The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

You are correct, I misspoke and made amends. He is not a typical preper, he is independent.

Prepers live in fear, as do most gun nuts and all such prepers are gun nuts too. Along with the horde of food is a cache of weapons and a lot of ammo, more bullets than beans in most cases.
my question is...what is a typical prepper? how many have you met? how many "bunkers" have you toured? are you sure all your 'information" doesn't come from netflix original programming and old news stories?
i'm not a prepper, and don't support any kind of insanity. being prepared is not insanity. it's the motto of the boy scouts, ffs.
with trump in the white house, and thousand of fucking idiots thinking hes some kind of demi god come to save them, it might not be a bad idea to stock up on a few non perishable items, it might get a little bullety for a short time when he gets removed from office permanently
However slowly... maybe the wheels of EQUAL Justice are actually beginning to turn and shed REAL LIGHT on the TRUTH... If they got good enough sense to protect him from CLINTON-o-CIDE-ing...

what a horseshit story....someone alleges that someone else reportedly insinuated a rumor that was later discredited...but don't forget the unsubstantiated rumors, innuendo, or the special reports from the shadow government......
i'm not a fan of hillary, but for fuck sake, can't you let the tired old woman rest, and quit using her to distract from what a cocksucking piece of shit we have as our president?
The pushback has begun .... as many mention a possible staged photo of the situation room ( since trump was golfing at the time ).
Not much of a stretch if one remembers the “ Trump hard at work photo with phone “ and no documents on table .

Here is one of many throwing the comparisons.... triggering trumps complaining about Obama role in Bin Laden mission.

Trump, in announcing Baghdadi's death on Sunday, did not shy from making his own comparison to the bin Laden raid.

"This," he said, is "the biggest there is."

His ego cannot handle it.

( I blurred original poster name but viewable thru Twitter )

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is that anthony bordaine in the back of that picture?
my question is...what is a typical prepper? how many have you met? how many "bunkers" have you toured? are you sure all your 'information" doesn't come from netflix original programming and old news stories?
i'm not a prepper, and don't support any kind of insanity. being prepared is not insanity. it's the motto of the boy scouts, ffs.
with trump in the white house, and thousand of fucking idiots thinking hes some kind of demi god come to save them, it might not be a bad idea to stock up on a few non perishable items, it might get a little bullety for a short time when he gets removed from office permanently
Being prepared is different than being a bunker builder with a cache of arms and having Armageddon on the brain 24/7. There was a cable show called preppers where they went around and did shows on these folks. Looked like real people and not staged, like many reality TV shows, there are plenty of these folks around and they definitely fit a profile, most pathological behavior does. We have them in Canada too, but ya don't see to many cause they live out in the sticks and most are secretive. Being armed to the teeth and prepared to defend their horde of food is always part of it. Echoes of the 50's and early 60's nuclear holocaust scenario is probably part of it and the only way it might work out for them, if the cities were destroyed, but even then the small towns have governments...
However slowly... maybe the wheels of EQUAL Justice are actually beginning to turn and shed REAL LIGHT on the TRUTH... If they got good enough sense to protect him from CLINTON-o-CIDE-ing...


I’ve seen retarded children make better choices about what is actual news and what isn’t

Now be civil
i have no idea who she is, so i haven't had a chance to prepare a good conspiracy theory about her, sorry for slacking
I haven't had a look myself, but she does resemble Hillary and that is enough for many to say she is Qanon! I'm sure there are Trumpers working on it right now or have already posted their paranoid rantings.

I wrote humor, they will think it's real though...
However slowly... maybe the wheels of EQUAL Justice are actually beginning to turn and shed REAL LIGHT on the TRUTH... If they got good enough sense to protect him from CLINTON-o-CIDE-ing...

No offense man, but you had to want to believe really hard that in anyway shape or form that has anything to do with the Clinton's. I read that thing you posted, and not only is it immediately suspect basing half the post on wikileaks, but then it is six degrees of Hillary Clinton to get to some scandal.

Child abuse is a horrible thing and should be taken very seriously.
The TRUTH sounds like HATE to those who HATE TRUTH...
That applies to you, you hate brown folks so much it has driven you crazy and you are willing to believe any nut case conspiracy theory that drops outta somebody's ass. You believe Donald Trump, naive, stupid or blinded by hate and fear, or perhaps all of them? You turned yourself into a suicide sheep for fuck sake and don't even care about Trump's treason, your not a patriot, your a bigot and the two are mutually exclusive.

Racists and bigots are traitors too and a national security threat to the country, Trump proved it for all to see, there is no longer any doubt about it, hate comes before family and country. If you can't feel shame, others will shame you, just wait a spell, wearing a MAGA hat will eventually be a serious mistake for many and a fatal mistake for some.
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More intellectual fodder from President SLOTH ( from Goonies movie ) .... Here he describes the role of military dogs during raid ....

“ Hey , You guyssssssss ! “ ... ( Sloth )

He said neither the dogs nor the American soldiers died in the raid.

"Our 'K-9,' as they call it," Trump said, "I call it a dog. A beautiful dog - a talented dog - was injured and brought back."

Defense Secretary Mark Esper said two service members suffered minor injuries but already have returned to duty.

Wow ....
You can literally hear the last marble rolling around in his fat orange skull. Seriously, how can ANYONE support this idiot ?
Trump won't stand for this Crap, right here, and Obama was Fast-Tracking it. If Hilary were in office... the collapse of the U.S.A would have already taken place. We would be as bad off as Chinese citizens, under absolute dictatorship. Nothing anyone can say would convince me otherwise. Period. That is why I support Trump. tyvm.

Trump won't stand for this Crap, right here, and Obama was Fast-Tracking it. If Hilary were in office... the collapse of the U.S.A would have already taken place. We would be as bad off as Chinese citizens, under absolute dictatorship. Nothing anyone can say would convince me otherwise. Period. That is why I support Trump. tyvm.

First off, you’re a brainwashed dupe racist

Second, you support a pedophile who praises neo nazis

Americans hate you.