Happy frog soil with extra Canadian spagham peat, perlite, vermiculite
Rock dust
Insect frass
Dolomite lime
Azos, mykos
Then top dress with 2.5-0.5-2.5 alfalfa from dte and 0-5-0 guano from grow more.
Then I use reverse osmosis water(or rain water if outdoor)with silica and cal mag from general organics, 20 pom silica, 170 ppm cal mag, 20 ppm epsom salt, and 1/4 strength seaweed. Also use buddah bloom from roots organics at 1/4 strength. Oh, also yucca, terpinator (1/4 strength) molasses, and mykos wp every watering ph at 6.4-6.8 with natural ph up and down from earth juice.
So my waterings go in rotation. Cal mag, silica etc, compost tea, and just r/o water with bennies.
I know this thread is about keeping it simple..but my question is why not grow the best you can? If you're already putting in so much work..90%or better of people who try mine say it's the best they've ever had.. just saying.
My compost tea I use is simple too. Just happy frog soil, ewc, humic acid and molasses brewed for 24-48 hrs then diluted 1:4.
List of shit I use:
Ewc-worm gold castings
Rock dust-azomite
Insect frass-boogie frass
Seaweed-neptunes harvest organic seaweed
Microrizza-mykos and mykos wp
Bacteria- "raw" bloom microbes and azos
Dolomt lime-grow more
Alfalfa meal-dte
Bat guano 0.5.0 grow more
Cal mag-general organics
Silica- general hydroponics
Buddah bloom-roots organics