Who do u predict becomes the Democratic nominee?

he uses his own cash because he doesn't have a base.

answer: votes

it's not 'he who has the most commercials wins'.
You don't know that.

Money has changed politics forever. I get 20 texts a day asking for money. It's a fucking shame actually.

And if you have $60 billion to spend, you can target anyone and beat them. 10 commercials to 1 will win. Everytime.

And you don't have to tell the truth either.
I was actually thinking Biden/Warren... you have to have something to at least get younger voters out, and I suspect someone more progressive would balance the ticket a bit.

On the other hand, then you have two east coast people (ignoring that Warren is from OK obvs).

He'll underperform expectations but do well enough to screw Bernie. It's rigged against Bernie in that the majority of Democrats don't like his ideas.

If Biden dropped out before Super Tuesday, Bernie might get a majority. But he won't and Bernie won't
You may have a point. They were showing the polls here in Georgia and through pretty much every demographic Biden had a huge lead BUT on average 25% of democratic voters were still undecided.

All it would take is one good screwup on Biden's part and all those undecided voters could jump on the Bernie bandwagon really quick.
i think harris has decided to concentrate her efforts in Congress

She ran out of money which means no backing by 'we the people'..you don't go to corporate donors..if you don't appeal to the constituents of this nation- you need to drop out..the constituents are sending a message.
@ 13:40 Bernie's message hopefully doesn't fall on deaf ears with a few of the Bernie 'supporters' here.
You may have a point. They were showing the polls here in Georgia and through pretty much every demographic Biden had a huge lead BUT on average 25% of democratic voters were still undecided.

All it would take is one good screwup on Biden's part and all those undecided voters could jump on the Bernie bandwagon really quick.
But that's just it, they won't. They will do like they did in Iowa and New Hampshire and go to Klobuchar or Buttegieg. Very few will go to Bernie.
I was actually thinking Biden/Warren... you have to have something to at least get younger voters out, and I suspect someone more progressive would balance the ticket a bit.

On the other hand, then you have two east coast people (ignoring that Warren is from OK obvs).

Biden is a dead man walking.
She ran out of money which means no backing by 'we the people'..you don't go to corporate donors..if you don't appeal to the constituents of this nation- you need to drop out..the constituents are sending a message.
i was talking about her being VP and biden being P from dude's post.
poor ole Dotard got impeached for the wrong candidate. about sums up his 3 years in office.

and now the Ukrainians are investigating the surveillance by team trump against yavanovitch. karma
There are very mixed motivations on the Democratic side. The majority of them want one thing: a candidate that can beat Trump. Biden has had too many stumbles. Too many gaffs. He looks too open to attack about his boneheaded son taking a job that paid him many times his worth in a country that was under his dad's portfolio. That's why the wind has come out of his sails and voters are fleeing his sinking ship.

But Bernie isn't picking those people up - moderates are. Those people who believe that beating Trump is the primary goal see Sanders as very beatable by Trump the same way Biden is but for different reasons. Bernie is easy to attack as a socialist and the vast majority of Americans don't have warm and fuzzy feelings about socialism.

A large number of Bernie supporters want Bernie to win and if they don't get their way they want Trump to win hoping that things will get so bad that people are motivated to take to the streets and that this will result in some sort of "Progressive" revolution. Despite the fact that a large part of the Democratic voters share progressive views, they don't see Bernie as being able to get them done even if he did win. I agree with this. A Bernie Presidency would be like his time in the Senate - a lot of yelling and fist shaking with not a lot to show for it at the end.

I hate to admit it, but it looks like the door might be opening a bit for Bloomberg to steal this thing at the convention. People think Bloomberg can beat Trump, and I think I agree with that outlook.
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Bloomberg is the DNC's backup plan, imo. I'm not sure that Mayor Pete has the grit to win against Trump. Its admirable he served in the military though, it's an advantage, imo.

Still like Amy Klobachar to consolidate this country somewhat, childish partisanship got old.
How about 'we the people'?

You'd vote for someone based on what the DNC thinks?:wall:
My thought is that the DNC is corrupt and will influence the nomination regardless of what "we the people" think. Perhaps I will be wrong and that will be a very good thing.
There are very mixed motivations on the Democratic side. The majority of them want one thing: a candidate that can beat Trump. Biden has had too many stumbles. Too many gaffs. He looks too open to attack about his boneheaded son taking a job that paid him many times his worth in a country that was under his dad's portfolio. That's why the wind has come out of his sails and voters are fleeing his sinking ship.
If we were in the same place on/after Super Tuesday I agree with you, but for me it is too early to worry about the Trump generated propaganda about his son taking a job in the world, which would likewise fall under the portfolio of the VP as Ukraine did. And we got to remember who he is running against, anything Trump tries to throw at Biden, Trump will get hit with his families guilt of the same thing 10x over.
My thought is that the DNC is corrupt and will influence the nomination regardless of what "we the people" think. Perhaps I will be wrong and that will be a very good thing.
How can u call the Dems corrupt while witnessing the Trump administration do their business? Because TRUMP said they were? Is it a coincidence that career diplomats, that worked under both GOP and Dem administrations testified under oath to what they saw and heard? And then got shitcanned by Trump, the guy that failed in every business venture he's had. Didn't pay lawyers and contractors that worked for him, he had no credit in any American bank so hes a puppet for Putin's dirty money. Trump threatened witnesses WHILE they were testifying, FFS. WAKE UP!

Trump laundered Russian money at Trump tower for 2 decades, all his friends are criminals. And yet, you trust what he has to say? He averages 200 lies a day or something close to it. Have you noticed Trump refuses to talk under OATH? I wonder why that is? :P

~ a lifelong New Yorker here
My thought is that the DNC is corrupt and will influence the nomination regardless of what "we the people" think. Perhaps I will be wrong and that will be a very good thing.
lmao, much better to have a RNC that thrust Sarah Palin onto McCain, allowed Manafort to push a Russian backed plan in Ukraine, and now is bending a knee to let Trump make money at another struggling golf course.

The DNC nominating their own candidates based on delegates is so much more corrupt.... I don't buy it.
How can u call the Dems corrupt while witnessing the Trump administration do their business? Because TRUMP said they were? Is it a coincidence that career diplomats, that worked under both GOP and Dem administrations testified under oath to what they saw and heard? And then got shitcanned by Trump, the guy that failed in every business venture he's had. Didn't pay lawyers and contractors that worked for him? Laundered Russian money at Trump tower for 2 decades, all his friends are criminals. And yet, you trust what he has to say? He averages 200 lies a day or something close to it. Have you noticed Trump refuses to talk under OATH? I wonder why that is? :P
Because I watched the 2016 race closely and witnessed DNC corruption. I did not say that Trump or anyone else was not corrupt, the topic is who do I think will win the democratic nomination and why.