Yeah totally groovy idea DST! Thank you Mate’
I finally broke through my creative block today ! I’m so relieved. I was in a deep tornado of uncertainty and confusion. I was struggling with moving forward with using the punch out circle crafty collage approach for another piece . after putting quite a bit of work into one,, I dismantled it. I put all my colored paper away and rearranged my studio. I got a massive drawing itch so busted out my color pencils and it’s just flowing out now like so rhythmically and peacefully. I have had a major break through and So much reflection and darkness .it happened After I was listening to a samurai warrior meditation and it was rather inspiring.
Remember that watercolor painting I did WAY back that included your friends name who passed away from breast cancer shortly before I met you?


I made a ribbon in her honor and hung the piece in my room at the Cancer center.
Now Im making another one on the large canvas. It has hearts and ribbons. I have never drawn with pencils on canvas before and it feels really natural and I love texture it makes and like how the pencil feels on canvas.
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