should I flip to flower or wait a bit


Well-Known Member
You want to try and veg, until you have 1 top per square.

The whole point of SCROG is to spread your plant, and provide and even plane for all your tops to utilize your light footprint evenly.

The more time you spend getting all your tops even, and filling your screen will directly correlate to a better yield at the end of your grow... provided all other factors in the environment were dialed in


Well-Known Member
I’ll do it tomorrow morning when I hit my legs I’ll update pics then if you guys could follow me along and coach me alon the way I’d greatly appreciate it


Well-Known Member
Day 44 from seed did some tucking today decided not to switch her pot and rock her out with a #3gro pro... one thing i have noticed with this strain is that she is extremely leafy I just wanna cut off all her leaves so I can see whats going on and what I’m doing lol



Well-Known Member
Day 44 from seed did some tucking today decided not to switch her pot and rock her out with a #3gro pro... one thing i have noticed with this strain is that she is extremely leafy I just wanna cut off all her leaves so I can see whats going on and what I’m doing lol
See how she stretches out first.


Well-Known Member
Will do,im not going to start defoliation unless I can’t tuck them out of the way last go around I stunted her pretty bad lesson learned


Well-Known Member
Ok guys I need some advise I’m running into the same problem I ran into last grow my run off ph has dropped to 5.6 and just like last time as soon as my run off dropped below 5.7 I’m seeing burn tips I’m in coco I am feeding 375 ppm ph to 5.7-5.8 I water 1gal every morning always with Feed she’s in a hard pot is it possible she’s being over watered??? My run off ppm is 317 so no salt build up wtf is going on


Well-Known Member
Sounds like she’s eating and hungry. Up feed to 0.9-1.0 EC. 450-500 ppm

I may be way off, not sure what your temps/humidity is at.... but that’s what I’d do..

Or feed to run off twice a day.

I feed 9 times a day in 2 gallons at 1.0 EC. 500 ppm. They’re wet all the time. Coco DTW.

Like I said. May be way off. But that EC drop tells me they’re pulling nutes.


Well-Known Member
So what’s up with low ph I thought eating plants in coco raise ph runoff? Also what’s going on with burnt tips is she starveing?


Well-Known Member
I never go by PH of run off. Only EC. PH in the same as you. 5.8.

I always go with:
EC drop... up EC slightly.
EC rise... drop EC slightly.

But I can pretty much get away with vege through flower with 1.0 EC the whole way. I set it and leave it.

What’s your temp/humidity? Cold in there?


Well-Known Member
Haha, just noticed the cat taking a sip from your run off saucer! I bet kitty likes the chewing on the leafs. My cats did.

One also liked to piss in one of the pots I was growing in promix with. Damn, I tried to flush that to no avail. Total cat piss bud.