Epstein Commits Suicide.

Do you find his suicide fishy?

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    Votes: 56 87.5%
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    Votes: 8 12.5%

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The f'en human horror can't be gone soon enough

BERKELEY HEIGHTS, N.J. — President Trump used Twitter on Saturday to promote unfounded conspiracy theories about how Jeffrey Epstein, the financier accused of sex trafficking, died in a federal prison, even as the administration faced questions about why Mr. Epstein had not been more closely monitored.

For years Mr. Trump has brashly — and baselessly — promoted suspicion as fact and peddled secret plots by powerful interests as a way to broadcast his own version of reality. Those include the lie that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and that millions of votes were illegally cast for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. Nyt

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nice to see they're calling it like it is now- LIES.
i hate to tell you but what's in the morgue looks nothing like him..chain of custody etc it would be very hard and we're going into 'grassy knoll' territory.

i don't doubt that's him..the doubt stems from him not wanting to be left alone (cell or roof) enough to pay his attorneys to show so 24/7 (allegedly).
How in hell would you know what is in the morgue and who it looks like? Get an online Epstein special edition of World Weekly News?
Epstein killed himself. Period. The only question is how he had the ability and the time. The pork will be watching some people for a while. Watching for signs of unexplained income like new cars or vacations etc.

The investigation will focus on whether it was by accomplice or by dereliction of duty. Starting with why an obvious suicide threat would be taken off suicide watch at all. Especially so quickly after actually attempting it if the cops reports are valid. This was not some county lockup with local farmers hired on as officers.

Every officer will be looked at. Starting with those supervising the officers with contact with Epstein or anyone visiting related to him including attorneys. If anything I smell a bribe to someone so backs were turned.
it was reported he had bed sheets, a bed post and window sill as he was cleared from suicide watch and his cellmate moved the day before he hung himself.

the autopsy is complete and results available later today.

i don't have pictures of any of this.
i don't see anything about the price of gas.
Why do you make people repost your idiotic comments time after time?
i disagree. we don't even need saudi oil..price break because of kashoggi is a myth..we had an increase for Labor Day and this is the correction- people just say fvck it and stop buying gas- they get the message real quick. just buy what you need don't fill up your tank. in this area i've noticed others doing same by whats on the pump..$5 or $10 is the new normal..then guess what happens- surplus we've driven the price down ourselves.

just like ivanka and her chinese crap..first it was nordies then she had to dissolve her company-see? it works..the wheels of justice turn slowly but they still turn.

but one of the sauds mohammed atta came to my town to poison our water system- they are no friend of ours and never were..they're transactional acquintances.

we cannot go into the water department now to pay bill etc..all fenced in and barbed wired..we must leave payments in an outside mail box next to their property and if you get too near, a cop will descend upon you from wherever he was hiding..

all in all boycotting works..
Goodness, Old Retarded Woman. All you really had to do was read your previous post where you claimed that you only putting $5 in your tank had A) a meaningful impact on demand and B) was part of your whisper campaign.
it was reported he had bed sheets, a bed post and window sill as he was cleared from suicide watch and his cellmate moved the day before he hung himself.

the autopsy is complete and results available later today.

i don't have pictures of any of this.
The Carter Foundation certified that Trump murdered him - it was on the Foundation's home page. But they changed it. But I saw it - it was there on this morning's early version. I know what I saw. It was there.


Will somebody please tell me which side the Deep State works for?

Yeah, it gets confusing, and that is exactly what they are trying to do. The propaganda makes people conclude whatever fits their attitude.

As an example, just recently trump said the Dayton mass murderer was a left-wing extremist, so one of the trump chumps repeated the same info here like it was fact.

And then the monkey wonders why we call him Sheeple! :lol:

People really do hang out with others that have similar interests like trump and Epstein and their interest in sex with children. They were buds for years.

That's a good point.

Do you think Bill Clinton flying on his "buddy" Epstein's plane to Rape Island 26 times (that we know of) with teenage girls is just a coincidence and they hardly knew each other ?
Don’t give a shit about someone who is not a clear threat to the future of democracy in the United States, trump and the radical right certainly are.

How is democracy any different than a dictatorship to the individual who is not among "the majority" ?

Maybe the girls Clinton, Epstein and comrades raped were outvoted and democracy prevailed ?