

Well-Known Member
should be opening up any day now... im definatly going to be doing a rodie soon after, sounds like way way way to much fun.

They completed the training pool. That be it. The large pool will have 6-8 foot 'shacks' (props to brenden). Perfect wave every time! Only prob would be the line eh?? Itd be Disnyland times florida.


Well-Known Member
yea I've actually seen it being built last time I went to vans skatepark it's tight they are in the same mall. I'm on the members waiting list.


Well-Known Member
Nice dude, thought you would of known. It must be like commen sence knowlege down there. Sounds unbeleivable, like the next step is getting a personal wave pool. How siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccckkkkkkk would that be. You should put me on there too, just go back with a different name. hehe, id bring a ounce for us to rip before the first session.


Well-Known Member
there is a wave house out here and there is some cool footage on youtube maybe, never tried it but some guys make it look fun.


Well-Known Member
this is a salt water wave pool with perfect 6-8 foot barrels you can't beat that. Plus there's a 3-4 ft pool and a 3-4 boogie board pool the big pool gives 70 Yd rides that's a long ride. Plus it's a movable reef floor that they say can recreate any break.


Well-Known Member
For lack of 40 foot waves in the mountiains, I ski. I love to shred up my mountains, its the most awesome thing. Wake up at six, drive like a demon so you still have some herb by the time you make it to the mountain. Then tear it up all day, occasionally makin whoopie wiith sum sno bunny on the lift (I once got frostbit on my ass). Shmooooke, its good, I like it. You could call it a way of life I guess. I'd love to learn to surf, I'm sure my heart would fall for waves the same way it has for the hills:)


Well-Known Member
its all about the natural high

i have had the most amazing feelings making it out of some waves.
feeling accomplished

then its right back to being sat in the sand as mother nature always wins
feeling humbled

im pretty sure that the only people who will survive the next apocalypse are big wave surfers.

how many people can withstand a 3-5 minute hold down. AFTER being fucking destroyed.

my hat is off.


Well-Known Member
I'd want to do that, but i never had the chance to surf ! I did use to go and on my inflateable bed in greece to surf the waves... i was good at it, like all extreme sports !

I want to do this so badly.. i think i am gona have to move to a country with a see :D

and in the video posted last on 1:30 - 1:50 bloody hell thats a huge bloody wave, that scares me a litte... u could die if that collapses on it ? or could u dive thro the wave ?

like pinguins ?


Well-Known Member
For lack of 40 foot waves in the mountiains, I ski. I love to shred up my mountains, its the most awesome thing. Wake up at six, drive like a demon so you still have some herb by the time you make it to the mountain. Then tear it up all day, occasionally makin whoopie wiith sum sno bunny on the lift (I once got frostbit on my ass). Shmooooke, its good, I like it. You could call it a way of life I guess. I'd love to learn to surf, I'm sure my heart would fall for waves the same way it has for the hills:)

Ya i used to snowboard. But that shit is just insane mane, it takes more balls to do that then commit to a big wave. Theres this little ski hill by me thats about 2 foot ball fields in surface area, but very steep, its a bomber. they had this 'big air jump' about 15 feet high, and about 20 feet in surface length. It was a 15 foot table top. You had to bomb the hill to clear it, and you would hit speeds of probably 30mph. All it took is once, i caught an edge and started drifting back, my ass prepared to take the landing. i easily hit 15 feet of air, flairing my arms to get some kind of board contact to brake the fall. and shit i had an inch givin to me from jesus. I just caught the tiniest edge to brake alot of the fall, but my tail bone broke the rest of it. I was the most scared then then i have ever been. thought for sure my tail bone was going to be come tail bones. i still get haunting flash backs, ballsy shit right there. But yeah youd LOVE surfing, same exact concept, youd pick up on it like nothing. ITs just a much more intense 'high' from personal experience. And yeah nothing like toking and becoming one with the swells.


Well-Known Member
Nothing beats just sitting out there when it's early and no ones out all you hear is waves crashing. I go snowboarding almost every year and it just can't compete with surfing. Knowing your riding water is just unreal and that anytime with no warning close out and you can be done. In skiing/snowboarding you kinda have an ideal of your obstacles but it's different when the wave is the obstacle. You can be workout extreme and I guarentee that on a good storm swell I would of paddled out caught a few waves and be looking for you getting pounded by the midbreak slop. Surfing is just sweet every wave is different with different sections to hit everytime. Or just cruising down the line and u look next to you and there's a dolphin cruising right next to you in the wave it's an awesome experience. Its def not something you can just learn in a day or two it takes time just getting up let alone riding the line. I used to teach surf camps here during summer when I was younger and it took some the whole summer to ride the white water.


Well-Known Member
AHHHHH! You guys are killing me! I used to surf all the time and now I'm landlocked! I used to surf on the east coast mostly ocean city. Not huge swells but we have hit some pretty big storm swells. :mrgreen: I can't wait to get to Cali and surf again. I tried to surf in costa rica once but the swells were too big for me and I wiped out really hard quite a few times. :lol: