
this lady nailed it in 2007......

Fascinating video. The effectiveness of masks, hand washing and stock piling is highly questionable? Wow. This video is making me feel fortunate to be seeing this viral strain, it seems a LOT less dangerous than H5N1 or similar viruses that had a much higher mortality rate. No surprise to see that her recommendations to government officials has largely gone unheeded. Why does it always take so much death to change policy?

Edit - Also interesting is that people die from these viruses from their own immune systems 'going haywire', and overreacting to the invading foreign bodies. Our bodies essentially 'go nuclear', and our lungs fill with fluid as a result, effectively drowning us. Fuck me in the ass, that's horrible...
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United States Orders State Border Shutdowns: National Guard Deployed
We know for certain that California, Massachusetts, Washington and New York will be experiencing some sort of state shutdowns. The other states on the list are being considered because they are either home to a large metropolis area, or are in close proximity to a state with high infection numbers.
Be prepared, stay safe, and keep yourself updated during these next 96 hours.
United States Orders State Border Shutdowns: National Guard Deployed
We know for certain that California, Massachusetts, Washington and New York will be experiencing some sort of state shutdowns. The other states on the list are being considered because they are either home to a large metropolis area, or are in close proximity to a state with high infection numbers.
Be prepared, stay safe, and keep yourself updated during these next 96 hours.

Trying to verify this story, it's proving difficult. People are posting it from the same source ( on Reddit, but moderators are deleting those...

makes a huuuuge dif, I think they are trying to take a page out of the Chinese playbook for containing this..

Over here, the whole world will burn before people follow rules.

I guess cigarettes will turn into money soon.
IDK it might be true i just saw this....
"National Guard call-ups may double by the weekend, chief says"...
When under state control, Guardsmen have "additional authorities that can assist law enforcement and they maintain their direct command and control links within their states," Lengyel said. This "makes it a faster, more rapid, more efficient response for the government and the state emergency response network to use them."
25 million Californians projected to get coronavirus, Gov. Gavin Newsom says
Over half the state's population projected to be infected by the COVID-19 virus in eight weeks, governor says
assuming a 2% mortality rate that's a lot of Californias DEAD...
We have a company service division that is currently idle, I'm trying to get upper management to divert them to building sterilization services.

I saw a report from Capetown about the demand for whole building cleaning after Cofveve-19 strikes, seems like a good opportunity for our employees who have recovered and still not have work.
Not sure if this has been posted here yet.

So u.s. and s korea had patient zero officially, practically at the same time. S korea mobilzed almost immediately, ramped up its already existing infrastructure to deal with this kind of crises. Produced and built its own test immediately. Immediately found the important cluster from the cult. Engaged in aggressive contact tracing, tested and quarantined immediately. And its solid health care system kicked into high gear.
Thus far they have not had to employ any repressive state measures like locking down cities. Most business stayed open, even the worst hit city was not locked down. There is even talk about opening schools in a few weeks. Important to note they did have mild rise in new cases last few days.
In the u.s, The feds , and out state governments completely ignored it. So now if and when the numbers do explode and hospitals overflow, there will be no choice but to put whole cities on lockdown. And employ “authoritarian” measures like the china did for nearly two months.

By the way s korea did this with “faulty” tests the u.s. rejected.
Please correct me if im misunderstanding something.

Looking at these charts, can you imagine if obama was in office and this was the response. Every fucking trumpin would be crying bloody murder (impeach). Yet, just yesterday i spoke to a 40 year old, college educated , family member tell me the media is exaggerating to bring down the president. This after trump did a complete 180 on television (“i always knew this was going to be a serious pandemic”) and accepted the conclusion of the Imperial College study stating if the u.s did not contain this and allowed it to run through the population it will kill over 2 million Americans easily.

Hey, they don't call them bug-out camps for nothin. ;)
These people definitely dont call their homes camps lol. Although with some of their houses, I've seen nicer camps. It's all old money passed down to the the kids. When the older generation were alive, they actually took care of the houses and kept up the maintenance. The kids dont do shit, let the houses rot and come to live in them for 1.5/2 months out of the year and that's it.

This impacts our community in such a harmful way. They've all come up at the same time, call all the local plumbers to get their water back on(possibly spreading the virus to them if they have it) and have a bit of a cavalier attitude about the virus because we are remote (not practicing social distancing) There are a lot of older folks here, with one tiny underappreciated hospital that would never be able to keep up. But hey, as long as they feel safe:wink:
IDK it might be true i just saw this....
"National Guard call-ups may double by the weekend, chief says"...
When under state control, Guardsmen have "additional authorities that can assist law enforcement and they maintain their direct command and control links within their states," Lengyel said. This "makes it a faster, more rapid, more efficient response for the government and the state emergency response network to use them."
One of our firefighters who's also a Sergeant in the National guard got a call Tuesday that told him to be ready for deployment. They've been moving trucks around our state for the last couple days. Something is happening.
$1.89 reg/$2.89 diesel this morning. Stores have most stuff (except TP), name brands only and not much selection. Saw about 10 people w/masks which is first time.
I have only seen one person with a mask so far, but they are tougher to get than TP. And I'm not really sure they work, although they may help. Probably need a hazmat set up for true protection.

One of our firefighters who's also a Sergeant in the National guard got a call Tuesday that told him to be ready for deployment. They've been moving trucks around our state for the last couple days. Something is happening.

I expect to see the Guard in the streets before this is all over, maybe not right where I am but close by in bigger areas

This will bring out the best in many people on the front lines as well as the worst in others. Some will see the opportunity to loot places maybe.

If there was a truck full of TP broke down with nobody around and the trailer wide open, I'd consider taking a case myself. I'd Robin Hood it to others who needed it but some people will be looking for personal profit, guaranteed.