NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

I dont how many of you have been to a agriculture supply store for farmers but its something I recommend every grower dose . Martins produced and farm supply in Shippensburg Pa is the one I use. You have to ask to go to the back to see all the nutrients and Bio controls but dont act like a stoner the Mennonites will ask you to leave.
Hi there Flatrate I just checked out your grow jeneral . Very nice equipment and the plants did great on a health note . I can tell your a man of passion
thats why I will be honest with you. I will probably make a lot more enemy's here than friends for my honesty with people . The only thing i would advise you to do is keep searching for genetics as nice as your plants look with that great equipment your rocking the nutrient line and plants as healthy as yours you should be buried under trichomes and even oil secretion at the end . The slf and mycorrhiza as you know are a must but there is other things you could invest in that will give you a lot more back for the dollor and the health of your plants than Cultured. You did well enough with your grow that I believe your only missing link is the genetics so thats what I would spend my money on .

Thanks Smokey, I can handle constructive criticism and welcome it. I get what your saying but keep in mind this is only my second grow, and first grow with photos. So I didn't want to get too crazy with genetics. I am actually sitting here looking to get some seeds, any recommendations? I am trying to score some Cannarando gear. Just trying to find a good US based seed bank that takes CC.
I dont know if you read that post I deleted but I am guessing you did. That was privet message I accidently posted take that info and save money. anyways If your plants would have been shitty and covered in trichomes . I would have just moved on but I noticed you where still pretty new and did great . It looks like its the only thing broke and if no one was honest with you about if may not get fixed . The reality is that trichomes are not the only indicator of quality but its usually coincides with lack of oils. Maybe a little more fade to but its nectar and you can cure that out no problem with a good 8-12 week cure . As far as seeds I would take your Barny's farm and put them on some bread with ham and a slice of melted cheese. If you didn't grow out all the mosca you could find something there. The easy answer is yes your buying from a great breader now the rest its not so easy. Sundae driver cross's or S1 is the way to go. S1 seeds can be bunk there is more than on way to make an S1 you can cross two different pheno types of the same plant or you can cross the same two phenotypes of the plant. Whats really important is the breeder selected the best plants to cross from within the pool. I would think Cannarado would be a breader to do just that. Barney is not. Next question is do you want stability or do you want to pheno hunt. Some breeders bread to hunt by opening the pool and some breeders bread for stability by closing off the pool. Some breeders do both . If you like Ogs than you want breeders with stud Ogs Like Carma or Ocean Grown. If you want Chems like me than you want Stardawg cross's like Green point or top dawg has. Cookie crosses are every where just make sure its bread from a breader that selects form a large pool or has a stud. Almost every thing from a genetic compatibility standpoint crosses well with cookies so I have read .There is also lines that have been worked over and are vary stable like IBLs (inbread lines) F3-F4 and so on. Inhouse genetics and seed junky is blowing up with there select and chuck methods Capulator found something everyone wants .A few years ago people could have a legitimate argument about who has the best seeds. Nowadays if your sticking to one breader because you think he is the best your missing the buss . There is a lot of great breeders and chuckers out there now. Pools are being brought together faster than ever now with the laws changing. Anyways if you tell me what you are looking for I can guide you a little more but l I wouldn't worry to much you where already on a good path. in my room now I have stardawg crossed with sundae driver stardawg crossed with gelato 33 Stardawg crossed with Cookies N cream and a s1 from Symbiotic genetics called Purple Punch 2.0 . If my bad spelling and punctuation made this confusing mumbo jumbo than I can try to simplify after you answer my questions or ask me questions LOL
Just wanted to start a current thread to see who is using NFTG and your experiences. A place to trade tips and info. I love the line, excellent results from the beginning!

So how do you guys do your carbon flush at the end?
Just wanted to start a current thread to see who is using NFTG and your experiences. A place to trade tips and info. I love the line, excellent results from the beginning!

So how do you guys do your carbon flush at the end?
I'm a newbie what is nftg nute?
Thanks Smokey, I can handle constructive criticism and welcome it. I get what your saying but keep in mind this is only my second grow, and first grow with photos. So I didn't want to get too crazy with genetics. I am actually sitting here looking to get some seeds, any recommendations? I am trying to score some Cannarando gear. Just trying to find a good US based seed bank that takes CC.
Happy Thanksgiving Flatrate your answer is a few post up I keep forgetting to use the reply . I am pretty green with forums yet
I'm a newbie what is nftg nute?
Hi there 508bluemo Its stands for Nectar for the gods its a plant nutrient line that will make you the talk of the town along with good genetics . If you want to know more look them up or just ask here. If your not dedicated to many hours in the garden every week then its not for you.
I dont know if you read that post I deleted but I am guessing you did. That was privet message I accidently posted take that info and save money. anyways If your plants would have been shitty and covered in trichomes . I would have just moved on but I noticed you where still pretty new and did great . It looks like its the only thing broke and if no one was honest with you about if may not get fixed . The reality is that trichomes are not the only indicator of quality but its usually coincides with lack of oils. Maybe a little more fade to but its nectar and you can cure that out no problem with a good 8-12 week cure . As far as seeds I would take your Barny's farm and put them on some bread with ham and a slice of melted cheese. If you didn't grow out all the mosca you could find something there. The easy answer is yes your buying from a great breader now the rest its not so easy. Sundae driver cross's or S1 is the way to go. S1 seeds can be bunk there is more than on way to make an S1 you can cross two different pheno types of the same plant or you can cross the same two phenotypes of the plant. Whats really important is the breeder selected the best plants to cross from within the pool. I would think Cannarado would be a breader to do just that. Barney is not. Next question is do you want stability or do you want to pheno hunt. Some breeders bread to hunt by opening the pool and some breeders bread for stability by closing off the pool. Some breeders do both . If you like Ogs than you want breeders with stud Ogs Like Carma or Ocean Grown. If you want Chems like me than you want Stardawg cross's like Green point or top dawg has. Cookie crosses are every where just make sure its bread from a breader that selects form a large pool or has a stud. Almost every thing from a genetic compatibility standpoint crosses well with cookies so I have read .There is also lines that have been worked over and are vary stable like IBLs (inbread lines) F3-F4 and so on. Inhouse genetics and seed junky is blowing up with there select and chuck methods Capulator found something everyone wants .A few years ago people could have a legitimate argument about who has the best seeds. Nowadays if your sticking to one breader because you think he is the best your missing the buss . There is a lot of great breeders and chuckers out there now. Pools are being brought together faster than ever now with the laws changing. Anyways if you tell me what you are looking for I can guide you a little more but l I wouldn't worry to much you where already on a good path. in my room now I have stardawg crossed with sundae driver stardawg crossed with gelato 33 Stardawg crossed with Cookies N cream and a s1 from Symbiotic genetics called Purple Punch 2.0 . If my bad spelling and punctuation made this confusing mumbo jumbo than I can try to simplify after you answer my questions or ask me questions LOL
very interesting SmokeyMcscrogin what do you think of Katsu ? i just ran the sour bubba was so good i had to get more crosses of it and i didn't have time to really put my foot down good on the grow and it still did well.
very interesting SmokeyMcscrogin what do you think of Katsu ? i just ran the sour bubba was so good i had to get more crosses of it and i didn't have time to really put my foot down good on the grow and it still did well.
Hi there ZZ . Thankyou. I have seen them searching around banks. I dont read to much about them but I actually dont search that stuff like some guys do and just because I dont know much about them doesn't mean they dont have great geneticsor good breading/chucking practices . I now have moreseeds than I will ever be able to grow buts thats ok you never know how much a pack of seeds will be worth in the future to growers and breaders alike. I will probably stop looking at seeds for a few years. Buying seeds kind of became a bad habit for little bit. Do you know if that was bread with the pre 98 bubba . Pre 98 is some killer old time smoke. There are a few different cuts of bubba.
Still 6 weeks to go Made it to 3.75 tsps. BK befor I got some twist (more like crinkle) on the Tallest colas it was well over 48 hours ago plants are stable and still in very good shape and praying . Thats pretty normal when you dont yet know the plants genetics limit of Bk I just added a new hurricane fan a week ago and I am a little suspicious that it could have been to much fan on to dry plants so I moved it up higher . Never the less I think it was the Bk so I dropped back down to 2 tsp I am already working back up to 1 tbsp. where I will hold some of swell befor I start step down. . Gelato 33 X stardawg also did the Crinkle All the small pots in my room I currently are first time runs . Hit the halfway point yesterday on my 12 week strain that can go longer. The frost and oils are really starting to pile on now Im still waiting for the first rush of pistils to end and swell to stat



Damn 2500 at week 3ish bloom is pushing, cool you found what works for you, BK IS THE TRUTH!! I imagine as long as your ph stays in check and your genetic is a heavy feeder, those 700-900 ppm slurry can work with a load of BK, Thats interesting, thanks for sharing that. Do you run CO2? I used to push hard like that when I first figured out the line, but have reeled it way back to cater to my daily schedule. That every other day shit got to be too time consuming for me, I only water every 4th day with my ammended mixes and found I get better flavors when I keep Herc around 45 ml's max. I'm not to concerned with yield so it works better for me. I also topdress and use barley straw mulch so I don't get the bone meal crust anymore. Welcome to the group Smokey, keep sharing the progression of your grow and your welcome to throw down any input or tips that you have found to work for you over the years. Hey Irie I was thinking about this and I take My slurry's about 3 to 4 hours befor I feed then I let my water aerate that long befor I feed seeing that plants eat fast in coco I think it would be safe to reduce atleats 100 ppms off that number when I think about the time between slurrys and feedings.
Hey Irie I was thinking about this and I take My slurry's about 3 to 4 hours befor I feed then I let my water aerate that long befor I feed seeing that plants eat so fast in coco I think it would be safe to reduce atleats 100 ppms off that number when I think about the time between slurrys and feedings.
Hey Irie I was thinking about this and I take My slurry's about 3 to 4 hours befor I feed then I let my water aerate that long befor I feed seeing that plants eat so fast in coco I think it would be safe to reduce atleats 100 ppms off that number when I think about the time between slurrys and feedings.
That makes sense, with the BK flowing I'm starting to see how you run Your numbers. I've tried to keep up with aerating prior to feeds but time always gets in the way!! What do you use to aerate?
That makes sense, with the BK flowing I'm starting to see how you run Your numbers. I've tried to keep up with aerating prior to feeds but time always gets in the way!! What do you use to aerate?
Just a 4 way aquarium pump split to two stones nothing special. I am going to put the pump on a timer soon so the water is oxygenated and ready when I am ready. I aerate the water every other feeding. I will be honest I think its mostly a waste of time in coco with all the symbiotic anaerobes I throw in the rootzone but I aerate my nutrient waster anyways.