The White privilege to terrorize

Scanned your article and saw this - "After the state police questioned the men, they returned the weapons to them because the intruders had broken no law. "
Exactly. They are just ensuring that we change those laws ASAP because it's clear that gun owners like them have no sense or reason in them.
Exactly. They are just ensuring that we change those laws ASAP because it's clear that gun owners like them have no sense or reason in them.

So you are in favor of black people being disarmed and needing special travel papers ? How 1870 of you.
Scanned your article and saw this - "After the state police questioned the men, they returned the weapons to them because the intruders had broken no law. "

yes. But first their weapons were taken. That is not what happened in Michigan. Now I wonder what would have happened if the Black Panthers got in the police officer’s faces and yelled at them.
Liberals on here are a joke. Cry about unequally but do nothing about and and just become keyboard warriors. Also their are many black, mexicans and even Asian and Muslim Americans that come armed to rallies all around the United states. Their will always be racist people and it will never change. Im a white male and ive been to job interviews and they told me if i was black they would hire me on the spot. Affirmative action suppressed me from getting a job that i was more than qualified for. I dont believe we need extra laws helping minorities. I believe in fairness. My girl friend of 5 years grew up from nothing. Dad was a alcoholic and mother disabled. Fought for school loans and got a degree in electrical engineering. Now me on the other hand had parent that both made to much for me to apply for government aid for school and did not want to pay for my college and not sign me over as a independent. I had to wait till i was 24 just to even be able to apply for government loans for college. Their is unfairness everywhere. Thats way no matter what race we are, we all should try to work hard and achieve greatness no matter of who trys to stop you.
I thought this was a fantastic article worthy of sharing

I thought this was a fantastic article worthy of sharing

this group believes in owning human beings- that's what all this comes down to.'s going to get better.
yes. But first their weapons were taken. That is not what happened in Michigan. Now I wonder what would have happened if the Black Panthers got in the police officer’s faces and yelled at them.

It's likely 52 years ago, obedient government schooled cops would have followed illegal orders and shot black men had they been ordered to. Just like stupid National Guard dicks gunned done 4 students protesting war in Ohio at Kent State in the same era.

Ironically the people in Michigan these days are protesting illegal orders and oppression too, by definition they are protesting "terrorism".

Are you agreeing with the gun loving panty waist that wrote the shitty article saying the Michigan activity is terrorism ?

Aren't all government edicts, legal or illegal, backed up with threats of gun use ?

How would the writer of the shitty article propose stopping people from protesting illegal Governor's edicts ? He'd want to use guns. Can you refute that ?
this is good too by the same writer:

Excerpted from the article - "This violence is a singular privilege afforded to caucasian men in America.".

Didn't "the first black President" order the drone death of a young American muslim person without due process ?

Wonder what the author would make of that ?
It's likely 52 years ago, obedient government schooled cops would have followed illegal orders and shot black men had they been ordered to. Just like stupid National Guard dicks gunned done 4 students protesting war in Ohio at Kent State in the same era.

Ironically the people in Michigan these days are protesting illegal orders and oppression too, by definition they are protesting "terrorism".

Are you agreeing with the gun loving panty waist that wrote the shitty article saying the Michigan activity is terrorism ?

Aren't all government edicts, legal or illegal, backed up with threats of gun use ?

How would the writer of the shitty article propose stopping people from protesting illegal Governor's edicts ? He'd want to use guns. Can you refute that ?

the writer was awesome..boy what an achilles heel you have.

i disagree. the governor has every right to limit citizens activity due to a health crisis..the activity of those citizens at the capitol are putting others at risk.

i say: JAIL THEM.
Excerpted from the article - "This violence is a singular privilege afforded to caucasian men in America.".

Didn't "the first black President" order the drone death of a young American muslim person without due process ?

Wonder what the author would make of that ?

wasn't there intel that the sweet cherub wasn't so sweet after all?..
wasn't there intel that the sweet cherub wasn't so sweet after all?..

It is treasonous for a President not to follow the Constitution isn't it ? Obama authorized a gangland slaying, no due process. Obama is a thug. Like all Presidents.

I am saying Black Panthers from long ago and Michigan protesters today are united in a timeless cause, that it's good to fight oppression.

The writer of the original post article seems to believe in two opposing things at once, guns are bad in the hands of freedom seekers. Guns are good, in the hands of people that will attack the freedom seekers, he termed freedom seekers "terrorists".

Writer is a clown, I'd give that pansy a nuggie and a wedgie, then make him spit shine my gun.
So you are in favor of black people being disarmed and needing special travel papers ? How 1870 of you.

If that crowd in Michigan were black, cops would have opened fire.

White privilege is on display right here:

A black man would have been gunned down after the first drop of spittle.

I'm willing to bet that some of those same white male crybabies who are literally killing themselves for the right to associate with infected people are the same ones who want to run down black protesters in a demonstration that blocks traffic. Your kind of white man pays lip service to rights.

Damn, you claim the right to bugger a child if they don't object. If a store owner doesn't want to serve the public then they shouldn't be open to the public.