Calcium, Magnesium or potassium? Please help ❤

Hello everyone, I just want to start of by saying I appreciate and thankyou all for any feedback & help. My plants are Deathstar. They're in the 3rd week of blooming currently. I use all organic nutrients & coco soils. Im unsure of which nutrient deficiencies im having and would love some help and info on what I can do to fix this. One love ❤


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Over feeding nutrients or just watering in general? Thankyou ❤

It's difficult for anyone to answer that without knowing what your current water & feed schedule/dosage is.

IMO, the quickest way for you to figure out what is going on would be to pick up a soil test kit and see what that tells you. They are very inexpensive and will, at the very least, rule out issues with pH, N, P, and K.
FWIW anytime I have seen that strip pattern between the veins on the leaves, it has been low medium pH. This happens over time as the medium collects shit. A corrective feed fixes things quickly but you have to know where the pH is at. Say it's at 5.5 and you want 6.5 then you feed at 7.5 and watch the pH of the rootzone as the medium dries after that feed. It should end up a little low but much closer to the target, say 6.2 ish? Then the next feed would be at 6.8. Watching the pH of the rootzone after feeding will let you see whats happening. I have noted that it drops. So feed high and let it swing through the goldilocks zone each feed.
It's difficult for anyone to answer that without knowing what your current water & feed schedule/dosage is.

IMO, the quickest way for you to figure out what is going on would be to pick up a soil test kit and see what that tells you. They are very inexpensive and will, at the very least, rule out issues with pH, N, P, and K.

I've been feeding about every 4/5 days. 5g pots, Roughly 10 gallons of water mixed with the general Organics Go Box. The room temp varies between 67 when lights are off, max 80 w an average mostly at 76 because of my fan. With low humidity.


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You get that pH fixed and the uptake problems should cease.
Whats the best way? I've heard a lot about on & off with the nutrients during blooming. Should I add some of this Garden Lime ontop of the dirt and just water with my CaMg+ to boost the intake this time? Im unsure about the mixtures or how much to use tbh per plant. I have to get more pH+&- to calibrate my Bluelab pH pen. But this is what im working with. & i have attachments of my nutients on another reply right above.

Thankyou again ❤


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Well you have the correct pen. Remember to measure the medium you poke the hole with the probe cover, then insert the probe. Always store the probe with the KCL solution.

I simply use an offset feed, you get instant results as the pH swings thru the Goldilocks zone. So if the medium tests at 5.0 and you are aiming for 6.5 (-1.5) then I mix a feed at +1.5 or 8.0. It could be plain tap water "feed" you will get a lot of calcium precipitate if you have a feed but I do anyway.

The pH will swing down between the corrective feed and the next, ending up a little low but not nearly as low as it was to begin with. Then you can do a smaller corrective feed.

Once you get the swing down to a reasonable level say 0.5 then I like to feed a little high and let it swing thru the goldilocks zone each feed. So say feed at 6.8 and end up at 6.3.

I did a little write up on correction

runoff pH might not be showing you the true pH of the medium, I have never trusted it. Seen feeding at 6.5 with runoff at 5.9 but testing the soil pH was at 5.2! I use a bluelab soil pH meter.
Runoff does give me an idea of how my soil is buffering the pH, so I can get an approximation. If I feed at 6.5 and the runoff is 5.9, I would assume my soil pH was around 5.3, since the different is 0.6. I don't want to question the master, but I haven't been able to get the soil pen from Blue Lab directly since they're out. So I've been doing what I can with the runoff until I can get the goods.

I can't agree more about the offset feeding to get the pH back on track. I'm working on that now since I didn't realize how much Ca were in the amendments I've been adding. It also doesn't help that my well water has plenty of Ca to begin with. Lesson learned, lol.
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Whats the best way? I've heard a lot about on & off with the nutrients during blooming. Should I add some of this Garden Lime ontop of the dirt and just water with my CaMg+ to boost the intake this time? Im unsure about the mixtures or how much to use tbh per plant. I have to get more pH+&- to calibrate my Bluelab pH pen. But this is what im working with. & i have attachments of my nutients on another reply right above.

Thankyou again ❤
If you top dress with garden lime then you shouldn’t need to use CalMag. The like will buffer your pH and will also add Ca & Mg.