would scream in a 2x2. You could probably get away with an SF1000 in that tent TBH. With cheap LEDs your looking for 50w per square foot but with better lights you need more like 30-35w. I'd consider the SpiderFarmer a good mix grade LED. They're better than blurples by a lot and slightly better than the MarsHydro stuff, but not as good as HLG or Timber or anything.
Alright, I just ordered the Spiderfarmer.

Do you guys know if I would be able to combine my Giixer with the SpiderFarmer?

Also, Seed is peaking even more!


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Grow Tent is setup!!!!

Day 4 update!

Please let me know if I should do anything different with the grow tent!!!!


my seedling has shed the outer shell, had my fan going a bit hard, so I think it came off prematurely, hopefully she will be OK!


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Seems to be growing fine, bigger canteylin leaf is super droopy though, overwater? Underwater?


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Seems to be growing fine, bigger canteylin leaf is super droopy though, overwater? Underwater?
Nothing to worry about imo happens sometimes. Post pics under natural light though for better advice. That blurple light makes it impossible to see any detail or tell if she's a healthy color
Sounds good! I am completely getting rid of the Blurple one when my Spider Farm comes tommorow, and getting a 2nd Spider Farm with the return money of the blurple. Will post when I got it!

Thanks for the reply!
Question, Could this be a lack of nutrients? I might be looking at it a bit too much but the leaves seem toi be dooping ever so slighty even more, could this be a lack of nutirients in the soil? I have only used a Rapid Rooter and Cloud 9 soil from Amazon, which advertises close to no fertility, some, but not much at all. Do I need to be giving my plant nuets right now? What ones? All confusing.

I put a tad more soil in there to cover up the parts that didn't have the little Hairs coming out of it, why it may look shorter.


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Question, Could this be a lack of nutrients? I might be looking at it a bit too much but the leaves seem toi be dooping ever so slighty even more, could this be a lack of nutirients in the soil? I have only used a Rapid Rooter and Cloud 9 soil from Amazon, which advertises close to no fertility, some, but not much at all. Do I need to be giving my plant nuets right now? What ones? All confusing.

I put a tad more soil in there to cover up the parts that didn't have the little Hairs coming out of it, why it may look shorter.

No wonder your confused, that's not soil. These companies really need to stop calling inert mediums soil. I especially love the part of the Amazon listing that says "perfect for hydroponics". How are new growers supposed to know how to use this stuff?

After reading up ya, this cloud 9 stuff is not soil. It's an inert potting mix, which is completely different. You should treat it like coco coir. You will need to feed every watering and make sure it doesn't dry out. And keep your pH between 5.6 and 6.2 if recall correctly.

These two sites are great resources for new growers btw.

As for what to feed it, there are hundreds of options. Fox Farms and General Hydroponics are kind of the old standbys. I preferred the Lucas formula when using them in coco, so that's worth a Google.

But honestly, I prefer dry nutes these days because they are simpler and less expensive. MegaCrop has been my favorite, but I'm using Veg+Bloom with Life+ right now with good results and it's easier to get.

There's plenty of good ones though. Definitely drop a line if you have more questions on what to use.
I have the Fox Farms on order, but it says it won't arrive until June 1st. I ordered this (because I can have it here on by Weds)
but it might be a bit strong for what I am doing, so I will use it very conservatively, if at all?

I will do research on how much neuts to use, from what I read, I should use 1/8th the suggested, but I will learn that in those reads I am sure.

I am planning on transferring this to a 5 gallon fabric pot and using Happy Frog Potting soil for the rest of it, hopefully that will be a bit richer.

My PHs on my water have been good, I have been making sure that is optimal, I have the test kit and PH+/-. I do not have the "soil" test kit though, although advertised optimal, my tester is arriving with the new LED tommorow.

So my next question is:
Should I even use this product that I referenced to in the beginning?

Or just wait until June 1st to start super slightly neuting?

Thanks for the reads, will catch up!
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