Brown spots on my plants!!


Well-Known Member
ok so both of my plants are getting brown i moved the lights up it seemed like it got worser its only 74 outside but i also have 3 26watt cfl's and 2 23watt cfl's i thought that wasnt enough i just put my box fan in the room to circulate some air around heres so pics ohh one plant is drooping down i waterd them at 3 they were really dry


the widowman

Well-Known Member
keep the lights about 2 to 3 inches above the plants until theve got 5 sets of leaves then get them under a HPS

the widowman

Well-Known Member
make sure the airs moving around. if you don't keep the lights down about 5inches they'll stretch as long as the serrated leaves don't burn your O.K .
its O.K. if the sprout leaves burn after a few days as long as the serrated ones don't burn


Well-Known Member
Make sure you have drainage out of those cups and don't keep the soil too wet or you may experience stem rot. Be careful getting lights too close as they don't need tremendous amounts at their current stage of life. Place your hand over the plants with the light on them and if it feels too hot to your hand, it is burning the plants for sure. It doesn't hurt to get the lights up or use cheap Grow-Lux flouro's until they are bigger. A single or double 24" set-up is all you need to germinate seeds and root cuttings. You can have plants actually touching them and they don't burn.


New Member
i don't know about you guys but i find new seedlings do NOT need to be 2 or 3 inches away from the lights. they burn. i go about 6 to 8 inches untill they have 2 or 3 sets of leaves. they're just too delicate at the beginning.


Well-Known Member
You people have't got a fucking clue.

Enough with the fucking lights already - that's not the problem!

The only person in this thread so far to have half an inkling as to that the problem is - was laskabud and even he/she went on about the lights!

Boricuaboi, get those seedlings out of those shitty polystyrene cups, which probably don't even have any drainage holes and get them into some decent compost/soil mixed with about 30% perlite and into some correctly draining 4" or 1L plant pots. Then understand how to water them correctly.

That's the problem, not the lights.

Keep the lights about 6 inches or more above those seedlings - they're not photosynthesising ffs why do you need lights 2 inches from them? They're putting down roots at the moment (and into some crappy poorly draining soil) they don't need huge amounts of light at the moment.

If you don't do what I've told you to do, those seedlings will die - end of story.


Active Member
holy shit, bite everyones head off why don't you. I'm sure your 100% right, but you can be just as right without acting like such a cow, that doesn't help anyone.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
You people have't got a fucking clue.

Enough with the fucking lights already - that's not the problem!

The only person in this thread so far to have half an inkling as to that the problem is - was laskabud and even he/she went on about the lights!

Boricuaboi, get those seedlings out of those shitty polystyrene cups, which probably don't even have any drainage holes and get them into some decent compost/soil mixed with about 30% perlite and into some correctly draining 4" or 1L plant pots. Then understand how to water them correctly.

That's the problem, not the lights.

Keep the lights about 6 inches or more above those seedlings - they're not photosynthesising ffs why do you need lights 2 inches from them? They're putting down roots at the moment (and into some crappy poorly draining soil) they don't need huge amounts of light at the moment.

If you don't do what I've told you to do, those seedlings will die - end of story.
Kinda harsh,
They are new, don't know better. You had to learn at some point right, as did we all. This is where we come to learn. Lighten up dude.


Well-Known Member
Kinda harsh,
They are new, don't know better. You had to learn at some point right, as did we all. This is where we come to learn. Lighten up dude.
But they're not learning - they're trying to teach! And therein lies the problem.


Well-Known Member
But they're not learning - they're trying to teach! And therein lies the problem.
---with all due respect to you and to your knowledge---

chill the fuck out and stfu.

I agree that the cups need drainage hole, but thats obviously not the problem here. IF you had been reading everything that BB has been saying, you'd see that:
i waterd them at 3 they were really dry
so its obvious the moisture of the soil is fine at this point.

and if YOU had a fucking clue you would know that you cant get burned by drainage holes..if you check his journal you'd see his problems are not only that he had his lights too close, and no drianage holes but also his soil.



BB that soil is not made to start seedlings off in, you should start them off in something that has no nutritional content. The problem is not a nutrient deficiency, but an excess.."too much too soon" try starting them off in rockwool cubes, jiffy cubes, or other mixes that dont have a NPK.

like I said no offense bg, but you came off like an asshole and you barely helped the situation, and when U attacked everyone in this thread you attacked me as well.

BB I hope U follow my instructions and either transplant your seedlings outta the soil, or start off a few more in something different.

you can still use that soil, but make sure its mixed with some perlite and after the first transplant which should be around day 14-30 or so..



Well-Known Member
You people have't got a fucking clue.

Enough with the fucking lights already - that's not the problem!

The only person in this thread so far to have half an inkling as to that the problem is - was laskabud and even he/she went on about the lights!

Boricuaboi, get those seedlings out of those shitty polystyrene cups, which probably don't even have any drainage holes and get them into some decent compost/soil mixed with about 30% perlite and into some correctly draining 4" or 1L plant pots. Then understand how to water them correctly.

That's the problem, not the lights.

Keep the lights about 6 inches or more above those seedlings - they're not photosynthesising ffs why do you need lights 2 inches from them? They're putting down roots at the moment (and into some crappy poorly draining soil) they don't need huge amounts of light at the moment.

If you don't do what I've told you to do, those seedlings will die - end of story.
you had it partially right, but for you to attack everyone like that is a bitch made move..


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your help One died today i re-planted them in bigger pots too sad that one died lol ummm i have 1 i hope it is not gonna die i think imma take 2 red lights out i think 3 lights is enough till flowering i just brought some fans im setting that up later on tonight ill post pic's later


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your help One died today i re-planted them in bigger pots too sad that one died lol ummm i have 1 i hope it is not gonna die i think imma take 2 red lights out i think 3 lights is enough till flowering i just brought some fans im setting that up later on tonight ill post pic's later
what about the soil? did u change it up? do you have drainage holes? stop by the lowes on Miles Rd. and pick up a 12 pack of Jiffy Cubes and a dome, leave the plants in the dome for the first 10 days then transplant into the soil you have and you will be much better off.


Well-Known Member
I respect that, but none of us can really pinpoint ONE thing to make everything all better, we can only make educated guesses and hope everything works out.
no need to insult anyone.:blsmoke:
Sorry, wasn't insulting anyone. I was being sarcastic.

I can tell that there are holes in the bottom of the cup that are providing drainage. Look at the gladlock container they are sitting in. It is clearly evident that water has drained out and run into the channel around the outer rim carrying soil with it.

Some people on this site get a little carried away with their self importance and call people nubes or worse when they don't agree on something.