
Some people keep minimizing things by using the percentage numbers which are low but not when you take into account the population. Then the mortality rate is huge. I don't care what the percentage is. 1,000,000+ people is a lot and nothing to minimize.
Yeah, esp. when one considers this is an addition to the other stuff that kills yearly: flu, vehicle accidents, cancer, accidents, etc. One million is more than my county.
WOW, haven't seen my store that stocked in weeks
biggest hits in my stores now is frozen food, hand sanitizer, any boxed fast food. There is milk, eggs, chicken, beef. Still low on dry rice and beans. Plenty of pop, beer, wine. Walmart now better than the rest. Still run on gal water (I could never figure this out) Name brand *NSAIDs and cold/cough available.

also Tylenol etc.
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They delayed elver fishing for 2 more wks. This is big chunk of income for native families :(
These people definitely dont call their homes camps lol. Although with some of their houses, I've seen nicer camps. It's all old money passed down to the the kids. When the older generation were alive, they actually took care of the houses and kept up the maintenance. The kids dont do shit, let the houses rot and come to live in them for 1.5/2 months out of the year and that's it.

This impacts our community in such a harmful way. They've all come up at the same time, call all the local plumbers to get their water back on(possibly spreading the virus to them if they have it) and have a bit of a cavalier attitude about the virus because we are remote (not practicing social distancing) There are a lot of older folks here, with one tiny underappreciated hospital that would never be able to keep up. But hey, as long as they feel safe:wink:
Yep. Most of the hospitals across our state are just small access points. For level 1 trauma/ICUs we only have EMMC and Maine Med. If this had hit at peak tourist season, we'd be in trouble.

Camps in Maine can be anything from tarp covered shacks to luxurious "lake houses". Its a pretty universal term. Most on our lake are just modest cape homes and thankfully, no campgrounds, just one public boat ramp.

Both points of entry to Canada have slowed to a crawl.

You and your wife stay safe.
my stores were out of potatoes and onions a couple of days ago but some on the shelf today. you look pretty well stocked there
I lucked out and found potatoes at costco. Unfortunately, I was the first mother fucker NOT to get my two cases of water they had just got in :-(
Right in front of me a family with three carts grabbed the last 6 casses. I literally said WTF!
The youngest girl said we all have memberships I said wtf ever god damnit mother fucker. And then we crossed paths about 6-7 times down the isles. That was kind of weird.

I found water later that day while out and about :-)
Dont think of me as insensitive… those seem like big numbers and they are but I wonder what percentage of that population would have died from something else anyways in their elderly age had the virus not killed them first. Elderly people catch stuff and die. It sucks, I worry about my dad having beat lung cancer but being permanently weakened from the chemo and radiation. So it does hit close to home but looking at his condition it's like fuck he can catch anything and die. So I would think the corona virus numbers might be up while other numbers of cause of death would be down. Just me thinking out loud…
Some people keep minimizing things by using the percentage numbers which are low but not when you take into account the population. Then the mortality rate is huge. I don't care what the percentage is. 1,000,000+ people is a lot and nothing to minimize.
Keep in mind that these are early days.
We are making progress on two fronts:

1) we are coming together in finding ways to slow the transmission rate, and

2) we are developing stratagems to lessen its severity in those who are symptomatic.

Thus i find the low estimates plausible.
Some people keep minimizing things by using the percentage numbers which are low but not when you take into account the population. Then the mortality rate is huge. I don't care what the percentage is. 1,000,000+ people is a lot and nothing to minimize.
Hysteria, realism or minimization, hysteria increases our metabolism and creates tunnel vision, minimization turns into the pictures of spring break on the beach. Realism instead of panic ensures a logical and calm reaction to a threat. Panic never fixes anything.

We have enough deaths due to cold and flu every year to be tragic, adding a third round of virus is indeed sad and something the more fragile communities don't need. So yes this is tragic but not Armageddon.

Right now Cuomo is calling for retired doctors and nurses to return to work. If this was an automatic death sentence few of us would return. We would stay with our families. I've already offered. My specialty is neurosurgery and right now we aren't doing a lot of business, surprisingly GSW's to the head have slowed down and I'm in Los Angeles county.

I wish you well, and I've laid back some dog food for my pups too.
Dont think of me as insensitive… those seem like big numbers and they are but I wonder what percentage of that population would have died from something else anyways in their elderly age had the virus not killed them first. Elderly people catch stuff and die. It sucks, I worry about my dad having beat lung cancer but being permanently weakened from the chemo and radiation. So it does hit close to home but looking at his condition it's like fuck he can catch anything and die. So I would think the corona virus numbers might be up while other numbers of cause of death would be down. Just me thinking out loud…
I hope your dad makes it through. This is so sad but not unpredictable. Hopefully this will bring manufacturing of critical items back onto our shore and get us back into active planning for these type of health care emergencies instead of the shuttering of hospitals and the scattering of our precious health resources as a legacy from the 1970s and 1980s.