First off your pretty shortsighted imo. Ya someone's out to get ya...ya right. Must suck to think your that important or any of us for that matter. Geez man. Can't you read between the lines?
So what's your grand plan to fix this then smart ass! Let's hear your master plan to stop this. Folks have sacrificed and put themselves out to slow this down. Thanks to them!
You haven't lost any rights. 99% of us see it for what it is. A sensible request to stop a spreading disease.
That's nice your not butthurt when asked. So what you're saying is your reasonable then? Good. That's what we all need to be. And if everyone was we wouldn't have had to ticket and threaten folks with fines. Which by the way they are relaxing a bit. See it worked! Are we out of the woods yet...hardly.
Unfortunately the stupid often need lead by the hand to figure shit out. So apparently they need threatened to figure it out too.
Easy for you to say while your biz carries on. The fact is, 1/3 of all Canadian businesses will likely never reopen after this. 35M Canadians prosperity vs 2500 untimely, deaths. We don’t shutdown the economy when 3500 Canadians die from the flu every year. This whole things has been mismanaged by the Feds, and especially Ford.
A right and a privilege are almost the same thing.......:roll: I see my rights as great privileges.
But I know what you were asking.
lol....nobody is trying to control you. Such a foolish notion.

Speaking of foolish notions...

Rights and privileges are distinctly separate things.

A right is something you're supposed to be able to do and it would be wrong for other people to prevent you from doing it.

A privilege is something you can grant to another person or not. It can be revoked.

If a person is championing turning rights into a revocable privilege, that person IS trying to control.
Speaking of foolish notions...

Rights and privileges are distinctly separate things.

A right is something you're supposed to be able to do and it would be wrong for other people to prevent you from doing it.

A privilege is something you can grant to another person or not. It can be revoked.

If a person is championing turning rights into a revocable privilege, that person IS trying to control.
Wrong as usual
Your pathetic...I'm glad your not in charge of anything. We don't anymore chicken littles.
First off your pretty shortsighted imo. Ya someone's out to get ya...ya right. Must suck to think your that important or any of us for that matter. Geez man. Can't you read between the lines?
So what's your grand plan to fix this then smart ass! Let's hear your master plan to stop this. Folks have sacrificed and put themselves out to slow this down. Thanks to them!
You haven't lost any rights. 99% of us see it for what it is. A sensible request to stop a spreading disease.
That's nice your not butthurt when asked. So what you're saying is your reasonable then? Good. That's what we all need to be. And if everyone was we wouldn't have had to ticket and threaten folks with fines. Which by the way they are relaxing a bit. See it worked! Are we out of the woods yet...hardly.
Unfortunately the stupid often need lead by the hand to figure shit out. So apparently they need threatened to figure it out too.

First off, I don't have the right to make and force my plans on other people.
I only have a right to make plans for me, my property etc. and to ask people to consider my ideas when my ideas concern them or their property.

You are important and deserve to be respected, until you start thinking your importance grants you a right to remove another persons rights. Then you're wrong and risk loss of respect at a minimum.

My grand plan is not to try to use force to run your life for you or to reduce your rights to revocable privileges. What could be more reasonable than that?

You persist in word abuse though. A lockdown isn't a simple request, it's an order. A simple request might be, "hey The Hippy, would you please not use words like "request" when you should have used a word like "ordered" ?

99% of people who abuse words do it to make a thing like ordered sound less threatening. So they substitute a word like "request".

Yes, unfortunately the stupid often need to be lead by the hand to figure this shit out.
Wrong as usual
Your pathetic...I'm glad your not in charge of anything. We don't anymore chicken littles.

I am in charge of something, I'm in charge of me and nobody else is.

I'm finding it hard to follow your post though, it looks like you declared me wrong, but offered no good argument to bolster your claim.

I'm sorry you think it's pathetic that I won't join you in abusing words and trying to make others choices for them.
I am in charge of something, I'm in charge of me and nobody else is.

I'm finding it hard to follow your post though, it looks like you declared me wrong, but offered no good argument to bolster your claim.

I'm sorry you think it's pathetic that I won't join you in abusing words and trying to make others choices for them.
Imo your wrong because your way more worried than need be on your freedoms. You still have them...don't sweat it!
Believe me nobody wants to control you. That's just plain silly.
I can't justify or explain to you why your unfounded self scaries are wrong. You actually believe the stuff.
If I'm so "locked" down as you seem to feel, How come I'm still out there moving around. Nobody is really locked down until you act stupid. You can't see that obviously. They needed that set of guidelines for the duffusses who didn't understand that hanging out spreads it.
I agree that some businesses will NOT make it. And that's a tragedy.
Many wouldn't have made it even without this situation. But to have done nothing would have possibly been much worse.
I am in charge of something, I'm in charge of me and nobody else is.

I'm finding it hard to follow your post though, it looks like you declared me wrong, but offered no good argument to bolster your claim.

I'm sorry you think it's pathetic that I won't join you in abusing words and trying to make others choices for them.
Well folks like you who think you live alone around here and are "in charge of nobody else" are the problem. That selfish attitude is just what makes this escalate.
Why is so hard for you to see if you get near someone else who has it you might catch it. Are you not intelligent enough to understand that?
Anyway schooling you isn't my job. Enjoy your rights or privileges or how ever you view the efforts of others that helps you.
Imo your wrong because your way more worried than need be on your freedoms. You still have them...don't sweat it!
Believe me nobody wants to control you. That's just plain silly.
I can't justify or explain to you why your unfounded self scaries are wrong. You actually believe the stuff.
If I'm so "locked" down as you seem to feel, How come I'm still out there moving around. Nobody is really locked down until you act stupid. You can't see that obviously. They needed that set of guidelines for the duffusses who didn't understand that hanging out spreads it.
I agree that some businesses will NOT make it. And that's a tragedy.
Many wouldn't have made it even without this situation. But to have done nothing would have possibly been much worse.

So, do you have the right to force a person to shut their business down ? Rhetorical question, no you don't.

Since you don't have that right, how could you have delegated it to anybody else if you never had the right in the first place? Rhetorical question, you can't delegate a nonexistent right.

Do I need to spell the rest of it out for you ?
Well folks like you who think you live alone around here and are "in charge of nobody else" are the problem. That selfish attitude is just what makes this escalate.
Why is so hard for you to see if you get near someone else who has it you might catch it. Are you not intelligent enough to understand that?
Anyway schooling you isn't my job. Enjoy your rights or privileges or how ever you view the efforts of others that helps you.

So, because I don't want to control other people or be controlled by them, I'm selfish. I can see your point, it's pretty rude of me not to be trying to run your life for you.

If people don't want to contract a virus, shouldn't they just stay home? Why is it so hard for them to understand that's the best place for them to be, if they don't want to "catch it" ?

I'm intelligent enough to know the difference between a right and a privilege, despite your "schooling" me.
So, do you have the right to force a person to shut their business down ? Rhetorical question, no you don't.

Since you don't have that right, how could you have delegated it to anybody else if you never had the right in the first place? Rhetorical question, you can't delegate a nonexistent right.

Do I need to spell the rest of it out for you ?
Oh fuck...are you scared of everything...too funny.
If people don't want to contract a virus, shouldn't they just stay home? Why is it so hard for them to understand that's the best place for them to be, if they don't want to "catch it" ?

I'm intelligent enough to know the difference between a right and a privilege, despite your "schooling" me.
Least your catching on charge pal.
So, because I don't want to control other people or be controlled by them, I'm selfish. I can see your point, it's pretty rude of me not to be trying to run your life for you.

If people don't want to contract a virus, shouldn't they just stay home? Why is it so hard for them to understand that's the best place for them to be, if they don't want to "catch it" ?

I'm intelligent enough to know the difference between a right and a privilege, despite your "schooling" me.
What was your plan to stop this...didn't actually catch that part yet!
Or is your idea that if you whine and cry enough that your rights are gone it will just go away?
Your plan is/ gonna be? C'mon mister expert...tells us your plan.
You got no plan right...didn't come in the tin foil hat with foaming mouth pellets? hahahah
Good thing your not leading the troops or anyone for that matter. .
What was your plan to stop this...didn't actually catch that part yet!
Or is your idea that if you whine and cry enough that your rights are gone it will just go away?
Your plan is/ gonna be? C'mon mister expert...tells us your plan.

I sense that you may have wet your pants. Would you like a brief recess so that you may put on clean undergarments?
I've got pics too. Just too clarify...guess which one you are? Hint .......(rightside)
Anyway you must be tired now from fearing your locked down...go to sleep it's late.