Do you want the government to control your health and how to live ? Just wondering

Do you want the government run your health care and how you should live and take half your income ?

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If the gov can stop the rape of Americans by the Health Insurance Industry, I'm all for them stepping in.
But the Pub's will never let that happen, so what to do?
Vote those cocksuckers out, and establish a humane system for healthcare in the US, where even if you aren't wealthy, you don't have to needlessly die as a result.
If the gov can stop the rape of Americans by the Health Insurance Industry, I'm all for them stepping in.
But the Pub's will never let that happen, so what to do?
Vote those cocksuckers out, and establish a humane system for healthcare in the US, where even if you aren't wealthy, you don't have to needlessly die as a result.
I agree with you full heartedly I guess I phrase the question wrong sorry about that I don't know how to take it down if I knew how I would didn't mean to offend anybody