Bernie Sanders 2020

That moment when Bernouts are not only citing far right news, but being actively supported by alt-right trolls...
Tell me where I'm wrong? Let's just assume that a teenager has the experience, knowledge, and foresight to make such a determination. I guess black kids don't count? How about Mexicans? Asians? How about short kids? Tall kids? I guess only if you're trans you have qualifications. Hmmm...

For someone named "abandon conflict" you sure like to call names and sling hate.
Tell me where I'm wrong? Let's just assume that a teenager has the experience, knowledge, and foresight to make such a determination. I guess black kids don't count? How about Mexicans? Asians? How about short kids? Tall kids? I guess only if you're trans you have qualifications. Hmmm...

For someone named "abandon conflict" you sure like to call names and sling hate.
There is literally nothing you said in this post that is relevant or worth responding to. You're just flailing because you so desperately want us to fear "hysterical appeal to the woke community".

You're a Trumptard which is now indistinguishable from a Bernie-bro. Or were you a Bernie-bro, I can't tell the difference.
No you didn't. You just strung together a bunch of nonsense and opinions like you still are about a fake black accent. It's really all you have. It sounds a lot like this nonsense you said on this thread about "hysteria in her appeal to the woke community".

I didn't see her giving veto power to the kid. I saw her promising that she wouldn't approve someone herself if that kid thought she was transphobic. It was pretty clear. You just exaggerated and made up something about "hysteria to appeal to the woke community".

You still sound like a Trumptard, like you always did.
Lol well I gave facts, but you're right she's not a candidate anymore.

What power would you interpret she's giving to a k-12 kid?

"I'm going to have a Secretary of Education that this young trans person interviews on my behalf, and only if this person believes that our Secretary or Secretary of Education nominee is absolutely committed to creating a welcoming environment, a safe environment, and a full educational curriculum for everyone will that person actually be advanced to be Secretary of Education."

Ill use the words you'd like me to use, I'll use the outlets you'd like me to use, but at the end of the day no amount of true facts are going to pass through that wall you've built, you're emotionally compromised and regardless the facts you'll argue till insanity.
There is literally nothing you said in this post that is relevant or worth responding to. You're just flailing because you so desperately want us to fear "hysterical appeal to the woke community".

You're a Trumptard which is now indistinguishable from a Bernie-bro. Or were you a Bernie-bro, I can't tell the difference.
Lol just as I suspected. Crickets.
Counterchekist is promoting this little conspiracy theory and I'll tell you what I told him- don't be Kremlin-y.
I don't even find it ironic that Trump's line of "Hillary was the one colluding with the Russians" is now being used by Bernie supporters.

It is not a conspiracy theory, it is a fact. Come up with something better than Trump's bullshit "I know you are but what am I" and I'm willing to listen.

The Russians are attacking our electorate nonstop, and it needs to be understood.

Whoever the nominee is for the Democrats I will vote for them. Just like anyone that doesn't want to see our country stuck with Trump and the Republicans trying to undo all of the progress we have made in the last 50 years will.
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"I'm going to have a Secretary of Education that this young trans person interviews on my behalf, and only if this person believes that our Secretary or Secretary of Education nominee is absolutely committed to creating a welcoming environment, a safe environment, and a full educational curriculum for everyone will that person actually be advanced to be Secretary of Education."
How exactly is this giving veto power to a kid? That is literally what you said here when you claimed that Warren is "hysterical in her support of the woke community". All she said was that when she herself is vetting candidates for Ed secretary, that she'd let her trans support interview them. I think it's a great idea that Elizabeth Warren has to let an open minded young person ask some questions before Elizabeth Warren herself decides who to give the job to.

That's not giving the kid any kind of veto power, as you suggested so dishonestly when you were desperate to make us fear "hysteria in her support of the woke community". You are really a vapid alt-right troll. That's all I perceive from you.
Lol what's wrong with Bernie? Any one of them is magnitudes better than Dump.

Bernie and Warren are about the same to me except Warren wants to add onto Medicare for all with free tuition ect.

To me Pete is just a gay Republican. Choose to be on universal or choose to pay for private insurance? Ya that's accomplishing... Although I have come around to him a little bit and think he'd do very well in debates against Dump. Military thing going for him and he's quick and whitty and has a loud voice. Thinks on his feet but I just feel like the choose your healthcare option is silly, but perhaps I'm being short sighted.

Biden just runs on how vast his historical political connections are and that he can Beat Dump, which I don't think he can. His speech has improved but I think he's close to senile.

Klobuchar as much as I like her, seems too fragile come time for head to head with Dump.

Yang is my guy but doesn't have the votes yet.
It really doesn't matter as long as they don't scare the shit out of half America whenever they talk. They are going to be trolled nonstop regardless. The Democrats have had some of the best Presidents they could hope for and got 2 years of being able to do anything each time.

We need someone who can appoint good people to do their jobs, and not scare the country so much that they give the House and Senate back to the Republicans in 2 years.
Ill use the words you'd like me to use, I'll use the outlets you'd like me to use
This just sounds like "muh freeze peach". I'm not tone policing. You can continue to cite far right tabloids all you want. Just don't try to tell us you're not an alt-right troll when you do so in your attempts to make us fear "hysteria in her support of the woke community".
I'm not worried about a Warren presidency, I'd welcome it fully. If she does what she says, things will be great imo. More access to higher education, raising min wage, healthcare reform, all pluses in my eye.

I like Warren, but I think she's extending herself to fringe statements targeting the "woke community" that I referred to as "hysterical" in an effort to secure the bid. I don't see others doing this as much. That was my observation. Nothing to get extremely triggered over. I supplied a C-SPAN vid describing what I meant. Its not like I wouldn't vote for her, just that she's a bit over the edge (imo) atm.
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I think she's extending herself to fringe statements targeting the "woke community" that I referred to as "hystericsl" in an effort to secure the bid. I don't see others doing this as much. That was my observation. Nothing to get extremely triggered over.
We get it, you're a Trumptard.
I supplied a C-SPAN vid describing what I meant. Its not like I wouldn't vote for her, just that she's a bit over the edge (imo) atm.
You claimed she was promising to give a kid veto power. You're dumb as fuck.
How exactly is this giving veto power to a kid? That is literally what you said here when you claimed that Warren is "hysterical in her support of the woke community". All she said was that when she herself is vetting candidates for Ed secretary, that she'd let her trans support interview them. I think it's a great idea that Elizabeth Warren has to let an open minded young person ask some questions before Elizabeth Warren herself decides who to give the job to.

That's not giving the kid any kind of veto power, as you suggested so dishonestly when you were desperate to make us fear "hysteria in her support of the woke community". You are really a vapid alt-right troll. That's all I perceive from you.
What does, "interviews on my behalf," + "and only," mean to you. That's sounds like she's giving full control to an adolescent.

You're not good with facts though. You're bitter and it shows. Your disregard for blatant facts and your willingness to spin the debate on a technicality of verbiage is tantamount to the GOP letting Dump walk on a technicality. The reality is plain as day. I said I'd use the words you'd like me to use, but you've yet to give me a better replacement. Take your time. Ill wait. The message was sent that a K-12 trans student has last say. Ill use the word you'd like for that, whatever it may be.
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What does, "interviews on my behalf," + "and only," mean to you. That's sounds like she's giving full control to a child.
I already explained it, you can't read. She did not promise to give a kid veto power. She told the kid she could ask questions to see if they'd be welcoming to queer kids before she herself decides whether or not to hire them as secretary of education. Repeating yourself doesn't reconcile what you originally said "giving a kid veto power" with what Warren actually said. Then again, Even Bernie called her a liar on TV. I think you just fear anyone other than a man having power, but that's my opinion, based on the facts I am pointing to.
technicality of verbiage
It was a blatant lie.

You made a definite claim about something that was far from true in order to say that Warren is "hysterical in her support of the woke community" and then implied that I was "triggered" by your lie.

You have done this sort of thing before, in regard to Harris. This is why so many people think Bernie bros just have a problem with misogyny.

Edit* Don't worry, I'm not going to edit a bunch of new shit in after you already responded to my comment, ya fucking liar.
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I already explained it, you can't read. She did not promise to give a kid veto power. She told the kid she could ask questions to see if they'd be welcoming to queer kids before she herself decides whether or not to hire them as secretary of education. Repeating yourself doesn't reconcile what you originally said "giving a kid veto power" with what Warren actually said. Then again, Even Bernie called her a liar on TV. I think you just fear anyone other than a man having power, but that's my opinion, based on the facts I am pointing to.

It was a blatant lie.

You made a definite claim about something that was far from true in order to say that Warren is "hysterical in her support of the woke community" and then implied that I was "triggered" by your lie.

You have done this sort of thing before, in regard to Harris. This is why so many people think Bernie bros just have a problem with misogyny.
Your explanation contradicts her direct quotes. Keep flailing. Only will the nominee become the secretary upon this young trans persons approval. That's what she said. Facts aren't you're strong suit are they? BTW why are you so hung up about the word "veto" (I never used this word, although I think it fits)? Do you know what it means?
She told the kid she could ask questions to see if they'd be welcoming to queer kids before she herself decides whether or not to hire them as secretary of education.
Lol nice try. Insert your desires away, but in reality that's not what she said.

Again, assuming a child has the ability to make such a determination, why only trans kids? Others aren't worthy or discriminated against as well? Or was it just a hysterical attempt to appeal to the woke community?
Your explanation contradicts her direct quotes. Keep flailing. Only will the nominee become the secretary upon this young trans persons approval. That's what she said. Facts aren't you're strong suit are they? BTW why are you so hung up about the word "veto" (I never used this word, although I think it fits)? Do you know what it means?
You cited an article with the headline in your attempt to make us all fear Warren's "hysterical support of the woke community". There was nothing hysterical. Warren told the trans teenager she would let them interview whoever she is vetting for the job of secretary of education. If it were me, I would do that and more. I would let a thousand kids interview such a candidate and would certainly include a very diverse group. In any case I commend and fully agree with the notion that a teenager who has faced bullying should help vet such a person to rid the system of systematic problems that leave individuals out.

You're the one who is "triggered" by that, not me. The C-Span video doesn't support the far-right tabloid you cited, nor does it support your claim. I listened to what Warren said several times. You have it wrong because you get informed by far-right tabloids.

There's no "hysterical support for the woke community" and you'e the one who is "triggered" because a woman has something to say.
You cited an article with the headline in your attempt to make us all fear Warren's "hysterical support of the woke community". There was nothing hysterical. Warren told the trans teenager she would let them interview whoever she is vetting for the job of secretary of education. If it were me, I would do that and more. I would let a thousand kids interview such a candidate and would certainly include a very diverse group. In any case I commend and fully agree with the notion that a teenager who has faced bullying should help vet such a person to rid the system of systematic problems that leave individuals out.

You're the one who is "triggered" by that, not me. The C-Span video doesn't support the far-right tabloid you cited, nor does it support your claim. I listened to what Warren said several times. You have it wrong because you get informed by far-right tabloids.

There's no "hysterical support for the woke community" and you'e the one who is "triggered" because a woman has something to say.
C-SPAN is far right? Hmm I didn't know that.

Lol still waiting on the word that you'd like me to use..

A fact is a fact whether you want it to be false or not. You're inserting what you wish she would have said rather than reading verbatim. What you would have done is also irrelevant. She made it up on the spot and I garuntee she's regretting it now.
I agree with Warren. I think she should let that young transgender teenager help her hire a secretary of education. They still have to be approved by the senate. This is not hysterical support of the woke community, this is inclusion for the persecuted. If you have a fucking problem with it, you're just a "triggered" alt-right troll and a piece of shit.
Just going to sight this again to bring you back to reality..

"I’m going to have a Secretary of Education that this young trans person interviews, on my behalf, and only if this person believes that our Secretary of Education nominee is truly as committed to creating a welcoming environment, a safe environment, and a full educational curriculum for everyone, will that person be actually advanced to be Secretary of Education.