Useful Seeds

Let me go grab my old 8 ball and give it a shake....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................All signs point to yes !!! LOL
so is that going to be the way to get the fire alien x blacklime freebies? cause that is on my list for sure
Let me go grab my old 8 ball and give it a shake....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................All signs point to yes !!! LOL
Go ahead and write my name on a pack before you ship orders out to the banks :D
I take it JBC will receive also?(BLSR F4)
What are everyone’s favorite Useful strains out of curiosity? Useful, what are some of your all time favorites?

I've run at least 10 Useful strains and my favorite is Chem 91 x BOO. Even though I'm a big fan of anything citrus/orange terps or Chemdog this one exceeded my expectations. Chocolate covered strawberries x fire cookies also gave me a couple of really solid plants. And I came across one of the most floral terp profiles I've ever had from a Purple chocolate. Can't go wrong with anything from Useful imo
So I've lost my double dipped strawberry girls. Had them packed in tight in a 4x8 tray along with some strains I had received via strainly, tucked away in the corner of the grow spot while I re-built the flower room. Wasn't as attentive as I should've been, and it turns out one of the clones I received from strainly had hops latent viroid, which was spreading to the other girls in the tray since they were all packed in so tightly. After seeing symptoms show in a good percentage of the girls and realizing what it was, I culled all plants in the 4x8, not wanting to risk anything. Luckily I have a few personal cuts of other strains and one lone DDS survivor that were in a different tray altogether, unaffected.

Foolish of me not to quarantine the clones for a few weeks and see how they develop. I inspected them thoroughly, sprayed them with preventatives, and quarantined for a few days to see if PM or mites would show as per usual. Hops latent is kind of a new thing I'm learning about, so I wasn't prepared. Good to know now, I'm a better grower because of it. Careful guys.
So I've lost my double dipped strawberry girls. Had them packed in tight in a 4x8 tray along with some strains I had received via strainly, tucked away in the corner of the grow spot while I re-built the flower room. Wasn't as attentive as I should've been, and it turns out one of the clones I received from strainly had hops latent viroid, which was spreading to the other girls in the tray since they were all packed in so tightly. After seeing symptoms show in a good percentage of the girls and realizing what it was, I culled all plants in the 4x8, not wanting to risk anything. Luckily I have a few personal cuts of other strains and one lone DDS survivor that were in a different tray altogether, unaffected.

Foolish of me not to quarantine the clones for a few weeks and see how they develop. I inspected them thoroughly, sprayed them with preventatives, and quarantined for a few days to see if PM or mites would show as per usual. Hops latent is kind of a new thing I'm learning about, so I wasn't prepared. Good to know now, I'm a better grower because of it. Careful guys.
I got 2beans left of dds if you want'em
Top 2 pics chem cookie trip #1 day 49 from flip with and without flash

These are cct #2 45 days from flip

Dank sinatra 43 days from flip

The cct are super frosty and sticky. #2 still smells like froot loops, kinda lemony. #1 I can't pinpoint a smell, just some dank ass weed. My nose dont work like some of you guys