
Hello friends

In Spain we have been confined since March 14 and the number of deaths has decreased considerably in the last three days. In Italy there are similar data.

The massive tests will take on special relevance, with the aim of detecting early not only severe cases, but also minor ones.

In this scenario, it is expected that spaces such as hotels or public facilities will be enabled where patients who test positive but are asymptomatic or show mild symptoms can be quarantined. Health authorities suspect that the asymptomatic infected are the main cause of the spread of the disease, and therefore they are available in these places known as "Noah's coffers", which will already be used in China.

Two strategies to break the coronavirus
So far the surveillance strategy has focused on serious cases in hospitals and on the part of health and essential personnel, but in this next phase, which "is going to be long", two main strategies are planned.

María José Sierra, from the Center for Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies, has specified that the first of these will be "the prior detection of infected cases, in order to isolate them and prevent the virus from circulating." To proceed with this, "rapid test but above all PCR" will be used, so "many more PCR will be produced, so that there is more capacity".

The second strategy, in which the tests will quickly be essential, is to know how the virus is circulating and which patients have passed and the disease, and thus many of them have developed immunity. For this comet, "major seroprevalence studies" are being designed to help go to the relaxing restrictive measures of social distancing.
Well, I think I've mentioned in some threads my brother in NYC has been fighting what can only be CV-19, but he can't get tested because he doesn't need hospitalization. He has had a low grade fever for almost 4 weeks now; headaches, fatigue, typical flu symptoms. He has a few underlying conditions - he is 63, has had stints put in for coronary blockage, has had diabetes, and recently had surgery for a massive kidney stone.

He just can't seem to shake it off, but at least he hasn't had to go near a house of death.

NYC has had no basic supplies in pharmacies for all of that time. He can't go out, but he also couldn't find a pharmacy (or amazon) to deliver things like tylenol (because of blood thinners, tylenol is the only pain/fever med he can take) or even a thermometer. I had to express mail him items like that from mass because we seem to have plenty.

So as bad as the hospital situation in nyc is, there is a large population of shut-in sick as well. They aren't being counted and for those who don't have a support system, they don't have even the most basic treatments available to them. I have to imagine there are bodies is apartments nobody knows about because they haven't decomposed to the point where they would be noticed.

Coming to a major city near you. Coming to rural areas near you. Elections have consequences.
Hello friends

In Spain we have been confined since March 14 and the number of deaths has decreased considerably in the last three days. In Italy there are similar data.

The massive tests will take on special relevance, with the aim of detecting early not only severe cases, but also minor ones.

In this scenario, it is expected that spaces such as hotels or public facilities will be enabled where patients who test positive but are asymptomatic or show mild symptoms can be quarantined. Health authorities suspect that the asymptomatic infected are the main cause of the spread of the disease, and therefore they are available in these places known as "Noah's coffers", which will already be used in China.

Two strategies to break the coronavirus
So far the surveillance strategy has focused on serious cases in hospitals and on the part of health and essential personnel, but in this next phase, which "is going to be long", two main strategies are planned.

María José Sierra, from the Center for Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies, has specified that the first of these will be "the prior detection of infected cases, in order to isolate them and prevent the virus from circulating." To proceed with this, "rapid test but above all PCR" will be used, so "many more PCR will be produced, so that there is more capacity".

The second strategy, in which the tests will quickly be essential, is to know how the virus is circulating and which patients have passed and the disease, and thus many of them have developed immunity. For this comet, "major seroprevalence studies" are being designed to help go to the relaxing restrictive measures of social distancing.
It's a capitalist free for all here. Help to the highest bidder. Stores are withholding T.P., iso and sanitizers to increase demand and profit. Government is blocking the sale and distribution of supplies. Preventing distilleries from making sanitizer for hospitals. People are being forced to not earn income and lose everything while record level profit recording companies are getting billions in free handouts. Most here can't pay rent after this month. Let alone eat or seek medical care. Sorry Vets. Fuck the USA. It has been fucking us from birth.
Well, I think I've mentioned in some threads my brother in NYC has been fighting what can only be CV-19, but he can't get tested because he doesn't need hospitalization. He has had a low grade fever for almost 4 weeks now; headaches, fatigue, typical flu symptoms. He has a few underlying conditions - he is 63, has had stints put in for coronary blockage, has had diabetes, and recently had surgery for a massive kidney stone.

He just can't seem to shake it off, but at least he hasn't had to go near a house of death.

NYC has had no basic supplies in pharmacies for all of that time. He can't go out, but he also couldn't find a pharmacy (or amazon) to deliver things like tylenol (because of blood thinners, tylenol is the only pain/fever med he can take) or even a thermometer. I had to express mail him items like that from mass because we seem to have plenty.

So as bad as the hospital situation in nyc is, there is a large population of shut-in sick as well. They aren't being counted and for those who don't have a support system, they don't have even the most basic treatments available to them. I have to imagine there are bodies is apartments nobody knows about because they haven't decomposed to the point where they would be noticed.

Coming to a major city near you. Coming to rural areas near you. Elections have consequences.
Not a doctor here. But 4 weeks is beyond the length of the cycle of this virus. Let's hope it is standard depression and worry. Two things that make us sick in a hurry. I hope those bodies didn't suffer too long. Pathetic people we have become.
Not a doctor here. But 4 weeks is beyond the length of the cycle of this virus. Let's hope it is standard depression and worry. Two things that make us sick in a hurry. I hope those bodies didn't suffer too long. Pathetic people we have become.

His doctor told him via telemed that she has seen several cases go 4-6 weeks before resolving. I was surprised also since the this is outside the "most patient" statistics. But so many people are infected, that curve has some pretty long tails. Luckily, it seems when you get this far into it, it is rare to be hospitalized. "Most" people end up hospitalized in the first week or two after symptoms.
His doctor told him via telemed that she has seen several cases go 4-6 weeks before resolving. I was surprised also since the this is outside the "most patient" statistics. But so many people are infected, that curve has some pretty long tails. Luckily, it seems when you get this far into it, it is rare to be hospitalized. "Most" people end up hospitalized in the first week or two after symptoms.
Best wishes and may most of us be immune or at least resistant. Stay safe and help people if the opportunity presents itself.
I understand why we are a few days ahead of you. The same problems are happening here. I hope that Spain and the EU take quick measures to help families and small businesses. Confinement can also be disastrous in the medium term. Compete took the matter as a joke. No forecast and bad management. To give an example, now we recommend that the entire population put on a mask. 4 days ago it was not necessary...

A little humor and what not to do

I’m not sure how effective homemade masks are but in my daughters case, she can’t keep her fingers out of her mouth. Constantly biting her nails. I could see the benefit there. Anything to keep your hands away from your face.

Nail biting is a hard habit to break. I was a lifelong nail biter until just recently. I finally stopped about a year ago. The problem with biting your nails is they're always there. My father used to get all over me for doing it but I never stopped. Finally decades later I'm actually using clippers to trim my nails. I used to bite and pick at them until there was nothing left and my fingers would bleed. I even got suspended from school once for beating up another kid that kept calling me "No Nails". You definitely want to get your daughter to stop that habit. Good luck.
Well, I think I've mentioned in some threads my brother in NYC has been fighting what can only be CV-19, but he can't get tested because he doesn't need hospitalization. He has had a low grade fever for almost 4 weeks now; headaches, fatigue, typical flu symptoms. He has a few underlying conditions - he is 63, has had stints put in for coronary blockage, has had diabetes, and recently had surgery for a massive kidney stone.

He just can't seem to shake it off, but at least he hasn't had to go near a house of death.

NYC has had no basic supplies in pharmacies for all of that time. He can't go out, but he also couldn't find a pharmacy (or amazon) to deliver things like tylenol (because of blood thinners, tylenol is the only pain/fever med he can take) or even a thermometer. I had to express mail him items like that from mass because we seem to have plenty.

So as bad as the hospital situation in nyc is, there is a large population of shut-in sick as well. They aren't being counted and for those who don't have a support system, they don't have even the most basic treatments available to them. I have to imagine there are bodies is apartments nobody knows about because they haven't decomposed to the point where they would be noticed.

Coming to a major city near you. Coming to rural areas near you. Elections have consequences.
Your brother is very lucky to have you.
I understand why we are a few days ahead of you. The same problems are happening here. I hope that Spain and the EU take quick measures to help families and small businesses. Confinement can also be disastrous in the medium term. Compete took the matter as a joke. No forecast and bad management. To give an example, now we recommend that the entire population put on a mask. 4 days ago it was not necessary...

A little humor and what not to do

Just disgusted with humanity as a whole at the time. I was raised to be generous and respectful. And that a favor is more valuable than a dollar. Those people function very well and all are content. The world around us is chaos and violence. Be well. Keep smiling. Even if it is due to what the people involved deserve in return for their ignorance. Peace.
Well, I think I've mentioned in some threads my brother in NYC has been fighting what can only be CV-19, but he can't get tested because he doesn't need hospitalization. He has had a low grade fever for almost 4 weeks now; headaches, fatigue, typical flu symptoms. He has a few underlying conditions - he is 63, has had stints put in for coronary blockage, has had diabetes, and recently had surgery for a massive kidney stone.

He just can't seem to shake it off, but at least he hasn't had to go near a house of death.

NYC has had no basic supplies in pharmacies for all of that time. He can't go out, but he also couldn't find a pharmacy (or amazon) to deliver things like tylenol (because of blood thinners, tylenol is the only pain/fever med he can take) or even a thermometer. I had to express mail him items like that from mass because we seem to have plenty.

So as bad as the hospital situation in nyc is, there is a large population of shut-in sick as well. They aren't being counted and for those who don't have a support system, they don't have even the most basic treatments available to them. I have to imagine there are bodies is apartments nobody knows about because they haven't decomposed to the point where they would be noticed.

Coming to a major city near you. Coming to rural areas near you. Elections have consequences.

And this is why we should be checking on our neighbors

Not a doctor here. But 4 weeks is beyond the length of the cycle of this virus. Let's hope it is standard depression and worry. Two things that make us sick in a hurry. I hope those bodies didn't suffer too long. Pathetic people we have become.
He has underlying illness and it is taking longer for his body to fight the illness. Thankfully he's able to fight it at home with his brother's support.