Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Don't be an idiot.. I have told you to take your asterisk outside and smoke a couple around 3-5am or right after sundown and look up, for years now. . . Mother loving satellites are up theere and you can see some moving through your denial or it's fireflies trying to get out of the dome of bullsheet.

Satellites in LEO have about the same angular speed (rate of apparent motion) as airliners at altitude. All aircraft blink. Very few satellites do.
Sooo, you saying that you can not see satellites from the ground?? Or you concur some can be seen when conditions are met?
I use heavens-above dot com to know when to sight the brighter ones. I do enjoy a good Space Station pass, and in my 20x90s it is plainly an extended object.

The exception to the unblinking satellite rule of thumb is some Russian upper rocket stages. I’ve seen them go blink blink blink because venting residual propellant left them spinning end over end at up to 50 rpm or so.
The human body has physical limitations in regards to altitude. Pilots fitted with pressurized suits max out at 80,000 ft altitude. NASA has an extensive high altitude balloon program that dates back to 1960. They probably use more helium that anyone else. Allow me to put it into layman terms for the less brilliant minds among us. See video below. bongsmilie
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The human body is has physical limitations in regards to altitude. Pilots fitted with pressurized suits max out at 80,000 ft altitude. NASA has an extensive high altitude balloon program that dates back to 1960. They probably use more helium that anyone else. Allow me to put it into layman terms for the less brilliant minds among us. See video below. bongsmilie

I don't need to see any video. I just want you to explain why you call the southern part of earth a "hemisphere".

You keep claiming people here are uneducated, so I'd like you to give your definition of "sphere".
Title of the thread has just been proven.
You are the one who does not know that communication cables have been laid on the ocean bottom since the 1850's. So the dim witted, uneducated mouth breathers think that the woke, enlightened and inquisitive are a pathetic waste of flesh. Gotcha......:roll:
I don't need to see any video. I just want you to explain why you call the southern part of earth a "hemisphere".

You keep claiming people here are uneducated, so I'd like you to give your definition of "sphere".
Your lack of intelligence is a waste of my time. SIGH....Southern hemisphere is simply south of the equatorial line on the flat earth map. Guess where the northern hemisphere is Globetard? I could go one better and say the earth's entire realm is shaped like a half sphere with a north and a south. The earth as a disk with a dome that contains the cosmos. You don't want to see the video because you choose comforting lies over unpleasant truths. Therefore i am blocking you.

What a well written, shitty, shitty song. Clever song writer, but obviously ignorant.

Hey, here's some food for thought -
I recommend reading "Why Are Satellites Important?" and "How Do Satellites Orbit Earth?"
In case you couldn't be bothered reading it, out of sheer ignorance, here's a couple quotes. Which may cause you to enter a deep fit of rage, so don't say I didn't warn you.;-)
"A group of more than 20 satellites make up the Global Positioning System, or GPS."
"Before satellites, TV signals didn't go very far. Tv signals only travel in straight lines. So they would quickly trail off into space instead of following Earth's curve. Sometimes mountains or tall buildings would block them. Phone calls to far away places were also a problem. Setting up telephone wires over long distances or underwater is difficult and costs a lot."
"Most satellites are launched into space on rockets. A satellite orbits Earth when it's speed is balanced by the pull of the Earth's gravity. Without this balance, the satellite would fly in a straight line off into space or fall back to earth."

For anyone else interested, there's a brief explanation of what natural satellites are as well.
You should see what my 7yo nephew can do with Photoshop. YouTube had him lost too watching dumb sheet. Still waiting for a flat earther to hop on a rocket and go higher than a small building and snap some Nikon proof of concept shots.

His photoshop prowess doesn't change the fact that the entire sky has a fixed rotation point. Where would such a view be possible from on an oblate spheroid spinning at 1000mph? Why are Venus and Mercury visible in the night sky? When it's dark, the earth has supposedly rotated away from the sun and planets in a nearer orbit would be obscured.
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