Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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i am sorry ,sedan!i will try to explain, a mule is about like a golf cart on four wheeler tires with a dump bed on back, mostly used to do yard work , haul limbs or dirt and such for garden or ride around local side roads .once taken they are rarely recovered. the tractor was larger than this person could handle it is a1975 ford three cyl diesel with fluid filled rear tires,for better traction,no chance loading it on a pickup truck.
The United States is also in lockdown since about March 15th.
We are no different from you, our quarantine also started at the same time.

The natives are getting restless and don't want to stay at home and stay alive..
In this sense, we also do not differ from us. We also have the natives mostly dissatisfied.)) Not because they do not want to live, but because they want to eat. Without work, it is impossible for them to feed their family. Conquistadors also sit at home or relax in country mansions. They have enough money in bank accounts to live more than one year.

I think Darwin has the answer for such people!
Yes, this is natural selection, absolutely true. This is when people are tormented and raped for several hundred years, then only the most persistent individuals of the species survive. Therefore, your natives must have very persistent genetics. Those at risk of dying of the virus are more exposed to those who have spent their whole lives in luxury and idleness without any resistance. The body of such a person is more vulnerable, and more sensitive to stresses of any kind.

As for my own attitude to this virus, I think that this is not by chance everything, and this all has a definite purpose.

I think you should not out such blind faith in any LED manufacturer
Bro, I believe my eyes, not a single Samsung diode, at 37 watts of power, can you grow this.

i am sorry ,sedan!i will try to explain, a mule is about like a golf cart on four wheeler tires with a dump bed on back, mostly used to do yard work , haul limbs or dirt and such for garden or ride around local side roads .once taken they are rarely recovered. the tractor was larger than this person could handle it is a1975 ford three cyl diesel with fluid filled rear tires,for better traction,no chance loading it on a pickup truck.

Now I understand bro!)))

I'm just in English, like you in Latin)) do not forget about it.))

I broke my head to understand where the mule can have a rear wheel.))) Then I thought that you called your tractor a "mule".))) Did you watch the movie with Michael Douglas "Romancing The Stone"? I immediately remembered the guy who called his jeep a "mule")))

This is the wrong concept. IMHO
I agree quality should be first concern, but when business comes in they think profit.

cheap Chinese diodes
Red is good for flower, blue for veg...but the science seems to say that even with the cheap diodes, if you can put enough of therm to have a high PPFD they will produce. The difference in quality is in how many diodes at what wattage is required to hit your desired "daily light integral" which is a measure of the total photons the plant gets in 1 day. A "600W" Mars that really is 120W will not produce like a 600W HLG, because it's really 500W less power than the HLG, not necessarily because of the light spectrum.

More effective in what sense
Driven at the same wattage, Samsung produce more photons in the range of photosynthetic active radiation. Yes they get hot, but you can drive them hard and use less diodes for the same space or put more, drive them softer, and still have more photons.

It is unclear from the science that light spectrum has any difference below a certain threshold. Once you reach a certain photon density the addition of red starts becoming economical. Once you hit another level the Emerson effect becomes economical. If your lights only reach PPFD 600 it would be better to add more pure white wattage than color specific, no matter what brand.

I think my main point here is that a lot of people talk about how special their light is, when the main thing that matters is true wattage and ppfd. Like I said before though, a good grower can account for this and do well.

Bro, you don’t find that something reminds us.
I get surprised a lot brother! I do accept reality though. Coronavirus was discovered in the 1930s. Flu and pneumonia are similar, but the 3 impacts the world has noticed from it are SARS, MERS and Covid-19. This kind of virus, respiratory, is the most common as it's the most transmissible. And yes like Spanish flu it will have big impact, they will make a vaccine, some people will get antibody immunity, and then only tens of thousand people will die from it each year, like the flu.

This is not surprising ;)

your crime is not less than ours. And not only in big cities.
I though crime was worse here than the rest of the world...petty crime anyway...we have more people in prison than anywhere.

faith in any LED manufacturer
Agreed there, they just want ya money. I do think a lot of hype around the "special spectrums" is all BS. The only things shown to matter (via science) outside PAR for light are UV and far red and most scientists are now considering upping the PAR range to include those 300-700ish.

I do like the companies that try to cut through the BS. I think HLG does a good job of realistic marketing, Cutter, Timber, and that guy Anc on here seems to rock. If i were buying a light, I would feel comfortable with those, but I would for sure research the current best tech and get the one that has that (or 1 generation behind to save money).

Peace and safety to all in these times! Sounds like we're opening up here next week.
Agreed there, they just want ya money. I do think a lot of hype around the "special spectrums" is all BS. The only things shown to matter (via science) outside PAR for light are UV and far red and most scientists are now considering upping the PAR range to include those 300-700ish.
This is quite interesting - care to elaborate a bit? What's the reason for this change? Just thinking about this for a second... UVA actually doesn't do that much damage and ofc, the photon would hold much more energy required to excite the reaction center.
Bro, I believe my eyes, not a single Samsung diode, at 37 watts of power, can you grow this
Brother Sedan you missed my point. The best Samsung diodes are only about .2 watt, and you want to put them in the best fixture designed for your space to spread their photons evenly. This is how you can get the most light, most effectively, most cheaply...or so the kids say in the LED channel. But, everyone has an agenda there it seems, either to sell something or stroke ego maybe...some people spread bad info on purpose it seems to me though.

care to elaborate a bit?
The original PAR maps were squared in early days some limited ....even 400-600. As they learn more in science they update that (but even different universities use different ones)..It's now considered more trapezoid though blue to deep red maybe 385-660 on average...but some are saying maybe down to 200s even and post 700 on the red. Edit### check out the Emerson effect.

Before cannabis though they wee trying to average things i think and the objectives were different. Maybe tomatoes have the most similar needs, timings, etc.

By the way, I don't know anything I'm just a dumb hill Billy that reads a lot. I do try to remember ;)

One more edit** at first they also didn't think green was used for photosynthesis, hence the blurple lights on the market. Many people spend more money than they have to because they don't understand that up to ~1000/1200 PPFD exotic light spectrum don't make as much difference in yields as the other factors (temp, water, nutrients, CO2, love). If you have all that then adding stuffs can improve things, maybe, when proven like the Emerson effect.

For example, what light spectrum on that 37 watt plant Sedan showed? Not too exotic probably.
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Red is good for flower, blue for veg...but the science seems to say that even with the cheap diodes, if you can put enough of therm to have a high PPFD they will produce.

Once upon a time ... maybe a year, maybe more, back, we discussed all this here ..

Yes, if you put a lot of diodes and give them weak power, it is possible to make a high-quality lamp, but there is a lot of work and for the price it will come out not much cheaper. And yes, the efficiency of cheap diodes is about 20%, the rest 80% you pay for heating the box.)))

Driven at the same wattage, Samsung produce more photons in the range of photosynthetic active radiation. Yes they get hot, but you can drive them hard and use less diodes for the same space or put more, drive them softer, and still have more photons.
Yes, I told you about this above. I know people who grow up in computer boxes on Samsung and Cre. There are a lot of diodes they put there .. a lot. It is impossible to grow a healthy plant in such conditions. On flowering begins to dry, a high probability of getting mold, unripe buds are obtained. Buds are burning.

I get surprised a lot brother! I do accept reality though. Coronavirus was discovered in the 1930s. Flu and pneumonia are similar, but the 3 impacts the world has noticed from it are SARS, MERS and Covid-19. This kind of virus, respiratory, is the most common as it's the most transmissible. And yes like Spanish flu it will have big impact, they will make a vaccine, some people will get antibody immunity, and then only tens of thousand people will die from it each year, like the flu.

This is not surprising
Bro, listen to what you say.)) This somehow contradicts the logic. Do not find!

1. Coronavirus was discovered in the 1930s.
2. ... they will make a vaccine.

A question arose about this: what did they do for 90 years then? Why did they suddenly want to make this vaccine immediately? How will they succeed if they haven’t succeeded in 90 years ?!

Now I will express my opinion, not public!

Yes, you're right, most likely this is not biological terrorism. Those people, their partners, partners' partners, relatives .. friends of relatives, they all also live in this world, and not on Elysium, so they are likely to become infected themselves, is also great, despite the different vaccines, they won’t risk this!

In my opinion, there are two keywords: Microsoft and the Internet.

You understand approximately what happened in 2003, what was described in the Russian news? It was the same, only it did not give the desired resonance. The first time people began to wear masks in the late 2000s. This was the second attempt, which has already affected more people. It was swine flu. Remember ?? !! Also, all the media rang about it. Then I saw a lot of masked men !!

Another 10 years have passed, now another attempt ..... Only now everything is much more serious !!! As soon as it becomes noticeable that this action had such a tremendous resonance and aroused universal hysteria, panic and fear .. then immediately Bill Gates leaves his post and goes into the vaccine business !!!

Now I draw a logical conclusion: it was planned a very long time ago: to turn the Internet into a powerful psychological weapon that will be stronger than an atomic bomb, but it’s imperceptible who organized it all! Bill Gates is essentially the first to promote the Internet in the world, he is at the forefront of the Internet! He is an accomplice in this crime !!!

They want to manipulate the mass consciousness of people! This is a new form of political propaganda. Sow people fear, fear for their life. And you are most afraid of the one who is next to you, the one who can infect you! People are distrustful of each other. Next comes the vaccination phase .. For billions of dollars (Bill Gates already), a vaccine for the virus is purchased, and billions of dollars are allocated for the study of this virus. On a global scale, these are cosmic amounts of money !! Further: people believe doctors and the World Health Organization so much that they will take any vaccine that they will be offered in such a case. And this horror, what kind of vaccine is that inside Bill Gates mixed in ?! He was going to clean the race, for this, and in 2009 (swine flu), he opened his organization "good people"))) These "good" are the richest people in the world !!! Have you ever seen kindness there !? Do you know at least one really kind person ?! Millionaire, do you personally know? not in the office where the boss is .. as a relative-millionaire!

This, as I understand it, is the cause of this virus, because it was invented, or rather inflated to an incredible scale! It's very simple .. sooner or later there will be an epidemic of a virus, such as the flu, as it has always been in history. They are waiting for this moment, and with the help of the media that belong to them, they begin to raise a panic. Yes, people see that there is a virus .. maybe just what kind of virus is this scary!

You see, the summer will begin, the virus will no longer exist!

And most importantly, this virus is beneficial to ANY statesman in ANY country in the world!

The only noble president who does not profit from his compatriots and their fear is the president of Belarus Lukashenko! He rejects the virus - says it's a lie! Do you think he's so stupid? He has ruled Belarus for 20 years already. He was called the "father" of ordinary people. And only now on the Internet such dirt began to pour on Lukashenko, it’s not only a virus, it’s all in a row. There is real bullying!

I though crime was worse here than the rest of the world...petty crime anyway...we have more people in prison than anywhere.
because your weapon is sold freely
I’ll add: Massad refused the virus.)) Israel is the most stupid after Lukashenko .. only a little later for some reason ...
There are a lot of diodes they put there .. a lot. It is impossible to grow a healthy plant in such conditions.
I seen to be doing a bad job communicating my point. Osram are not as efficient as samsung. They admit this. Testing proved this. Yes you can build a bad fixture with samsung, and burn them too hot, but you can do the same with osram. A 37W Samsung fixture will push more photons than a 37W osram, so you can grow that same plant with 30W samsung. A good grower will know to turn down the samsung, or ways to make up for the deficiencies in the osram. I believe you brother Sedan would grow well with CFL or any light.

But many companies say that they have 'special' lights with special spectrum and just overcharge for it. The testing, which is growing many clones in many different conditions, does not show a major spectrum advantage over full spectrum white, other than UV or IR maybe, and those only supplement white not replace it. Given that it seems to be better to go for the most efficient diode. I do agree some of those small boards with hundreds of diodes is too much but the strips by PLC, Cutter, Chilled, even Samsung has their own labeled strip builds that are very good. I also really dislike when a company sells a light they call the 600W version but only draws 120W from the wall, this is straight cheating people.

I don't care which one is the best, i want the best one regardless of which it is. But if any of them lie about their product I will not use them.

Coronavirus was discovered in the 1930s.
2. ... they will make a vaccine.
Brother Sedan, this part is very known here. Lysol, a cleaner in the USA, has been killing coronavirus for many years because that is the family of this virus. Covid-19 is the strain this year, as SARS and MERS were strains before, they just change and grow over time. Vaccines attack them, they respond and mutate, and new virus are born in the same family. The science for this is well understood. The flu is like this, and it is why they do a new flu vaccine each year.

Do powerful forces move to control people? Yes I believe this. Are they greater forces at work in the world sowing fear and chaos? Yes, this too. But i do not think every major thing is planned, many things happen and people use those things to their advantage and spin the news to make things look good for them.

Do i know millionaires? Yes, many. My grandfather had more than $1million in cash when he died in his house, but none of the extended family even knew. I also know many of them worry about hell fire and the good they do is to make up for the evil they did in making money. On average I'd say there are as many good ones in the population as there would be I poor people, the total sample size is smaller. For Bill Gates, is he evil? I don't know, but I could see that in his mind he would want to be remembered as a great philanthropist that took his wealth to help the world. Maybe he's all bad though, and in my worldview the evil you do will find you out, in this world or the next.

One final though on this subject, why do you think Elon wants to get off earth so bad? Because the science says extinction level events happen a lot, even without masterminds pulling the strings. All that to say brother Sedan, you may be totally correct :) I don't know, i really do like conspiracy theories, but more than that I like to debate. sometimes i will argue for the other side to move the conversation, so please don't take offense. I don't want to be constrained by my own limits, so I must push against the set patterns of my own thoughts and be open to possibility.

because your weapon is sold freely
There is good and bad to this gun policy, but the vast majority of people in prison in America are minorities on non violent, non gun related charges, mostly drugs. I think it's the lack of a social safety net, and too many people get left behind.

I don't own any guns, but my family has many. I did consider getting one with the weirdness going on, but haven't.

I hope all is going well for you and family. My mother in law they think is infected, and maybe my son, so maybe all of us here :(
Brother Sedan, this part is very known here. Lysol, a cleaner in the USA, has been killing coronavirus for many years because that is the family of this virus. Covid-19 is the strain this year, as SARS and MERS were strains before, they just change and grow over time. Vaccines attack them, they respond and mutate, and new virus are born in the same family. The science for this is well understood. The flu is like this, and it is why they do a new flu vaccine each year.
Why is this known only in the USA?

For the first time in my life I hear about a similar virus. Or is it classified materials?))) So not only does it exist, it also mutates every year .. Who knows about this virus, it gets sick, who doesn't know, it doesn't get sick!))) Or I live somewhere else place .. where they do not get sick and do not know anything about this?)) In the United States, mortality is lower than in Ukraine. The standard of living is many times higher for you. Your flu is a problem, we only learn about the flu from the news.))) Because most people get a cold in winter.)) It has always been like that! This is hypothermia. Our winters are cold. Many in Ukrian get sick every winter, but die from this unit, both now and then !!! This is far from the main problem in Ukraine at the moment, and there is no need to make medieval plague masks out of this show!

In 2009, during the time of swine flu, hundreds of millions of dollars were allegedly stolen from the budget of Ukraine ostensibly for the purchase of a vaccine and everything related to it. The Prime Minister of Ukraine was involved in the case. People didn’t get anything.))) But somehow they didn’t notice it.))

Yes, many. My grandfather had more than $1million in cash when he died in his house, but none of the extended family even knew.
I’m not telling you about people who have been denying themselves all their lives, and have been saving this million to old age. I tell you about people who earn millions every month.

as a great philanthropist
Here I am surprised ... I think you should answer ...)))

Bro, have you read the bible? Heard about the eye of a needle?))

More greedy and greedy people than millionaires do not exist and never have been!
I used to work in a serious construction business. My customers were rich people. I noticed this feature (no one will convince me of this): the more money a person has, the more greedy he is! He trades for a penny, it is fundamentally important to him !!! Fundamentally, you understand the incompatibility of the philanthropist with millions? If a millionaire were a philanthropist, he would not be a millionaire! If he acts as a patron or sponsor, then this is definitely beneficial for him !!

And how can he think about sins if he thinks that he is doing the right thing! He is sure of it!

To buy a ticket to paradise, a millionaire will be enough. after death, leave part of his inheritance for charity, because he was tired of his annoying relatives who have been pulling money out of him all his life, that he wants to punish them for it, after his death!)))) A millionaire can easily spend millions on a woman- I'll believe in it easily !!! This is my life experience!

Substation Bratan, I am very pleased that people in the USA are much kinder and more responsive than in Ukraine. And almost every millionaire is ready to share his wealth with you!))) I'm really a savage.))) Polar bear.)))

There is good and bad to this gun policy, but the vast majority of people in prison in America are minorities on non violent, non gun related charges, mostly drugs. I think it's the lack of a social safety net, and too many people get left behind.

I don't own any guns, but my family has many. I did consider getting one with the weirdness going on, but haven't.

I hope all is going well for you and family. My mother in law they think is infected, and maybe my son, so maybe all of us here
No- selling guns openly- this is wrong !!!

This is beneficial only to arms companies and officials who distribute these contracts!

We never had a weapon on sale - I'm happy with that !! Your policemen shoot innocent people and kill because they messed up, your teenagers have bloody massacres in schools !! That's horrible!! How do you believe that, bro? What a good thing!
Why is this known only in the USA?
You are pulling my leg brother Sedan, joking with me right? the Ukraine uses flu vaccines, your scientists are not blind to this. This version of the virus is stronger than some others. Flu mortality is something like .3%, Covid is something like 3%. Maybe your scientists just don't tell you? I do believe like we've been discussing that leaders use this to make people fear, so the less information that is available it's better for them. In the US the conspiracy is that this virus was created in a Chinese lab in Wuhan, which is for sure and certain the region of the world where it came from, but I'm not convinced it is man made.

Bro, have you read the bible? Heard about the eye of a needle?))
I have brother, several times, and i am a follower of Christ. Who is rich? When Jesus said this to Peter, a poor fisherman, Peter was worried and replied "who then can be saved?' Thinking he was too rich to be saved...this makes me wonder when i start to think i know who is good and bad and how we are measured. If Peter was rich, I think you and i both qualify.

My point is not to defend the rich, and yes i agree that people who build wealth over the span of their life are different than quick rich. Maybe in the US it's different, not all rich have stepped on others people get rich on ideas...but the vast majority of rich people are users and do things in their own self interest (because this is true of all types of people, rich people are just good at it) My question on Bill Gates would be why would he want to make a virus? Power, money, influence...he has these many times over. Do you truly believe he is just evil for evil sake? I try to understand motivations, if someone doesn't have a reason then they don't do things unless they're crazy, why would he want this chaos? I could not think of a positive outcome for this from his perspective, other than to change the perception of him in history. Much money has been lost over this virus, and i think world leaders will take more advantage of it than him...

But of course you may be right on all of this. i heard this saying once, "never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity", so i probably let some bad people off by thinking they were dumb.

On guns, it is complex, there will always be people who misuse them, but this is true of anything that can kill. In America, there is still the residual of coming out of the Kingdom...Many ingrained that no government would have the power to control them in that way again, and picked up arms to ensure freedom. This was good. How do we keep sick people from getting guns? criminals will get them either way. I would feel comfortable if no one owned guns, but i would not feel comfortable if only the people running the government have them. Some people, many even, would give up certain freedoms to have safety and security, even in the US. I am not one of those, because i don't believe in safety.

Here it seems more complex than just "don't sell guns" our homicide rate is actually lower by population than many countries, but we do imprison minorities a lot for non violent crimes, which has nothing to do with whether guns are sold. Mexico has much more restrictive gun controls than the US but their homicide rate nearly doubled ours by average. If guns are illegal, then only criminals have them, and they will. I found this blurb about guns in the Ukraine "President and ministers often give guns to members of elite, while making it hard for ordinary people to obtain them. It is estimated that more than 50,000 guns have been issued as presents from authorities", is that a better system?

I appreciate the discussion brother Sedan! Peace and health to you in these times.
You are pulling my leg brother Sedan, joking with me right?

no I am not joking

This is a confirmation of this:

"the flu vaccination rates were very low in Ukraine (approximately 0.5%) in the previous three years."

If you don’t create a panic, then ordinary Ukrainians are least interested in the flu problems.

.3%, Covid is something like 3%
For several years in the war every day many more people die - young .. healthy, strong! You won’t read it in the press !! This is not beneficial to anyone, so you won’t read it!

My question on Bill Gates would be why would he want to make a virus? Power, money, influence...he has these many times over. Do you truly believe he is just evil for evil sake?
You Americans somehow perceive and evaluate people and their actions in a strange way.

Once Stalin was discussed here, one guy expressed his opinion about Stalin. Stalin is a psychopath, paranoid and maniac. He killed for pleasure.

Yes, Bill Gates is paranoid, he likes to poison people.))))

As you do not understand that there are no Doctors of lecturers, this is a fiction of Hollywood. People do evil for a specific purpose. And most importantly: in most cases, they themselves do not realize that they are doing evil, because they are determined by their purpose, and do not notice anything on the way to the goal, go ahead.

Yes, my friend, now only math.

A vaccine costs $ 10, roughly in Ukraine: 40 million people live .. = $ 400 million. In the USA = $ 4 billion.

virus was created in a Chinese lab in Wuhan
This is really a tidbit !!!

15 billion dollars !!!!

To sum up the balance: Microsoft))), in the person of Bill Gates, he will earn $ 20 billion annually from only three countries of the USA, China and Ukraine.This is earning only with the flu vaccine.

Now tell me: is it good or evil?

Of course, Bill Gates is a great guy, he wants to cure the whole world. )))

Microsoft net profit of 39 billion last year. Old Bill didn’t have enough of this.
60 people get murdered in my country every day and the government does nothing...60 people die in a whole month of the corona flu, and we get locked up for 40 days (which is the original meaning of the word quarantine, practised by ships entering harbours in the middle ages).
If you don’t create a panic, then ordinary Ukrainians are least interested in the flu problems.
Maybe this is why the science I've explained to you isn't sinking in ;). I did not say covid was Flu, but it is like flu and will one day have a vaccine. Until then it's mortality rate is an order of magnitude higher than Flu but only mostly old people and weak will die. Am I panicked? No. Because at least no matter how it stayed i can follow the data and seer how it's operating. The mitigation measures are working, in the end vivid won't probably make 3% because of the lockdown.

You Americans somehow perceive and evaluate people and their actions in a strange way.
That might just be me.

A vaccine costs $ 10, roughly in Ukraine: 40 million people live .. = $ 400 million. In the USA = $ 4 billion.
the company making money right now from this is Gilead. They've made a treatment drug now approved. Not Microsoft. It all may be as you say, and it is as you say in reality, but why do you think Bill gates specifically? He talked about a vaccine in a meeting?

Don't get me wrong brother Sedan, I'm not saying Bill is good, most people are out for themselves as I've said before, i just don't see him poisoning people? I have not seen that allegation, be he certainly hadn't killed 20 million like Stalin.

60 people get murdered in my country every day and the government does nothin
Much respect to Anc. I'm in America so anything i could say would be dumb and ignorant, but i understand that point. they don't care about the plight of poor and minority here, it is very much take care of yourself. The first major impact here was to a big retirement/nursing home with many old people, so people were very scared.
60 people die in a whole month of the corona flu
Every day, at least 60 people die in the war, but nobody cares! 60 people a month and 60 a day, is there a difference?!

Maybe this is why the science I've explained to you isn't sinking in ;). I did not say covid was Flu, but it is like flu and will one day have a vaccine. Until then it's mortality rate is an order of magnitude higher than Flu but only mostly old people and weak will die. Am I panicked? No. Because at least no matter how it stayed i can follow the data and seer how it's operating. The mitigation measures are working, in the end vivid won't probably make 3% because of the lockdown.
I understand that every year people get the flu. I also understand that an outbreak of exacerbation is possible this spring, but the fact that it was inflated to such a scale is a planned action! Vaccination, when you are given the smallest electronic chip, which is supposed to kill cancer cells in the blood, has already been invented. You did not know? I didn’t know who invented it?)))) By old Bill.))) I do not advise you to take a modern vaccine, Bro! These chips can affect many organs, including the brain. Consider me paranoid.)))

I'm not saying Bill is good, most people are out for themselves as I've said before, i just don't see him poisoning people?
He does not poison, he subjugates.

be he certainly hadn't killed 20 million like Stalin.
Bro, Stalin was a maniac, he killed and raped solely out of pleasure.))) In addition, he was very interested in space technology, technical and cultural progress in the USSR. At a time when the country was starving, Stalin built a marble university in the center of Moscow, which cost tens of millions of rubles in gold. And invited everyone there who wants to study ... workers, peasants ... who have no money ...
Do you know what legacy he left for his children ?! Nothing! He had no savings at all! All that he had belonged to the state. He did not accumulate wealth and there was nothing for him to pay off the devil to go to heaven ... He did not have money, he is a maniac.)))
killed 20 million like Stalin.
I already wrote, now I repeat: Truman killed 150,000 innocent people in a few seconds - women, old people, children !!! He did it on purpose! Hundreds of thousands more died from diseases in torment a few years later. The children of those who survived were born freaks! This is me about Herosima and Nagasaki now.

This university has cost tens of thousands of lives. These are the collective farmers who were starving then, giving all their products to the state, to sell this grain abroad, and in return to buy materials and technologies for this money, to build universities, hydroelectric power stations, fly into space and be the world's foremost power, which everyone was afraid and are still afraid .... At the cost of millions of lives .. Victory, your victory over Hitler))) cost the Russian people, according to unofficial data, 40 million people.

Tell me now, my friend: why did Truman kill so many people? What was the result of this, in addition to intimidating the whole world with new weapons?
These chips can affect many organs, including the brain.
I had not heard of this, if they have invented smart chips for injection then i am totally against them, and agree with you.

This is me about Herosima and Nagasaki now.
Are you trying to get me to defend the indefensible? ;)

Tell me now, my friend: why did Truman kill so many people?
You are! I cannot defend it, the war was mostly over, i believe we know now they would have surrendered...maybe fear on our side? Yes posturing and everything, but uncertainty in war magnifies fear. There are warmonger advisors on both sides, ours probably said "we want to make sure no one ever attacks US first, show them the consequences" in retaliation for pearl harbor (do you know of this attack?).

No war can be justified other than holy war, and the only holy war is waged by God and not by man, IMO of course. i do believe in defending oneself.

About America, do i think she's perfect? No, not by far! Some things other countries are better at, like caring for the citizens, and we make many mistakes. But there are many things that are great about it, chief among them that i can say and think anything i want and do anything within reason and that i can afford. I would not trade that for being led like cattle, or a caste system, or a welfare state. Many people here do disagree with me about this ;)

Cannabis question: i read a lot and have been looking into the science behind the soil food web. Do you use beneficial bacteria? I will not be able to spell them but there are about 5 main types of bacteria the science seems to say make up a food chain with the root systems and makes totally organic growing possible, easier and maybe better overall than hydroponic/inorganic. What do you think? Do you use beneficial plants with your grow? White clover they say it's good.
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