Racist Justin Trudeau sure loves being racist


Well-Known Member
It also doesn't take away from the status seeking behaviour of small people, in fact it just goes to prove his point.. That they'll let you do it (if it benefits them) and then cry foul (rape in this case) if and when it benefits them. Proof is in the puddi
what do Trump supporters know about proving anything?


Well-Known Member

So far, on three different occasions this racist wore brown or black face, could be more. Will this liberal leader step down? Oh Canada!
This is where Republicans are today. They delve deep into a liberal leader's past to find 30 year old dirt and get all excited. When the special investigator finds ten counts of criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice in just the past few years to cover up an act of treason by Trump -- crickets.

That story on Trudeau is fools gold.

Trump rapes kids.


Well-Known Member
Nothing illegal but current social justice standards should dictate his destruction, then again, he is liberal and in power. I’m just in it for the drama. Good show.
You said nothing when your senator from Mississippi said she wanted to go to a lynching

Drop the fake outrage you phony piece of shit


Well-Known Member
This is where Republicans are today. They delve deep into a liberal leader's past to find 30 year old dirt and get all excited. When the special investigator finds ten counts of criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice in just the past few years to cover up an act of treason by Trump -- crickets.

That story on Trudeau is fools gold.

Trump rapes kids.
Start a thread on that kid. This thread is titled accurate per Justin’s own definition and that creepy big ass smile of his. Don’t you agree?


Well-Known Member
“Racist Trudeau sure loves being racist”

“Current social justice standards should dictate his destruction but he’s liberal”

“I’m not even a little bit outraged”

Reconcile those statements. Or better yet, just stop embarrassing yourself


Well-Known Member
I laughed after writing each one. I’m here for my amusement, not yours. Reconciliation complete.
You’re lying. Youre mad because everyone calls you a racist

And you’re obsessed with “social justice warriors” as you see them

So you’re a racist. Learn to cope


Well-Known Member
I’ve never done black face, because I know better. What’s Justin’s excuse? What will the final tally be on how many times he did it?

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
I’ve never done black face, because I know better. What’s Justin’s excuse? What will the final tally be on how many times he did it?

Two pictures were from an event where everyone dresses as Arabian. Sounds like he was going for first place, not to be racist. The third piece of evidence is a video that looks similar to bigfoot footage, filmed with a potato. A video of a video, where is the original?

Others dressed as Arabians also, just didn't change the skin color. Are they racist also? Seems like the whole event is racist going by those standards. Actors paint their faces black to imitate a black character. They also dress as the other sex for the same reason. Jimmy Kimmel did it. Dave Chappell had a skit with a white family having the last name Niggar and used it to tell racist jokes against his own race. Maybe your leader is just an actor and a comedian, ours is. Does trump hate orange people because he paints his skin orange and acts like a lunatic on video?


Well-Known Member
What did he do wrong?
He grew up a privileged white male that didn't know or understand how black people were portrayed when real racism ruled the land.

Women are known for saying lots of shit that doesn't make sense. Look at the lawyers statement for that woman that said kavenaugh raped her.. Her laywer pretty much said she made it up. We are rapidly going from a "believe all women" society to a "women walk five feet behind their keepers" society.. Thanks to dumbasses like those broads.
I don't remember any woman saying Kavanaugh raped her, was a drunken asshole cocky frat boy that sexually assaulted women sure, but he was not called a rapist that I saw.

Also known as the divorce silver bullet. Thousands of women make that same lie every year, many of whom have been asked to do so by their lawyers. Unless she has video, it didn't happen.
Oh never mind, thought you were not a troll, this post makes it seem I was wrong.