The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

Master criminals lol, Rudy butt dialed a reporter while talking about shady shit with another criminal that was with him, reporter got the voicemail the next morning.

Rudy Giuliani butt-dials NBC reporter, heard discussing need for cash and trashing Bidens
“The problem is we need some money,” Giuliani says to an unidentified man during an accidental call to NBC News writer.

By Rich Schapiro
Late in the night Oct. 16, Rudy Giuliani made a phone call to this reporter.

The fact that Giuliani was reaching out wasn't remarkable. He and the reporter had spoken earlier that evening for a story about his ties to a fringe Iranian opposition group.

But this call, it would soon become clear, wasn't a typical case of a source following up with a reporter.

The call came in at 11:07 p.m. and went to voicemail; the reporter was asleep.

The next morning, a message exactly three minutes long was sitting in the reporter's voicemail. In the recording, the words tumbling out of Giuliani's mouth were not directed at the reporter. He was speaking to someone else, someone in the same room.

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Giuliani can be heard discussing overseas dealings and lamenting the need for cash, though it's difficult to discern the full context of the conversation.
This administration* is willing to burn everything down rather than surrender its power. This president* is willing to bring all the temples down on his own head. I don't think anybody really understands how terrible the coming reckoning will be.........

I'm telling you start digging foxholes guys...
Or at the very least maybe try to check in on family. Try to talk this shit out with them, I am about to have to suck it up and try..
I think these criminals will do anything to hold on to power. That includes having the Russians hack the vote totals to steal the election, why do you think Moscow Mitch is blocking all election security bills and they haven't appointed anyone to the FEC. They are looking at long prison sentences already, what's a few more years for election tampering. Now they say tRUmp losing re-election is a coup.

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He finally got shamed to let a little federal funding go through so Morning Joe would quit calling him Moscow Mitch.
This administration* is willing to burn everything down rather than surrender its power. This president* is willing to bring all the temples down on his own head. I don't think anybody really understands how terrible the coming reckoning will be.........

I'm telling you start digging foxholes guys...
Is it easier if we dig fox holes in shitty cutoff overalls, maybe pudge out before we start?
I hear the calories are hardly affected when digging the fox hole if you're a fatass hahahaha
Omg you guys and this fucking fake trumpmagadon,the British are coming the British are coming :roll:
Is it easier if we dig fox holes in shitty cutoff overalls, maybe pudge out before we start?
I hear the calories are hardly affected when digging the fox hole if you're a fatass hahahaha
Omg you guys and this fucking fake trumpmagadon,the British are coming the British are coming :roll:
I thought of you as a level headed and educated person. One person doesn't speak for everyone. And some people who voted for trump are good people. I would like to include myself in that category. You calling out "trump supporters" as a whole is no worse than the prejudice you preach against. For a twitter comment to trigger you like that surprises me.

There are muslims who preach violence to non muslims, and blacks who want to kill white people. I find it hypocritical for people to condemn violence from one side but not violence or hate groups as a whole.

Same with any trump supporter who wishes bad on me because I voted for obama twice.
i try to be a level headed individual, but i do not respond well to threats. i tend to want to eliminate them immediately, so they don't come back to haunt me later. i live by the philosophy of Saint Ender "knocking him down wins the first fight, i wanted to win all the next fights, too, so they'd leave me alone."....
bullies do not understand compassion, or empathy. they have to have that pain imposed on them somehow, or they never stop doing what they're doing. i'll never walk away from a threat or a bully. you'll have to carry out your threat when you make it, if you make it to me. that's the only language they understand, and i speak it fluently
speaking of bullies,
what a piece of shit..."they're no angels."....well, neither are i guess when we finally kick your ass out of D.C. that's what we can say about you, "he was no angel"....but kicking you out of D.C. won't be betraying the trust of an ally. it won't be dooming those same allies to death. it will be the opposite. then we can get started wiping out every single thing you did, and start trying to repair the damage you've done internationally and domestically
I am not a hoarder. Thanks
hoarding and being prepared are not the same thing. you're lumping everyone who doesn't hold your opinion into the same pile, and dismissing it...sounds like a trump thing to do, doesn't it?
i'm not of the opinion that society will crumble over donald trump, but a lot of idiots could do a lot of stupid(er) things, and it never hurts to be ready. i personally keep at least two months worth of non perishable food in the cupboards. not because i expect to need it, but because i've been in situations where it would have been damn nice to have something extra put away...
I figure fuck it, if the world is going to go zombieland, I am perfectly happy being lit up in the first wave, hopefully I will give someone who wants it time to get away.
Trump handed Vladimir Putin a string of victories on a plate, and now the Russian leader is on a roll
  • Vladimir Putin is on a roll.
  • This week, the Russian president replaced the US as chief power broker in Syria, and gained a closer ally in Europe's backyard.
  • President Donald Trump effectively handed him these victories by pulling out of Syria