Aglex 2000 watt cob led

I’ll start off by saying I’m one of those new generation COB growers, but you are completely correct that HID is still a good way to go. The people bashing them should be saying they prefer the LED route just like you and many others prefer the HID route. They are just two different paths to reach the same destination. The same goes for those HID growers that bash the LED people, it’s just silly. They are both proven methods to grow good cannabis.

I would never bash HID simply cause I’ve never used it. I have no knowledge of how it compares to my COB LEDs. Even if I did, like you said it was the system that created the whole indoor boom. Sure people could’ve used fluorescent but we all know what has its limitations and would’ve never gotten us to where we are today and that’s all thanks to HID.

Your right and your attitude much more subjective.

I didnt bash anything but simply pushed science in their faces like they did to the site.

Ppfd is inaccurate, they were wrong.
600watts of hps is not hot compared to an 'ACTUAL' 600watt heater and it cant heat a small tent when you strap a 400cfm big bore exhaust onto it.
Led claimed ir radiation was bad and too hot in hps - funny cause sunlight is almost %50ir. Realky they forgot that trqnspiration is mother bitches most efgicient cooler and leaves actually wqnt plenty of ir.

So much more but im merely someone who prefers science over any light claims.

For this reason we see easily that hps actually has a far wider supetior spectrum to led watt for watt.

Sucks the site got trolled with this info so bad. From blurples to now they have made a toxic discussion :-)
I use both led and hid but my current growing conditions leds are just more practical. I've had amazing results with both led and hps so..........
And all I was asking was if anyone has had any experience using the aglex leds and how they were it wasnt to create a fight
And all I was asking was if anyone has had any experience using the aglex leds and how they were it wasnt to create a fight

Not fighting just correcting bad info, how do you expect to get info otherwise.

Most likely no ones really used them and you need to try them yourself if no ones chimming in :-)
Has anyone had any experiences with the aglex 2000 watt cob? Just curious If they work at all ?

I looked it up and its a 400w light, but the only place I could get a price it was $800, is that the sort of price you were looking at?
If it is I would say don't waste your money, there are better LEDs to be had for far less money than that.
It says it has cree cobs but it doesn't specify the exact model of cree its using, for that price it could be top end 3590s or it could be different crees with less efficiency.

Also there are big warning signs in the description. Mainly it says replaces 1500w of HPS/MH but its only 400w at the wall, that's not possible, even with the highest quality LED your looking at about a 3rd less power to get equal light .

Stay clear and do more research either in the LED section or other forums.
If you want some last generation cree's from amazon and I have four of them with two last gen cree chips. They're amazon cheapies but real cree chips. They run really low watts but so do all amazon cheapies. I paid almost 200 each and would let go for 80 bucks and they are worth it.

Not trying to make money just trying to help.

The only difference with these and hone built are the driver and most would buy current chips.
I bought 1 of these and will be starting a thread for a Think Big auto in a 5 gal dwc, advanced nutrients ph perfect sensi grow nutrients within a week or so if anyone wants to check it out for a grow.
How did you make out with your grow? I bought one of these lights and im about a month away from flipping to 12/12...cant wait to see the results..fingers crossed
Deja vu is said to be part of the brain getting ahead of itself so that you remember the present as though it were a past experience, essentially confusion. The topic this is turning into is not deja vu, instead, a literal repeat that can be summed up with ''same shit different day''.
I am upgrading my room to the 2000w aglex cobs. I am getting away from hids, i am replacing 4 1000 hps with 6 2000w cobs. I will post my results on a thread once i am up and running.
Just did my harvest of 1x OG Kush and 1x Purple Haze under Aglex 2000 watt and results are impressive 928 grams total and I cut my Veg cycle by 2 weeks. So IMO I been using HPS lights for 17 yrs and this is my first time with LEDs so from what I just encountered I will be staying with LED as costs for power grow.
Just did my harvest of 1x OG Kush and 1x Purple Haze under Aglex 2000 watt and results are impressive 928 grams total and I cut my Veg cycle by 2 weeks. So IMO I been using HPS lights for 17 yrs and this is my first time with LEDs so from what I just encountered I will be staying with LED as costs for power grow.
Sounds Awesome!
Many seasoned growers run into a number of problems the 1st time growing with LED while adjusting to it.
What problems or LED deficiencies if any did you run into that were different from your previous grows?
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Just did my harvest of 1x OG Kush and 1x Purple Haze under Aglex 2000 watt and results are impressive 928 grams total and I cut my Veg cycle by 2 weeks. So IMO I been using HPS lights for 17 yrs and this is my first time with LEDs so from what I just encountered I will be staying with LED as costs for power grow.
Imma have to call bullshit
Just did my harvest of 1x OG Kush and 1x Purple Haze under Aglex 2000 watt and results are impressive 928 grams total and I cut my Veg cycle by 2 weeks. So IMO I been using HPS lights for 17 yrs and this is my first time with LEDs so from what I just encountered I will be staying with LED as costs for power grow.

I’d love to see pictures of these 2 pound plants under 400 watts