worst/best quality or habbit


Good lyrics, btw go grow, but the vocals needed a bit of work.....no offense:peace:

thats not me... its an ex, but about me.... just thought about it with the whole solitude thought.... whether or not she hates me now, and i may regret some of the things i have done, our interactions with each other has changed both of our lives.... we would both have a slightly different life if we had never met... much more to the story there, but im sure you get what im trying to say


Well-Known Member
Good lyrics, btw go grow, but the vocals needed a bit of work.....no offense:peace:
I think some studio work could fix it :roll:

But it's very good, I think she needs to fine tune her voice and it'd have an even more impressive impact.

i think i'll need to give it a few more listens to fully understand the feeling though


Well-Known Member
What a life it would be to light up a J and chill all day. I'd still feel the urge to get up and do something/anything, because it's been implanted into my mind that sitting around all day is a waste of time/ unproductive.

It's also interesting how we have these little things. I know that I need to do certain things, school work, etc.. because I've been told I need to.

I'm just tired of being told what I need, I want to disover what I need, what I want, but it's hard with the world around us - all it's pressures.
The pressures are only imagined. Fear is a tool of power and control. Don't be pressured or controlled. Do what you want, after a while chilling all day will get old and you will want to do something else.:lol: There is nothing you need, thats what they are afraid to tell you.;-) Your basic instinct is to create.


Well-Known Member
thats not me... its an ex, but about me.... just thought about it with the whole solitude thought.... whether or not she hates me now, and i may regret some of the things i have done, our interactions with each other has changed both of our lives.... we would both have a slightly different life if we had never met... much more to the story there, but im sure you get what im trying to say
I hear ya man,

The Space Between

Serendipity meets in an unlikely place
A fantasy created when mind and heart meet
We have both built castles of sand
Now you will not hold my hand

There is a space
Only Love can replace
A darkness in my mind
A stain upon my broken heart
Leading a innocent soul

Knowing the current of life
Flowing upon those ever changing
There is a space
Between all that is

In the space between
Love exists
Unchanging the force behind the current
The reason for all becoming
The end of all that was


Well-Known Member
The pressures are only imagined. Fear is a tool of power and control. Don't be pressured or controlled. Do what you want, after a while chilling all day will get old and you will want to do something else.:lol: There is nothing you need, thats what they are afraid to tell you.;-) Your basic instinct is to create.
Haha, don't even get me started on the walls, fear, and establishment we/our gov./etc.. have established..materialism, etc... wow, too much of it in the world right now


The pressures are only imagined. Fear is a tool of power and control. Don't be pressured or controlled. Do what you want, after a while chilling all day will get old and you will want to do something else.:lol: There is nothing you need, thats what they are afraid to tell you.;-) Your basic instinct is to create.

society is very effective at pushing these "norms" (pressures) on us... what makes it eisier is that not too many people create anymore,,, they depend on someone to create for them; which has spread over into creating thought also


Well-Known Member
Haha, don't even get me started on the walls, fear, and establishment we/our gov./etc.. have established..materialism, etc... wow, too much of it in the world right now
Then throw it off layer by layer, feels good to be light an free! Don't reject it just accept it all as it is and open your mind to all possibilities.


Well-Known Member
most of them were black sheep and refused to accept the wisdom of the shepherd... they would rather look at pretty lights and rub menthol on themselves....
Have you ever thought it might have been something wrong with you. I have. It's kind of insecure thought, but I've been there. I convience myself it's not though. Don't really know how to look at that situation.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I gotcha.I used to think that way about my first real love.I saw him 8 years later, and he handed me back the braid I had cut off for him.I used to think we were meant to be together, and I guess so did he...but we'd both changed.He was an Alpha male type, wanted a submissive female, and I am so not that, lol.Maybe next life.
thats not me... its an ex, but about me.... just thought about it with the whole solitude thought.... whether or not she hates me now, and i may regret some of the things i have done, our interactions with each other has changed both of our lives.... we would both have a slightly different life if we had never met... much more to the story there, but im sure you get what im trying to say
Nah, not what i meant...studio work...I sing, I guess I'm so hard on myself if I hit a sour note, I tend to do that to others too.
I think some studio work could fix it :roll:

But it's very good, I think she needs to fine tune her voice and it'd have an even more impressive impact.

i think i'll need to give it a few more listens to fully understand the feeling though


Well-Known Member
I go out of my way to help friends, and do nothin for myself. Also have an addicted personality. When i enjoy somthin, i want to do it or be on it all the time!!!! Painkillers....!


Well-Known Member
Have you ever thought it might have been something wrong with you. I have. It's kind of insecure thought, but I've been there. I convience myself it's not though. Don't really know how to look at that situation.
Very true when we are disturbed or not at peace the problem is created within. Not to be self defeating or insecure but acting with humility and compassion.


Have you ever thought it might have been something wrong with you. I have. It's kind of insecure thought, but I've been there. I convience myself it's not though. Don't really know how to look at that situation.

absolutely not; i have had interaction with these people before and they just seemed to be incapable of anything higher... not to sound pretentious or anything... well i guess i did sorta have that thought, but then i met like-minded people and realized we are just the minority


Well-Known Member
I go out of my way to help friends, and do nothin for myself. Also have an addicted personality. When i enjoy somthin, i want to do it or be on it all the time!!!! Painkillers....!
Addiction is a lie. When we continuously lower our level of awareness through the use of drugs and alcohol we fall to lower levels of awareness. Addiction is simply a lack of awareness. Physical addiction is brief the rest lies in your mind.:peace:


Very true when we are disturbed or not at peace the problem is created within. Not to be self defeating or insecure but acting with humility and compassion.

there is nothing more painful and confusing than inner turmoil; to argue with one's self almost feels like insanity


Well-Known Member
I agree with you, but why would we be givin' such an advantage? Why would we be the mental minority?

I'm not sure what I'm trying to say, I just don't know if I'm completely willing to place those people underneath me. hmm..:dunce:


I agree with you, but why would we be givin' such an advantage? Why would we be the mental minority?

I'm not sure what I'm trying to say, I just don't know if I'm completely willing to place those people underneath me. hmm..:dunce:

not underneath, just different... most dogs dont understand cats, is one better than the other?


and also, is it really an advantage, or is it a disadvantage... you/we have all these confusing thoughts... they go through life blindly... if ignorance is bliss, who is really ahead?? sometimes the more you know, the more you wish you hadnt known...