

so you’re probably wondering what the title means so here we go.when I use synthetic nutrients I use Remo nutrients they are a bit expensive but well worth the end of the seventh week I flush for at least 7 days but apparently it’s hip not to flush therefore you suffer from lazybastarditis and before you chip in I’d rather believe Remo a man who is a friend and has won cannabis cups for Remo chemo and grows kilos of dope at a time and believes avidly in flushing.This is medicine people not roses and I don’t care how big you think you are in this forum in my world if you don’t flush after using synthetics you suffer from lazybastarditis
So what your saying is you would rather believe the guy who's getting rich off your back and all the other suckers buying 8 bottles of nutrients to grow a simple plant.
For a start I don’t pay for them I only use for dwc I’m 90% organic and it’s a 6 part buddy ffs at least get the basic’s right.why do you suffer from lazybastarditis?
im gonna make one post in this thread.

absolutely no one cares if you flush or not. you wont change anyones mind on here about it. lots of people on here flush and lots of people don't. if you go looking for strong opinions just to argue with them, thats called trolling.

Sorry I offended you well known member if words hurt you maybe you should join another forum or even better go and see a doctor. You see the best thing about this forum is it’s full of people who don’t know shit and I’m here to expose them for the lying pathetic people they are I’ve already found 1 today who’s handing out information and he doesn’t even grow
Sorry I offended you well known member if words hurt you maybe you should join another forum or even better go and see a doctor. You see the best thing about this forum is it’s full of people who don’t know shit and I’m here to expose them for the lying pathetic people they are I’ve already found 1 today who’s handing out information and he doesn’t even grow

Your deluded. You gave a guy shit saying he doesn't even grow, why? because you think he doesn't grow because he said something you cant comprehend. The rest of us know he does. His grows are even in his SIG but you were too thick to notice.
You made yourself look a total wanker and showed a shitty little plant saying " look im a grower" thinking you were proving something. But all you proved was your 20 years of growing hasn't taught you much.
Remo has 8 products. It says so on one of their sites. I guess one of them is a flushing agent and the other is kelpo magic or some shit.

"Remo brings his vast experience to Remo Nutrients, creating 8 products that offer a complete system of the vitamins, minerals, and extracts that your plants need to achieve their maximum growth potential. By using pharmaceutical grade ingredients, our system opens up your garden’s growth potential to the maximum degree"

Here listen to this shit right here...

"In ancient times, it was believed that everything in the known world was made from one of the 5 earthly elements: water, earth, wood, fire, and metal. Each element brings it’s own unique characteristics which, if properly balanced, provide the building blocks for all living things.

Using this concept, we’ve put focus and attention on both specifically targeted areas, and the collective interaction of those areas. Our complete Remo Nutrients feed system provides a harmonious balance of essential vitamins, minerals, and extracts that your plants need to thrive"

What a load of fucking shite...

Carry on posting. Your doing a great job of looking like a total retard.
I didn’t read one word off that I wouldn’t be bothered reading the words of a liar (I’ll only post once)he says youz will all be stars soon trust me I bet you’ve already seen my YouTube channel this is great content.somebody has to don’t worry I’ll give you a name drop
"In ancient times, it was believed that everything in the known world was made from one of the 5 earthly elements: water, earth, wood, fire, and metal. Each element brings it’s own unique characteristics which, if properly balanced, provide the building blocks for all living things.
Lmao. Fucking priceless. Talk about something for that bro science thread...
You see the best thing about this forum is it’s full of people who don’t know shit and I’m here to expose them for the lying pathetic people they are I’ve already found 1 today who’s handing out information and he doesn’t even grow

Why bother wasting your time?

What’s all this crap about „exposing people“, Sherlock?

Before you bother with ur next unintelligent blabber (most likely directed against me no doubt) just chill and have a biffta.

Sorry; but I just don’t get people like you...
Maybe if you had of read it you would of realised it wasn't even his post because he did only post once.

Enjoy making yourself look stupid.
Maybe if you had of read it you would of realised it wasn't even his post because he did only post once.

Enjoy making yourself look stupid.
Lmao. Fucking priceless. Talk about something for that bro science thread...
cheers when this lands on YouTube land there won’t be a person on the planet will want to google rollitup never mind join it’s took a month but it’s well worth it.
Sorry I offended you well known member if words hurt you maybe you should join another forum or even better go and see a doctor. You see the best thing about this forum is it’s full of people who don’t know shit and I’m here to expose them for the lying pathetic people they are I’ve already found 1 today who’s handing out information and he doesn’t even grow
People on here are great.

Flushing is like wearing a condom or not

People will make fun of your for wearing it,

A different sent will make fun of you for not wearing it.

Neither set will care if you die of aids.

Live your life, enjoy what you do and realize you cant change the mind of others, only try to inform
Sorry I offended you well known member if words hurt you maybe you should join another forum or even better go and see a doctor. You see the best thing about this forum is it’s full of people who don’t know shit and I’m here to expose them for the lying pathetic people they are I’ve already found 1 today who’s handing out information and he doesn’t even grow
You sound like our newest know-it-all jackass. Out braying in a big field by yourself.
I didn’t read one word off that I wouldn’t be bothered reading the words of a liar (I’ll only post once)he says youz will all be stars soon trust me I bet you’ve already seen my YouTube channel this is great content.somebody has to don’t worry I’ll give you a name drop
You’re nuttier than a fucking fruitcake. Did they leave an exit unlocked at the state hospital?
Jeez Mr. nitoker, u can carry on can’t u? What is ur Problem?

Do whatever it is you wanna do; my guess with your whole You Tube threat is that u need to get someone watching ur channel, coz, let’s be honest, no one really cares; maybe start using Twitter for ur diatribe, u might get an answer from Mr. Vagina Neck himself.

And please mention me too on You Tube! I‘m a fan already!
I can barely sit still in anticipation! Send me a link; I could do with cheering up.

Anyway, I’m outta here, gotta tend to my garden, my plants are almost ready for harvest.
One last question though: should I flush or not?