How Does Your Garden Grow??????

Boy seeing these pics has got the itch going to bad I got a ft of snow today,end of feb I start popping seeds.

Ha ha!

I've had all my seeds spread out on the dining room table for a couple weeks now. I keep putting them in different piles. Grow, no grow, maybe, etc... Those piles change daily and I've got a diagram of the garden plot and what I'm going to plant where. That changes daily as well. I went to the garden center at Fred Meyers the other day and they have the new seeds from Ed Hume in. Ed Hume is a seed supplier based just a hundred or so miles north of Portland in Washington. Their seeds are varieties that grow in this area. So even though I like looking through the catalogs I usually end up growing mostly Ed Hume seeds.

Getting back to Fred Meyers. I went to their garden center to get some bird seed. That's when I noticed the seed racks were up. It took every ounce of strength I have to just keep moving. Had I stopped I would have spent probably $30 on a bunch of seeds with nowhere to plant them. Now after reading @Bareback post I'm worried that all the good stuff will be gone if I do decide to get more seeds. They were all buy one get another 1/2 price. I'm going back later today. I just have to.
I’m Australian so my possums might taste different lol. I’ve eaten roo, emu, echidna, bush turkeys like a small version but no possum
I shot a possum when I was 8-9 years old and talked my Granny into cooking it. Mamma wouldn't do it.

I did help slaughter and dress half a dozen emu one time. Our friend and neighbor raised them, and she couldn't sell the young ones. Her feed bill was getting out of hand, so she took her .22 and started shooting them. Me and daddy had to go clean up her mess. I'm sure we got some of the meat, but I can't remember if we ever cooked it.
I’m Australian so my possums might taste different lol. I’ve eaten roo, emu, echidna, bush turkeys like a small version but no possum

You don't want to eat a possum from around here. They're scavengers and gross.
I shot a possum when I was 8-9 years old and talked my Granny into cooking it. Mamma wouldn't do it.

I did help slaughter and dress half a dozen emu one time. Our friend and neighbor raised them, and she couldn't sell the young ones. Her feed bill was getting out of hand, so she took her .22 and started shooting them. Me and daddy had to go clean up her mess. I'm sure we got some of the meat, but I can't remember if we ever cooked it.

I've gutted hundreds of Salmon and Steelhead I've caught over the years. But I'll never catch and gut a possum. I remember the EMU craze. It didn't end well. Most ended up in dog food.
I would too as long as it's just meatloaf shaped like a possum and not ground possum made into meatloaf. Those roasted veggies look tasty. But the feet are scary. Chicken feet? If not then my worst fears have come true and that's a ground possum meatloaf. Please say it isn't so.
We eat a lot game. Just last week I made a massive pot of stew with moose, deer, bear, and some left over prime rib from a couple days before.
It. Was. Amazing!
But there is no way I'm eating a possum. Not knowingly and definitely not while its staring directing at me from the table.
My brother and his kids make "Squirrel melts" and they eat those damn things every chance they get. :spew:
I grew up poor living in the rural south, when we were kids we would do about anything for some spending money. And I had a neighborhood that I could sell fish, deer and yes possum, I could get 5$ each for those mean bastards ( living) and it was a lot damn easier to catch possum than to cut grass . But I ain’t never tried eating one.
I grew up poor living in the rural south, when we were kids we would do about anything for some spending money. And I had a neighborhood that I could sell fish, deer and yes possum, I could get 5$ each for those mean bastards ( living) and it was a lot damn easier to catch possum than to cut grass . But I ain’t never tried eating one.
Black folks around here would buy coons. It was alright to kill, skin and put them in the freezer, but they wanted the feet left on. I heard that was to make sure they were not buying cats. lol I never sold any. I ate a few back in the day, but now I either put them under plants or give them to my BIL to train his redbone's.
Black folks around here would buy coons. It was alright to kill, skin and put them in the freezer, but they wanted the feet left on. I heard that was to make sure they were not buying cats. lol I never sold any. I ate a few back in the day, but now I either put them under plants or give them to my BIL to train his redbone's.
Possums were easy to catch, just run at them and grab their tail and try not to get bit. But coons I ain’t never found the right spot to grab one . And you guessed which neighborhood I was talking about didn’t you.