First time on acid


Well-Known Member
So I had my first hit of acid tonight. Two tabs and seven hours later im still beaming HARD aye so definitely not a bad experience, though the first hour was VERY intense, like thought I was going to end up in psych intense, but then rolled back to 6 or so very pleasant hours so probably won't recommend double tapping like I did, I just don't fuck around when I do something lmao but other than that, pleasant experience =)
I've only ever done acid once, and that was half a tab. Didn't do anything for me but make me paranoid and kept me up for like 12 hours. I tried mushrooms once, but it didn't really jive with me, also made me very paranoid, although the trailing visuals were cool, and the all the lights seemed brighter... Also my arms felt like they were about six feet long ha ha. i just stick to good strong weed myself. To each their own though- your mileage may vary :)
I've only ever done acid once, and that was half a tab. Didn't do anything for me but make me paranoid and kept me up for like 12 hours. I tried mushrooms once, but it didn't really jive with me, also made me very paranoid, although the trailing visuals were cool, and the all the lights seemed brighter... Also my arms felt like they were about six feet long ha ha. i just stick to good strong weed myself. To each their own though- your mileage may vary :)
You should try some xtc, Mate.
I've only ever done acid once, and that was half a tab. Didn't do anything for me but make me paranoid and kept me up for like 12 hours. I tried mushrooms once, but it didn't really jive with me, also made me very paranoid, although the trailing visuals were cool, and the all the lights seemed brighter... Also my arms felt like they were about six feet long ha ha. i just stick to good strong weed myself. To each their own though- your mileage may vary :)
That's it everybody is different though I will say I took half one a few days later, felt sick and thought it might help lol BIG mistake. All I got was the same thing - anxious sick and paranoid. Didn't even trip so 0/10 experience there. Maybe it's just shitty in smaller doses lol. I definitely prefer mushrooms over lsd though, more natural and gentle, lsd bloody hits you over the head with a hammer lol.
That's it everybody is different though I will say I took half one a few days later, felt sick and thought it might help lol BIG mistake. All I got was the same thing - anxious sick and paranoid. Didn't even trip so 0/10 experience there. Maybe it's just shitty in smaller doses lol. I definitely prefer mushrooms over lsd though, more natural and gentle, lsd bloody hits you over the head with a hammer lol.

Yeah I might give shrooms another try some day if the mood strikes. Part of the problem was that we were out at a bar, and a couple of our college professors showed up... This was back in the 90's...
How does it compare to weed or shrooms? Also can't you make it from Mimosa bark?
Well honestly I probably can't compare too much just because I only ever took 1.5g of mushroom in a hit, whereas I double tapped the lsd on the first try lmao so it's like I've been shit faced on vodka but only ever had two glasses of tequila. My opinion on tequila may change once I have a shit ton haha. But so far, mushrooms do seem gentler, they more chill you out whereas lsd is definitely an upper. And when mushies wore off, there didn't seem to be much of a comedown you're just like 'oh. Hey I'm sober now.' lol. But yeah Id have to take a higher mush hit (which I do want to do) then I could give you a better comparison of the two
I have no idea what double hit on acid means, if you mean you had 2 tabs and you were ok then you had really shitty acid. A good hit of acid will have you awake and tripping 12 hours minimum.
I have no idea what double hit on acid means, if you mean you had 2 tabs and you were ok then you had really shitty acid. A good hit of acid will have you awake and tripping 12 hours minimum.
I was, maybe read the original post rather than being the guy going 'hur hur you had shit drugs' as if you'd read my original post, you'd know the first few hours were INSANE, BECAUSE I'd double dropped, to the point I thought I'd end up in a hospital, and then even rolled back it lasted another good 7 hours, 14 or so all up. So maybe actually read what's been posted before you talk shit.
Listen you had two hits of acid and are saying you posted that 7 hours later. If you had one good hit of acid being your first time you wouldn't even be able to type on your keyboard let alone do a "drug log" like a freaking little kid. You had shit acid, get over it, come back once you get good acid and apologize. Hows that shit for you?
Edit: double post. I was at a music fest one time and there was a dude rolling around in the mud with his junk out just masturbating away without a clue about reality, 5 hours in the mud whacking off. HE had good acid.
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I'm not recommending either one, but have done both. I just don't have the same positivity I had back then and don't think it would be a good idea for me to do it now, if you know what I mean. I'd think about something I shouldn't probably and it wouldn't be fun, but I haven't messed with either in like 30 years. I use to pick fresh wild blue ringer mushrooms when I was a kid and we would brew a tea and get hella messed up. I saw walls melt on shrooms. Acid was sketchier. Some made me feel good, and some not as much. I would pick shrooms over acid any day, but I did trip out watching one of my friends on shroom tea once and afterwards I couldn't hang out with him anymore, cause I basically had a bad trip on him.
Listen you had two hits of acid and are saying you posted that 7 hours later. If you had one good hit of acid being your first time you wouldn't even be able to type on your keyboard let alone do a "drug log" like a freaking little kid. You had shit acid, get over it, come back once you get good acid and apologize. Hows that shit for you?
I literally said in the post that I was still fucked up lmfao you realize how long it took me to type all that right? A good 30 minutes. Stop trying to act tough and 'oh you're a loser hur hur' considering the guy I bought off said some heavier users would pop a full STRIP of em, yeah I'm pretty confident, if you're not full of shit, that THAT would be the dose wanking in the mud guy took. I honestly don't care what you think however beyond making sure anyone else reading can tell what a wank you are and how little you know what you're on about.
Lol, you’ll get good shit someday don’t worry. It degrades so quickly and easily to be honest. Heavy users popping full strips, lol. That means it’s weak as shit. Seriously, a good pusher with good acid will warn people to do half of one. Fcking kids
Lol, you’ll get good shit someday don’t worry. It degrades so quickly and easily to be honest. Heavy users popping full strips, lol. That means it’s weak as shit. Seriously, a good pusher with good acid will warn people to do half of one. Fcking kids
........ For real?
For real. You can get tolerance for acid pretty quick but nobody does full strips. I’ve been doing acid for decades some great some weak, none bad. Weak stuff you get body high and visuals, great stuff you are gone gone. Everybody is different and every trip is different. I turned into a gas once and drifted through through the room. Reality my fat ass was just bumping into people at the club for hours, but I was a gas.