USA and our current morass


Well-Known Member
Trying to get my reaction count up. US folks:

"Like" if you know the difference between impeachment and removal from office. "Heart" if you think everything in our system of government is now completely FUBAR.

If both, probably just drink yourself into a stupor.
Trump and the GOP have to be removed from office, then Trump has to go to jail along with a lot of other traitors, for life. Then the democrats can restore responsible government to defend the nation, the constitution and the rule of law. It's a simple choice, fascism or democracy, what side are you on? No fence sitting allowed because there is no fence anymore, the choice is simple and stark, it's between good and evil.

Welcome to RIU politics it's a war zone and no man's land is dead man's land (that means women too)! Getting rid of Trump and the GOP senate majority will go a long way. Most in this section know the difference between impeachment and removal, Trump has been impeached, but the articles have not been delivered to the senate until a fair trial is assured. There is a bit more investigating to do and everybody (except the house staff) is off for 2 weeks, lot's still left to come out over the spring and summer. Witnesses will be compelled by the courts soon and Trump's taxes are coming out by various means, the SCOTUS will rule on it by june. Mitch is playing games with Trump and might just cut his throat while avoiding the blame, he's sneaky like that, he wants his senate majority and Trump has made that very difficult, if not impossible to maintain.

What's your opinion on Trump, piece of shit, or do ya figure the sunshines outta his asshole?
I'm thoroughly in the anti-Trump camp, myself. I used to have Republican friends but they've left the party over him. There's so much to object to on so many levels that it's hard to know where to start.

A good friend who hates Clinton more than anyone I know cast a vote for her in 2016.
I was looking at the chat from a Fox News live stream, and many, many folks were saying, "he ain't been impeached. The Senate won't vote to impeach him."
I feel Mitch might have something up his sleeve, Donald will be out of office and into court the next day, where the judge will muzzle him and ban him from twitter. He will end up in custody over it really quick because he has no self control. Mitch is a crafty bastard and Donald is and has fucked up his game, if it's a secret ballot (a simple majority) Donald will be fucked.
I feel Mitch might have something up his sleeve, Donald will be out of office and into court the next day, where the judge will muzzle him and ban him from twitter. He will end up in custody over it really quick because he has no self control. Mitch is a crafty bastard and Donald is and has fucked up his game, if it's a secret ballot (a simple majority) Donald will be fucked.

I think the only factor at work in whether Republican party members vote to convict (or voted to impeach) is approval rating. His has remained strong. Nixon's plummeted and he knew he was done for.

In other words, this is not currently a merit-based process.
Nancy ain't going to do shit right now, because she knows it will be a waste of time presenting it to the Senate at this point in time, because it is obviously rigged.
She'll be happy to drag it out until the summer just before the election and let the American public watch the bullshit the GOP is presenting.
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Nancy ain't going to do shit right now, because she knows it will be a waste of time presenting it to the Senate at this point in time, because it is obviously rigged.
She'll be happy to drag it out until the summer just before the election and let the American public watch the bullshit the GOP is presenting.

I think she just wants him to stew in the juice of his impeachment for awhile
If Trump is going to continue to lie to the public and allow Russia to attack our democracy, there is no reason for Nancy to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate. And until the elections, the Republicans (who are not in on Trump's scam and are dedicated Americans) are really held hostage because of Trump/Russia disinformation campaign ruining them with a tweet/spamming of their districts/states so they will lose the primaries.

By not sending them, Nancy can continue to have impeachment hearings, writing up new articles all the way to the election so that the truth gets into the public's view. And sending them after the election the Republicans would be free and clear to then remove him.

McCain used to say that in politics, both sides have to win. I think Nancy has this, and is in a position to counter any moves made by Trump and the dirty Republicans.
I feel Mitch might have something up his sleeve, Donald will be out of office and into court the next day, where the judge will muzzle him and ban him from twitter. He will end up in custody over it really quick because he has no self control. Mitch is a crafty bastard and Donald is and has fucked up his game, if it's a secret ballot (a simple majority) Donald will be fucked.
You think people are actually afraid to publicly vote against him?