The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

Even if it was, it doesn't change anything, Trump still illegally withheld a deemed credible whistle blower complaint from congress.

you are so simple...
if you are so right, bet me your house...
oh you cant because the bank owns it XD

So pretty clear here, if the house impeaches the senate has to take it up. He did go on to say he could maybe delay it though, so basically maybe that means they wouldn't be able to pass anything until they took a vote on it?
Yer also delusional and attacking an American patriot, yer a traitor alright, seeya later Bonkers
Tell ya what, you apologize for being an asshole and promise never to act antisocial again and we will have peace, the apology will have to be sincere and public. This is the price of peace. Just wanted to be crystal clear about my intentions before I sit
I always value the chance to hear from a fellow estate of the realm :)
I hope your court goes well and i await your return
Yer even too stupid to put a picture in yer icon, what does that tell everybody about you, much less me.
Now I really do have to sit, cause I'm just too eager
you are a part of a well known psycho mob driving people from the site and you think im a psycho...

i cant even imagine how you begin to get dressed in the morning
Patience Bonkers, I got other shit to do, no rush, this is gonna happen over days and weeks most likely, cause yer just so fucking stupid.
Patience Bonkers, I got other shit to do, no rush, this is gonna happen over days and weeks most likely, cause yer just so fucking stupid.

keep being mean,
and ill start dropping cases :)

or, I can teach the lots about cool latin terms that link groups of cases, like perpetui inimici :)