Tara Reade: Biden sex attack accuser urges him to quit race

I can't believe you align yourself with someone who works with those neoliberal democraps! You're not even a progressive. Obviously progressives don't like progress. Vote against Biden in the fall to make sure progress happens!
Progress is apparently Barnie doing worse this time than last. LOL. I bet this gal is a Jets fan too.
Only someone so stupid that would think pelosi needed republican votes to become speaker could also be stupid enough to think tara reade is anything other than a retarded liar
Well, congratulations for condemning women in the future for being sexually assaulted/raped, because by denying Reade's allegations against Biden and trying to slander her is right out of the Republican playbook, and they're going to point to you types in this moment and tell you to fuck off with it next time, and nobody will blame them for it, either. Take a look, they're already doing it;

Well, congratulations for condemning women in the future for being sexually assaulted/raped, because by denying Reade's allegations against Biden and trying to slander her is right out of the Republican playbook, and they're going to point to you types in this moment and tell you to fuck off with it next time, and nobody will blame them for it, either. Take a look, they're already doing it;
And, its a fair question:

Christine Balls Ford didn't complain to anyone when she was supposedly assaulted. No complaint, didn't talk to a friend about it. Nobody remembers the incident, people who were there say he wasn't. She kept it a deep secret for 37 years; THEN we gotta believe her.
Tara filed reports with her boss, told her pastor, talked to her husband about it, talked to her mom about it ... but, the dems won't release the paperwork.

Why is that?
Come on, you all know the answer ...
why is that?
And, its a fair question:

Christine Balls Ford didn't complain to anyone when she was supposedly assaulted. No complaint, didn't talk to a friend about it. Nobody remembers the incident, people who were there say he wasn't. She kept it a deep secret for 37 years; THEN we gotta believe her.
Tara filed reports with her boss, told her pastor, talked to her husband about it, talked to her mom about it ... but, the dems won't release the paperwork.

Why is that?
Come on, you all know the answer ...
why is that?
If I were desperate to find a way to get Trump re-elected, I'd probably lie just like you do.
If I were desperate to find a way to get Trump re-elected, I'd probably lie just like you do.
I'm just relaying the record.
That's what happened.
There is more info coming out every day, but what's out so far is very bad for Pelosi and Shiffty and Come guy.
I been saying it to folks like you for weeks ... months ... just wait, there's more.
And Shift is looking REAL wide-eyed these days. I think he is shifting his pants.
Well, congratulations for condemning women in the future for being sexually assaulted/raped, because by denying Reade's allegations against Biden and trying to slander her is right out of the Republican playbook, and they're going to point to you types in this moment and tell you to fuck off with it next time, and nobody will blame them for it, either. Take a look, they're already doing it;

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you literally once asked a woman on this website “are these legitimate sexual assaults?”

dr. Christine blasey Ford went under oath with a consistent and believable story

Tara reade is just making shit up

you are bad at this
And, its a fair question:

Christine Balls Ford didn't complain to anyone when she was supposedly assaulted. No complaint, didn't talk to a friend about it. Nobody remembers the incident, people who were there say he wasn't. She kept it a deep secret for 37 years; THEN we gotta believe her.
Tara filed reports with her boss, told her pastor, talked to her husband about it, talked to her mom about it ... but, the dems won't release the paperwork.

Why is that?
Come on, you all know the answer ...
why is that?
None of what you said is true, trumptard
I'm just relaying the record.
That's what happened.
There is more info coming out every day, but what's out so far is very bad for Pelosi and Shiffty and Come guy.
I been saying it to folks like you for weeks ... months ... just wait, there's more.
And Shift is looking REAL wide-eyed these days. I think he is shifting his pants.
No, you are lying

when was your join date?
I'm just relaying the record.
That's what happened.
There is more info coming out every day, but what's out so far is very bad for Pelosi and Shiffty and Come guy.
I been saying it to folks like you for weeks ... months ... just wait, there's more.
And Shift is looking REAL wide-eyed these days. I think he is shifting his pants.
Desperate times for right wingers. They have had to abandon all semblance of paying tribute to the Conservative movement. The have abandoned rule of law and have turned away from the concept of majority rule.

They are trying to get Trump crowned king so their corrupt acts are kept hidden.

Desperate. Reeks of desperation.

Your avi says you joined fifty-two minutes ago and you say you've been here months. Creating sock accounts violate Terms of Service.

Get your next sock going. This one isn't going to last long.
Your avi says you joined fifty-two minutes ago and you say you've been here months.
No I didn't.
I said that I been telling people like you the same thing for months, years. And I have.
The have abandoned rule of law and have turned away from the concept of majority rule.
Conservatives have always believed in rule of law, read the constitution. No majority rules in presidential elections (is that what you're talking about?) Not the topic of this discussion, but ...
violate Terms of Service.
I haven't done anything to violate TOS. Unless disagreeing with you is a violation ...
No I didn't.
I said that I been telling people like you the same thing for months, years. And I have.

Conservatives have always believed in rule of law, read the constitution. No majority rules in presidential elections (is that what you're talking about?) Not the topic of this discussion, but ...

I haven't done anything to violate TOS. Unless disagreeing with you is a violation ...
I haven't done anything to violate TOS.

So now you are trying to gaslight me.

Their defense of the President during the impeachment trial went like this: "Whatever the President does is in the national interest. This includes breaking US laws in order to get re-elected." This is literally their defense. A complete abandonment of the Constitution and Rule of Law.

I think I'll just put you on ignore. You won't last long but you have nothing interesting to say. Boring, really. Boring is the worst.
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No I didn't.
I said that I been telling people like you the same thing for months, years. And I have.

Conservatives have always believed in rule of law, read the constitution. No majority rules in presidential elections (is that what you're talking about?) Not the topic of this discussion, but ...

I haven't done anything to violate TOS. Unless disagreeing with you is a violation ...
Sock puppet
We are pretty fucked up when Biden is our best choice for POTUS.
But that's me, I have never been a follower and I tend to think for self.
My vote will be against Trump, but I don't think Biden is the best choice for my country
We are pretty fucked up when Biden is our best choice for POTUS.
But that's me, I have never been a follower and I tend to think for self.
My vote will be against Trump, but I don't think Biden is the best choice for my country
For a black dude you sure got some issues if you don't see some gaslighting against the dude that played second fiddle to Obama for 8 years. Unless you're one of the fuck Obama crowd.

I'm not hurting financially at all.

You fuckers almost make me want trump to win because it burns you fucks. Not me. I made enough before I was 25 to buy your laundromat.

But nah. I care about my country, family, friends enough to vote against trump.

Maga right? Sigh.

Ps fuck your service.. pussy. If you don't see our constitution getting trampled right now and see no problems. Your a bitch and I see why your chick won't let you ride a motorcycle. Can't drive from the bitch seat. Gnight princess. Ps the stock you told me to buy into is tanking