

View attachment 4542069

Nice try though. It catches positives 85% of the time. Maybe.

Rushing things through at warp speed has it's drawbacks. Going to be a long hot summer.
my community has a small but VERY VOCAL group of people yelling about, "THis PaNDeMiC iS FAkE anD ThE reAL SiCKneSs iS CuZ oF 5G! Do'NT TReaD oN MuH rIGHtS! YoU CAnT CLosE THe beaCH cuZ CoNstiTUtion! DoNT BE shEEp!"

It's.... Exhausting.
Yelling is close to coughing or sneezing. Make sure you wear eye protection as well as a respirator if you have one, stay 30 feet away from them and try to make sure you are upwind. Pray for the Darwin effect to come quickly and reduce the vectors.
All we need now are some anti-vaxxers!
Oh, just wait about a year to 18 months!

Herd immunity won't include the whole herd.

When Dr. Salk came up with the polio vaccine (and later Dr. Sabin with the oral vac on a sugarcube) they were heralded as the greatest thing in history.

But people got tired of seeing kids in wheelchairs and there was no internet then.

That happened in my lifetime and I still vividly remember those kids a few years older in wheelchairs. It was horrible, people would have done anything to stop it.
Oh, just wait about a year to 18 months!

Herd immunity won't include the whole herd.

When Dr. Salk came up with the polio vaccine (and later Dr. Sabin with the oral vac on a sugarcube) they were heralded as the greatest thing in history.

But people got tired of seeing kids in wheelchairs and there was no internet then.

That happened in my lifetime and I still vividly remember those kids a few years older in wheelchairs. It was horrible, people would have done anything to stop it.
I remember. A guy I went to school with was the child of early anti-vaxxers. He contracted polio. He decided to go to med. school to combat ignorance.
I don't eat pork. Let the swines live!

Some people here are really serious about their bacon. @420God posted a pic of a mountain of bacon... like more bacon than I've seen one person have. I asked what he was going to do with that much bacon. From people's responses you'd think I kicked their dog.

I bought 2 center cut ham roasts a couple days ago.

We're good for a while ;-). Long expiration dates.

Just add coleslaw and fresh rolls.

No apple sauce or pepper jelly?