Muscle cars, guns and machismo

If you like bringing old things back to life why not get an old car and put an elephant motor in it (520) and do fucking wheelies on the highway or something nuts like that. Every person I've met that owns a hellcat is an absolute tool about it. Yes they rip but it's a different kind of gear head. They are out there with tire shine and dusters because really all you can do is clean the thing. You can't mod them the bank owns it and everyone is scared to touch the new stuff so they are forced to put stickers and clean the thing, yet the have this chip on their shoulder. True gearheads just pass by and don't even look at them at a car show so that drives them nuts...they make plaques and put more stickers and paintings under the hood desperate for a head nod that never comes. Build an old car put your style into it hell put a hellcat engine in it the whole process is much more rewarding in the end you'll be laughing at the children with heckpussys when you're finished

I give this (the bolded) a 9.1.

The 9.9 is held for Bobby Z's "neckbearded jizz yeti".
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We are strong here.
