Mini Aeroponic Garden


Junior Creatologist
when you think about it, snowmelt has gotta be the best way to go for water for your plants, no?? i mean, its basically frozen rainwater, and thats really the best thing your plants could ever get as far as water goes right?? of course, you wouldnt boil it, youd just let it melt at room temp so you dont kill the natural nutes inside the water, but shit man, that actually sounds like it would be choice. not havin to use tapwater, and havin THAT much of an abundance of snow to use bro - id be fillin up rubbermaid tubs with that shit every day, lol - granted melted it would only end up bein like a quarter the volume that it was when it was snow, but id still be usin it ;P

N yeah, i know id look like a fucked up lookin chewie too man, but id pull it off though cuz id be dreadin my fur up, maybe wear a tam or somethin like that, hehe.


Active Member
hey gypsy
another question..
could i use my plants i got in soil in my backyard and put them into my ag?
thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
hey gypsy
another question..
could i use my plants i got in soil in my backyard and put them into my ag?
thanks in advance
Sure Neatos... anytime.... I just hope you do realize that I am also very new... and although I do not mind giving advice, I am just another newb...

With that in mind...

I would say yes... you can...

You would have to deal with several issues... and the stress on the plant may not be worth it.... is it a case of HAVE TO? then sure...

I have transplanted a few flower plants from the outside... not to the AG, but into an ice bucket with an airstone...

The first issue is the uprooting.... you WILLL break part of the plants roots system... hopefully not one of the thick stems....

You will probably loose 35 to 50% of the root system at best, so expect a stunt in growth for a bit...

The other problem is the possibility of bringing in pests with you.... be it on the leaves or the soil....

As far as getting the dirt out of the roots, I have never successfully removed ALL the dirt... which may clog your AG's water pump...

Is it a case of HAVE TO? is winter coming fast ? then yeah go ahead, but have a bucket ful of PH'd water and very gently rinse the roots free of dirt the best you can... repeat as often as you care, gently.... until you are satisfied....

As for the flower in the ice bucket... I feed it bloom juice and I have gotten more than 5 flowers in the past few months... there are pics of it here in my journal somewhere... prob around page 10 or so... not too sure...

Anyways I hope this helps... I'll see if I can find that pic of the ice bucket for you...



Well-Known Member
Uh... I am just going to ignore that...


Ah ... much better,,,lol...

Here's a few shots of Gypsy's new seed cracker/cloner...




Well-Known Member
would the little 3 spot aerogarden work for cloning and vegging with an extra cfl the transfer to the deluxe for flowering?

I'm a total newbie who's read all the aerogerden post. I have a deluxe going with 4 bag seed babies 3 xtra cfl clamp ons.

Thanks to the sensi's from grasshopper


Well-Known Member
lookin good piece of advice on the clones...take each leaf blade and cut half off of will cut down on the plants transpiration and they will stand right up for this
Thanks man... sometimes I cut them sometimes I don't...
Good looking out... we'll see if this works...

would the little 3 spot aerogarden work for cloning and vegging with an extra cfl the transfer to the deluxe for flowering?

I'm a total newbie who's read all the aerogerden post. I have a deluxe going with 4 bag seed babies 3 xtra cfl clamp ons.

Thanks to the sensi's from grasshopper
I would skip the AG and go for a plastic tub with an airstone.... or even a 2 liter coke bottle and an airstone...

Unless you are filthy rich... then you can give them you riches (send me some you can build one, bigger and better way cheaper....


Well-Known Member
Gypsy... making your own beaver pelt gloves, soloing it through Alaska, growing some herb in your hotel room, you, my friend, are officially THE MAN!!!!! Congrats on the harvest brother, your little aero sprouter/cloner conversion is sick!


Well-Known Member
that's a cool little aerogarden setup, glad I've had the chance to watch this shit in action
It sure is fun man... and so far... I have been nothing but impressed...

:finger: :bigjoint: bongsmilie:eyesmoke:

I'm the little stoned hobbit in the conversation, pay no mind to me. :dunce:
Oh... you.. whatever......hahaha....

Thanks for coming by man, but you know that old saying...?

If you don't have anything nice to say... KEEP YOUR MOUTH

AsbestosToast said:
AsbestosToast said:
Gypsy... making your own beaver pelt gloves, soloing it through Alaska, growing some herb in your hotel room, you, my friend, are officially THE MAN!!!!!
If only I could start walking normal

AsbestosToast said:
Congrats on the harvest brother, your little aero sprouter/cloner conversion is sick!
Yeah man.. Thanks... it's all in jars... 1.2oz dry...

And the garden starter tray... that thing lokks like it's going to work really well...

I'm about to post some pics... check it out...

OK, so... 25 out of 32 seeds are now cracked... all are finding their way into the very porous plugs just fine... I was impressed...

All of the clones are still alive... or green anyways... and I added a few more...

I found out that one of my Bagseed Indicas is a female... and I had topped her 4 times... so I got to take a bunch of nice thick stemmed cuttings...

So I now have 19 clones in the AG... some of the new Indica ansd some from the same strain as my last grow...

Here is a pic... or what do you think of that root????:bigjoint:

Oh... and I am not sure if you guys were under the impression that I made the tray.... but I didn't....

It's an AG accessory, $30 at the grow shop...

One could easily make one... but it was within $5 of just the plugs... so I got it... but you could easily make it... and use their plugs...




Well-Known Member
you really do impress me with that thing man....once again nice work!!!! I cant wait to see what you do with them 19 clones!