Baltimore reacts to Trump


Well-Known Member
This is yesterday's response by the Baltimore Sun's Editorial Board to shitheads denigrating Tweet about their city.
Pretty good, heh?
I like the part in which they say they aren't going to lower themselves to Trump's level, and then proceeded to destroy him.
Ha Ha Ha!!!
Keep digging holes for yourself and your party you dumb fuck, I'm loving it.

Between his attacks on the Squad, Cummings, John Lewis, April Ryan and other notable African Americans, I think he can totally write off the Black vote.
Good job asshole, because their ain't enough racist white boys to make up the difference.
Ha Ha, fucking Ha!!!
This is yesterday's response by the Baltimore Sun's Editorial Board to shitheads denigrating Tweet about their city.
Pretty good, heh?
I like the part in which they say they aren't going to lower themselves to Trump's level, and then proceeded to destroy him.
Ha Ha Ha!!!
Keep digging holes for yourself and your party you dumb fuck, I'm loving it.


you should have led OP with story title:

Better to have a few rats than to be one..:lol:

Between his attacks on the Squad, Cummings, John Lewis, April Ryan and other notable African Americans, I think he can totally write off the Black vote.
Good job asshole, because their ain't enough racist white boys to make up the difference.
Ha Ha, fucking Ha!!!

i believe i mentioned the math awhile back..
Between his attacks on the Squad, Cummings, John Lewis, April Ryan and other notable African Americans, I think he can totally write off the Black vote.
Good job asshole, because their ain't enough racist white boys to make up the difference.
Ha Ha, fucking Ha!!!

i hope who the dems 'choose' will not disenfranchise black populace like last time- they already know our votes don't count.
i hope who the dems 'choose' will not disenfranchise black populace like last time- they already know our votes don't count.
The problem is that this too was another big push by the Russian online trolling campaign to suppress votes of minority communities.

The above link goes to a site that has all the Russian troll social media content to that one group. It was an extensive campaign to get our people to believe it was in their best interest to not vote for Hilary if they were not going to vote for Trump. It was all bullshit.
A bit from the NYTimes article on this:
The Internet Research Agency also created a dozen websites disguised as African-American in origin, with names like,, and On YouTube, the largest share of Russian material covered the Black Lives Matter movement and police brutality, with channels called “Don’t Shoot” and “BlackToLive.”

The report does not seek to explain the heavy focus on African-Americans. But the Internet Research Agency’s tactics echo Soviet propaganda efforts from decades ago that often highlighted racism and racial conflict in the United States, as well as recent Russian influence operations in other countries that sought to stir ethnic strife.

Renee DiResta, one of the report’s authors and director of research at New Knowledge, said the Internet Research Agency “leveraged pre-existing, legitimate grievances wherever they could.” As the election effort geared up, the Black Lives Matter movement was at the center of national attention in the United States, so the Russian operation took advantage of it, she said — and added “Blue Lives Matter” material when a pro-police pushback emerged.

“Very real racial tensions and feelings of alienation exist in America, and have for decades,” Ms. DiResta said. “The I.R.A. didn’t create them. It exploits them.”
The problem is that this too was another big push by the Russian online trolling campaign to suppress votes of minority communities.

The above link goes to a site that has all the Russian troll social media content to that one group. It was an extensive campaign to get our people to believe it was in their best interest to not vote for Hilary if they were not going to vote for Trump. It was all bullshit.
A bit from the NYTimes article on this:

when thousands of votes sit in a mail facility over an ORDERED gubernatorial re-count and the group that would benefit doesn't even care..?

see florida gubernatorial>gillum.

i know what the definition of insanity is.
when thousands of votes sit in a mail facility over an ORDERED gubernatorial re-count and the group that would benefit doesn't even care..?

see florida gubernatorial>gillum.

i know what the definition of insanity is.
the definition of insanity is; you repeating trivial nonsense and expecting it to be viewed important upon repetition.

Yes, Florida has massive issues with voter suppression and ballot site irregularities. I hope your state will do something to reduce them. Still, 266 (the number of ballots held in the Opa-loka mail facility) is not greater than 30,000 (the margin Gillum lost by) and never will be, no matter how many times you repeat yourself.


You Bernie Bros keep saying Democrats are bums because they lost a lot of seats in the early 2010's. By that logic, Gillum is a bum for losing in 2018.
Baltimore is like Detroit, a trashcan city

So here are some awkward facts about Baltimore...

Wealth Inequality, Vacant Homes, And Homicides Plague Baltimore
Baltimore has more than 30,000 abandoned homes according to the Housing Authority of Baltimore City. These vacancies are primarily located in neighborhoods with low incomes and high proportions of households of color.

Baltimore’s vacant buildings stand as a reminder, the city is rapidly shrinking. As illustrated in the map below, the areas with the highest concentration of homicides correspond precisely with the city’s vacancies.


Out Of Control: Baltimore On The Verge Of Hitting Homicides Record
Baltimore is on the verge of implosion. The city is an opioid hell-hole that has the most extensive wealth inequality in the country. Its millennial base is fleeing the city, headed to the suburbs to escape the out of control murders.


Baltimore struggles to curb violent crime as the city's total homicides are expected to breach 300 in the coming days.


We’ve got to teach folks that life is valuable. These folks don’t get up off the ground and get to live another day or to have another conversation with their daughter their father their mother their sister their cousin – they don’t get to do that,” Pugh said.

Baltimore Dubbed 'Most Robbed' City In America
New evidence from ADT security study that examined FBI statistics shows the town is now the "most robbed" city in America.

Baltimore had the most significant number of robberies per capita - 95.87 for every 10,000 people.


ADT's analytic analysts "looked at the FBI’s annual crime data [for 2017] for robbery rates to discover which city in each state experienced the most robberies."

While robberies worsened in Baltimore, they declined nationwide, dropping by 28% between 2008 and 2017.

'Neighborhoods Are Crying Out': Baltimore Is Nation's Deadliest Big City, Says FBI
According to The Baltimore Sun, the city has sustained a vicious upcycle in violent crime since 2015, when the per annum number of homicides soared well above 300 for three consecutive years after civil unrest that followed Freddie Gray’s death from injuries suffered in police custody.


And finally, if everything's so awesome, why are 'human beings' leaving Baltimore in droves?

Exodus: Baltimore Sees Biggest Population Drop Since 2001
New data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s annual population that has confirmed our thoughts: Baltimore is descending into chaos as a mass exodus of its residents is currently underway.

Government data showed the city lost 7,346 people, or 1.2% of its population, during the 12 months that ended July 1, 2018, reported The Baltimore Sun.


The exodus, which puts Baltimore's population at 602,495 as of July 1, 2018, is one of the biggest losses the city has seen since 2001.

The overall trend for Baltimore is down. In the mid-1950s, Baltimore was America's sixth most populous city, with more than 900,000 residents.


The city was one of the beating industrial hearts of America for decades, but since de-industrialization started in the 1970s to the present date, the city teeters on the edge of collapse.
Baltimore is like Detroit, a trashcan city

So here are some awkward facts about Baltimore...

Wealth Inequality, Vacant Homes, And Homicides Plague Baltimore
Baltimore has more than 30,000 abandoned homes according to the Housing Authority of Baltimore City. These vacancies are primarily located in neighborhoods with low incomes and high proportions of households of color.

Baltimore’s vacant buildings stand as a reminder, the city is rapidly shrinking. As illustrated in the map below, the areas with the highest concentration of homicides correspond precisely with the city’s vacancies.


Out Of Control: Baltimore On The Verge Of Hitting Homicides Record
Baltimore is on the verge of implosion. The city is an opioid hell-hole that has the most extensive wealth inequality in the country. Its millennial base is fleeing the city, headed to the suburbs to escape the out of control murders.


Baltimore struggles to curb violent crime as the city's total homicides are expected to breach 300 in the coming days.


We’ve got to teach folks that life is valuable. These folks don’t get up off the ground and get to live another day or to have another conversation with their daughter their father their mother their sister their cousin – they don’t get to do that,” Pugh said.

Baltimore Dubbed 'Most Robbed' City In America
New evidence from ADT security study that examined FBI statistics shows the town is now the "most robbed" city in America.

Baltimore had the most significant number of robberies per capita - 95.87 for every 10,000 people.


ADT's analytic analysts "looked at the FBI’s annual crime data [for 2017] for robbery rates to discover which city in each state experienced the most robberies."

While robberies worsened in Baltimore, they declined nationwide, dropping by 28% between 2008 and 2017.

'Neighborhoods Are Crying Out': Baltimore Is Nation's Deadliest Big City, Says FBI
According to The Baltimore Sun, the city has sustained a vicious upcycle in violent crime since 2015, when the per annum number of homicides soared well above 300 for three consecutive years after civil unrest that followed Freddie Gray’s death from injuries suffered in police custody.


And finally, if everything's so awesome, why are 'human beings' leaving Baltimore in droves?

Exodus: Baltimore Sees Biggest Population Drop Since 2001
New data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s annual population that has confirmed our thoughts: Baltimore is descending into chaos as a mass exodus of its residents is currently underway.

Government data showed the city lost 7,346 people, or 1.2% of its population, during the 12 months that ended July 1, 2018, reported The Baltimore Sun.


The exodus, which puts Baltimore's population at 602,495 as of July 1, 2018, is one of the biggest losses the city has seen since 2001.

The overall trend for Baltimore is down. In the mid-1950s, Baltimore was America's sixth most populous city, with more than 900,000 residents.


The city was one of the beating industrial hearts of America for decades, but since de-industrialization started in the 1970s to the present date, the city teeters on the edge of collapse.
Running to your racist hero’s defense like a trained seal. Pathetic

Maybe Baltimore would be doing better if they kicked out slumlords like Jared kushner
Between his attacks on the Squad, Cummings, John Lewis, April Ryan and other notable African Americans, I think he can totally write off the Black vote.
Good job asshole, because their ain't enough racist white boys to make up the difference.
Ha Ha, fucking Ha!!!
trump is going all out on furthering exploiting and widening the racial divide on this upcoming campaign.
he will try to consolidate the white electorate using the old dixiecrat & nativist fear mongering tactics & demagoguery weaponizing xenophobic racist ethnic stereotypes, changing demography.
he's going to portray white americans as a threatened and endangered species from all minorities or non -whites whether they be citizens or not, fueled by cynicism & desperation, trump will disregard and remain completely oblivious to any criticism no matter how harsh.
foreign and domestic policies will stay on the farthest back burners.
Baltimore is like Detroit, a trashcan city
nah, they probably just need more funding
7th Congressional District, Maryland Demographics
Nationwide Claims to Fame
7th Congressional District is 16th out of 436 other congressional districts in Race - Black or African American

7th Congressional District is 17th out of 436 other congressional districts in Female residents

Statewide Claims to Fame
7th Congressional District is 1st in Maryland out of 8 other congressional districts in Female residents

7th Congressional District is 1st in Maryland out of 8 other congressional districts in Income below poverty line

7th Congressional District is 1st in Maryland out of 8 other congressional districts in Race - Black or African American

7th Congressional District is 2nd in Maryland out of 8 other congressional districts in Households

7th Congressional District is 2nd in Maryland out of 8 other congressional districts in Housing units

7th Congressional District is 3rd in Maryland out of 3 other congressional districts in Race - American Indian or Alaska Native

7th Congressional District is 3rd in Maryland out of 8 other congressional districts in Current population (2012)

7th Congressional District is 4th in Maryland out of 8 other congressional districts in Race - Asian

7th Congressional District is 4th in Maryland out of 8 other congressional districts in Residents 65 or older

7th Congressional District is 4th in Maryland out of 8 other congressional districts in Residents with college degree (older than 25)


General Demographics
Size Demographics

Size Demographics
7th Congressional District Rank Maryland US
Current population (2012) 738,549 3rd 5,884,563 313,914,040
People Demographics
Age Demographics
7th Congressional District Rank Maryland US
Residents younger than 5 5.8% 7th 6.2% 6.4%
Residents younger than 18 22.1% 6th 22.8% 23.5%
Residents 65 or older 13.2% 4th 13.0% 13.7%
Education Demographics
7th Congressional District Rank Maryland US
Residents with high school diploma (older than 25) 86.1% 7th 88.2% 85.4%
Residents with college degree (older than 25) 35.5% 4th 36.1% 28.2%
Race Demographics
7th Congressional District Rank Maryland US
Race - White 35.2% 7th 60.8% 77.9%
Race - Black or African American 55.1% 1st 30.0% 13.1%
Race - American Indian or Alaska Native 0.3% 3rd 0.5% 1.2%
Race - Asian 6.0% 4th 6.0% 5.1%
Race - Two or More 2.2% 8th 2.5% 2.4%
Race - Hispanic or Latino 3.8% 7th 8.7% 16.9%
Race - White, not Hispanic or Latino 33.2% 7th 53.9% 63.0%
Misc People Demographics
7th Congressional District Rank Maryland US
Female residents 52.7% 1st 51.6% 50.8%
Foreign born residents 9.4% 7th 13.5% 12.8%
Housing Demographics
Housing Demographics
7th Congressional District Rank Maryland US
Housing units 321,921 2nd 2,391,350 132,312,404
Units inside multi-unit buildings 29.4% 4th 25.4% 25.9%
Households 277,649 2nd 2,128,377 114,761,359
Home ownership rate 56.2% 8th 68.7% 66.1%
Home median value $235,900 7th $319,800 $186,200
People per household 2.4 8th 2.6 2.6
Income Demographics
Income Demographics
7th Congressional District Rank Maryland US
Income per capita $30,412 7th $35,751 $27,915
Income per household $51,227 8th $72,419 $52,762
Income below poverty line 17.9% 1st 9.0% 14.3%
the definition of insanity is; you repeating trivial nonsense and expecting it to be viewed important upon repetition.

Yes, Florida has massive issues with voter suppression and ballot site irregularities. I hope your state will do something to reduce them. Still, 266 (the number of ballots held in the Opa-loka mail facility) is not greater than 30,000 (the margin Gillum lost by) and never will be, no matter how many times you repeat yourself.


You Bernie Bros keep saying Democrats are bums because they lost a lot of seats in the early 2010's. By that logic, Gillum is a bum for losing in 2018.

Florida has more than a few issues..Mom still loving that Medicare?

Isn't Donald Trump ultimately responsible for the well being in our nation? He should be calling himself out.
If all these American cities,Democratic coincidently, that he's mentioned previously before Baltimore, like Chicago, Atlanta, SF, NYC are rat infested ghettos ridden with crime, what the fuck is he doing about it?,
Because I personally don't hear a fucking thing coming from his fat fucking face but shit about his fucking Wall and immigration.
Shut the fuck up, don't worry about Guatemala or Israel or Iran, and help to fix things in Baltimore and the other urban areas in this country that needs help
He has done fuck all for infrastructure in this country since being elected.
Nada, Zilch, Nothing.
It's been all about his fucking Wall and the Russians.
What an unbelievable POS.
Impeach now,
I don't give a fuck about an "iron clad case", I just want to give Trump nightmares and to prove that even the POTUS can be held accountable for criminal actions.
Show some balls Dems, do the right thing because most Americans agree that Trump is a lying sack of shit, and use the powers granted by the Constitution to put a fucking stop to this madman.
What the fuck more does he have to do to prove his criminality and incompetence?

Shoot someone in Times Square?
Baltimore is like Detroit, a trashcan city

So here are some awkward facts about Baltimore...

Wealth Inequality, Vacant Homes, And Homicides Plague Baltimore
Baltimore has more than 30,000 abandoned homes according to the Housing Authority of Baltimore City. These vacancies are primarily located in neighborhoods with low incomes and high proportions of households of color.

Baltimore’s vacant buildings stand as a reminder, the city is rapidly shrinking. As illustrated in the map below, the areas with the highest concentration of homicides correspond precisely with the city’s vacancies.


Out Of Control: Baltimore On The Verge Of Hitting Homicides Record
Baltimore is on the verge of implosion. The city is an opioid hell-hole that has the most extensive wealth inequality in the country. Its millennial base is fleeing the city, headed to the suburbs to escape the out of control murders.


Baltimore struggles to curb violent crime as the city's total homicides are expected to breach 300 in the coming days.


We’ve got to teach folks that life is valuable. These folks don’t get up off the ground and get to live another day or to have another conversation with their daughter their father their mother their sister their cousin – they don’t get to do that,” Pugh said.

Baltimore Dubbed 'Most Robbed' City In America
New evidence from ADT security study that examined FBI statistics shows the town is now the "most robbed" city in America.

Baltimore had the most significant number of robberies per capita - 95.87 for every 10,000 people.


ADT's analytic analysts "looked at the FBI’s annual crime data [for 2017] for robbery rates to discover which city in each state experienced the most robberies."

While robberies worsened in Baltimore, they declined nationwide, dropping by 28% between 2008 and 2017.

'Neighborhoods Are Crying Out': Baltimore Is Nation's Deadliest Big City, Says FBI
According to The Baltimore Sun, the city has sustained a vicious upcycle in violent crime since 2015, when the per annum number of homicides soared well above 300 for three consecutive years after civil unrest that followed Freddie Gray’s death from injuries suffered in police custody.


And finally, if everything's so awesome, why are 'human beings' leaving Baltimore in droves?

Exodus: Baltimore Sees Biggest Population Drop Since 2001
New data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s annual population that has confirmed our thoughts: Baltimore is descending into chaos as a mass exodus of its residents is currently underway.

Government data showed the city lost 7,346 people, or 1.2% of its population, during the 12 months that ended July 1, 2018, reported The Baltimore Sun.


The exodus, which puts Baltimore's population at 602,495 as of July 1, 2018, is one of the biggest losses the city has seen since 2001.

The overall trend for Baltimore is down. In the mid-1950s, Baltimore was America's sixth most populous city, with more than 900,000 residents.


The city was one of the beating industrial hearts of America for decades, but since de-industrialization started in the 1970s to the present date, the city teeters on the edge of collapse.

what does the gerrymandered map look like?