Hey 2nd Amendment "Patriots", its time to step up and speak out for us.

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What would you do if I kicked your ass?
Your story you tell it..

Not saying I ain't ever got my ass kicked in my lifetime afew times,, and I been in more than my share of fights,, but I doubt seriously that you'd be the one able to do it.... But that's neither here nor there.

I feel safe in my home,, just safer with a handgun. Besides, it's not for my safety, but my families and my properties. My wife is well versed in proper usage of every gun we have in the house.. I'll bet she's 10 times the shot that most are on here..

What's funny is all the name-calling,,
And it all don't matter,, my gun's still in my drawer and the shotgun in my still in my closet. And the gun safe is still there,,, and they won't be going anywhere ever.. And I'll still be firing the same round if I have to..

Your homosexual tendencies are showing up again @Fogdog. Hold on one of your BF's will show up and bolster your courage soon enough..
Your story you tell it..

Not saying I ain't ever got my ass kicked in my lifetime afew times,, and I been in more than my share of fights,, but I doubt seriously that you'd be the one able to do it.... But that's neither here nor there.

I feel safe in my home,, just safer with a handgun. Besides, it's not for my safety, but my families and my properties. My wife is well versed in proper usage of every gun we have in the house.. I'll bet she's 10 times the shot that most are on here..

What's funny is all the name-calling,,
And it all don't matter,, my gun's still in my drawer and the shotgun in my still in my closet. And the gun safe is still there,,, and they won't be going anywhere ever.. And I'll still be firing the same round if I have to..

Your homosexual tendencies are showing up again @Fogdog. Hold on one of your BF's will show up and bolster your courage soon enough..
You say the gun is for your safety but its presence means you are 43 times more likely to kill yourself or a family member rather than ever fend off an armed intruder

You dumb fat racist chud
Your story you tell it..

Not saying I ain't ever got my ass kicked in my lifetime afew times,, and I been in more than my share of fights,, but I doubt seriously that you'd be the one able to do it.... But that's neither here nor there.

I feel safe in my home,, just safer with a handgun. Besides, it's not for my safety, but my families and my properties. My wife is well versed in proper usage of every gun we have in the house.. I'll bet she's 10 times the shot that most are on here..

What's funny is all the name-calling,,
And it all don't matter,, my gun's still in my drawer and the shotgun in my still in my closet. And the gun safe is still there,,, and they won't be going anywhere ever.. And I'll still be firing the same round if I have to..

Your homosexual tendencies are showing up again @Fogdog. Hold on one of your BF's will show up and bolster your courage soon enough..
That's a long story but you didn't answer the question. Are you afraid to answer?
Well IF you kicked my ass,, I guess I'd have to take an asswhopping woodn't I.
I've had my ass beat acouple times.. And kicked acouple. I ain't scared to bleed if needed.
Does that give you a reasonable answer?

Uncle buck your pretty boring. I take it you don't have to many friends,, you do need new material your starting to sound like all the brainwashed media junkies.
Your story you tell it..

Not saying I ain't ever got my ass kicked in my lifetime afew times,, and I been in more than my share of fights,, but I doubt seriously that you'd be the one able to do it.... But that's neither here nor there.

I feel safe in my home,, just safer with a handgun. Besides, it's not for my safety, but my families and my properties. My wife is well versed in proper usage of every gun we have in the house.. I'll bet she's 10 times the shot that most are on here..

What's funny is all the name-calling,,
And it all don't matter,, my gun's still in my drawer and the shotgun in my still in my closet. And the gun safe is still there,,, and they won't be going anywhere ever.. And I'll still be firing the same round if I have to..

Your homosexual tendencies are showing up again @Fogdog. Hold on one of your BF's will show up and bolster your courage soon enough..
right. The very idea that you are going to repel attackers with your gun is just a fantasy.
When it does get used, most times it gun owners shooting themselves with their gun, either by accident or on purpose. Not that I'm against you using your gun on yourself. I'm OK with that.

Trump supporters all smell of his spunk. disgusting.
One time a self fashioned “marine” told me that I wouldn’t dare question his fragile heterosexuality to his face. I told him I would definitely do that. He was flying to Portland for the weekend and dared me to meet up with him. So I scheduled a lunch for us at a nice restaurant in downtown Portland

He never showed up and then left roll it up forever. I still miss you every day, @Hemlock ! You big fucking queer you!

Anyhoo, you never denied that you are a homosexual and your English is worse than a retarded 8 year old immigrant child

Also, you’re fat, ugly, and out of shape and I could beat you unconscious in about 12 seconds. You dumb racist trump cocksucking chud

I don't care for this new, reserved, quaint Uncle Buck.

I miss the old, in your face Uncle Buck that would tell you how he REALLY felt.
right. The very idea that you are going to repel attackers with your gun is just a fantasy.
When it does get used, most times it gun owners shooting themselves with their gun, either by accident or on purpose. Not that I'm against you using your gun on yourself. I'm OK with that.

Trump supporters all smell of his spunk. disgusting.

Dude keeps his gun in a drawer like an idiot. Someone breaks into his home when no one is there and steals it, now there's another gun on the streets. How fucking irresponsible could someone be?
right. The very idea that you are going to repel attackers with your gun is just a fantasy.
When it does get used, most times it gun owners shooting themselves with their gun, either by accident or on purpose. Not that I'm against you using your gun on yourself. I'm OK with that.

Trump supporters all smell of his spunk. disgusting.

When pulling a gun on an attacker, isn't the point to kill them rather than repel them?
right. The very idea that you are going to repel attackers with your gun is just a fantasy.
When it does get used, most times it gun owners shooting themselves with their gun, either by accident or on purpose. Not that I'm against you using your gun on yourself. I'm OK with that.

Trump supporters all smell of his spunk. disgusting.

Tell that to someone picking rocksalt outta there back. Or the man who head just disappeared.. Tell them it's a fantasy.

I'm not saying that I wood ever just shoot a fool,, unless it was an idiot that challenged me with a gun...

But hears alittle read people here seem to forget or choose to because it don't fit in there little stats;;;
You caught me --I've never grown weed.
Damn you and your meddling comb over! :cuss:

As they like to say here pic's or it didn't happen???

Yep sure do keep a gun handy. Thank god it's my rights too.. And your opinions don't matter at all..... Because when all's said and done,,, It will still be there.. Thank GOD..

Damn, Dude,,I'm 100% white but I didn't know that meant I'm a racist? I learn something new every day........ Guess it has to be true,, Peter said so.. And besides that's the best comeback people have..

But that's true nowadays.. Ask anyone whos still crying over losing the election. Around here they have alot of them
BTW here's that little read for ya'll.. Unless facts offend ya. Sorry if it does.. Well not really but here in my fantasy world. And 1,000's are never reported;;

Tell that to someone picking rocksalt outta there back. Or the man who head just disappeared.. Tell them it's a fantasy.

I'm not saying that I wood ever just shoot a fool,, unless it was an idiot that challenged me with a gun...

But hears alittle read people here seem to forget or choose to because it don't fit in there little stats;;;

As they like to say here pic's or it didn't happen???

Yep sure do keep a gun handy. Thank god it's my rights too.. And your opinions don't matter at all..... Because when all's said and done,,, It will still be there.. Thank GOD..

I wood just knock you out with some would,

that wood fix you.

When pulling a gun on an attacker, isn't the point to kill them rather than repel them?
yeah and that's just a fantasy too.

You are much more unsafe owning that gun than not. For most people, that is fact. For you it is a certainty.
Tell that to someone picking rocksalt outta there back. Or the man who head just disappeared.. Tell them it's a fantasy.

I'm not saying that I wood ever just shoot a fool,, unless it was an idiot that challenged me with a gun...

But hears alittle read people here seem to forget or choose to because it don't fit in there little stats;;;

As they like to say here pic's or it didn't happen???

Yep sure do keep a gun handy. Thank god it's my rights too.. And your opinions don't matter at all..... Because when all's said and done,,, It will still be there.. Thank GOD..
Shooting somebody in the back isn't self defense. You are completely mixed up. So you "wood" shoot a fool in the back who "challenged you with a gun..." Explain how that's even possible.(your kind like those ellipses, it must be some sort of place-holder for actual thought)

Goddamit you are stupid.

Your breath stinks of Trump-cum too. Brush your teeth or something, would you?