Bic Color


what color bics to people use. I really like to buy pink and purple. People seem to be less likely to take a pink lighter then a blue or black one. I also never use a white light, I have always been told its bad luck to use a white lighter to smoke pot, anybody else heard these?


Well-Known Member
i usually pick up whatever colour lighter is on the table wherever i am, I try not to buy lighters its an expensive habbit, used to be a 20 a day man but i cut down.


Well-Known Member
around here its the red bic that's bad luck soo I usually carry a red one less likely to be snatched up


Well-Known Member
I tried to give up Bics when possible. All disposable lighters.

I walk on the beach, and find at least one or two disposable lighters washed up every time

I use a Colibri soft flame cigar lighter now. Comes with a poker on the bottom built in


Bobby schmeckle

Well-Known Member
I have the same one as @Bobby schmeckle which makes mine even cooler than it already was at the same time making his less cool as I have the same one.

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I ended up with mine by lighter-jacking my friend.

It sat in my fishing bag for like a year til I found it the other day when my lighter died.

I sent him a picture of it that said "hey look! some dumbass left this cool lighter in my fishing bag."

His response was: :finger:

Bobby schmeckle

Well-Known Member
I tried to give up Bics when possible. All disposable lighters.

I walk on the beach, and find at least one or two disposable lighters washed up every time

I use a Colibri soft flame cigar lighter now. Comes with a poker on the bottom built in

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Yeah I notice them everywhere too. I like to light a candle and then use a hempwick to light the bowl. Doesn't go through lighters nearly as quick and the bowls taste 10x better. I never realized how much you can taste butane.:spew: