Sanctions to prevent Iran from obtaining nukes.

This is gibberish.

America has been the aggressor against Iran since before WWII and people like you drink the kool aid of American 'exceptionalism' and try to deny history.
I never said the US was the good guys. Both sides are guilty. Thanks for admitting that Iran's national identity is vengeance. That does really put the terrorism in context.
They, Israel, are responsible for 99% of the shit going on in the ME
Every "terrorist" action from Bin Laden, Hezbollah, Hamas, ISIS and Al Qaida can be directly traced back to Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, and that's a fucking fact.
You want peace in the ME?
Start with Israel.
Just because you don't believe that Israel has the right to exist doesn't mean that it is terrorism when they defend themselves.

Have you been there?

Since we're starting at the beginning, let's go all the way to the crusades. Better yet, Mohammad really hated Jewish people. Romans burned down their cities. That Nebuchadnezar guy was a real dick.

None of this means that Israel engages in terrorism. They have an elite military. That's their means of defense.
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Yep. You’re one of those ignorant motherfuckers who claims sovereign citizenship. No obligations for you but you demand full rights. I’m glad I have never run into you in real life. I hate volunteer dumb motherfuckers and you could command an entire division of them. You think you are so intelligent and yet you’re the dimmest bulb in the string.

what is worst a person who knows he is a slave but still remains so... or a person who does not know he is a slave so they remains so.
How much do you pay for your property tax ? How do you file when you file your taxes ?

Property tax is an oxymoron, Slave.
Property tax is an oxymoron, Slave.
what is worst a person who knows he is a slave but still remains so... or a person who does not know he is a slave so they remains so.
also how do you file and how much do you pay in property tax ?
But you pay it. Don’t you, you stupid fuck? Damned right you pay it. And you work. Like a slave. Pay other taxes. Like a slave. Insurances? Yep just like a hairball fucking slave. Jesus H you’re one extremely stupid piece of dog shit. I’m guessing your father hated your guts. Or is he the one you inherited this dumb attitude from?
Jesus Christ. Every time I actually read one of this idiot's posts I regret it. More George Carlinesque bullshit. What's next? Is he going to rage about jumbo shrimp?
But you pay it. Don’t you, you stupid fuck? Damned right you pay it. And you work. Like a slave. Pay other taxes. Like a slave. Insurances? Yep just like a hairball fucking slave. Jesus H you’re one extremely stupid piece of dog shit. I’m guessing your father hated your guts. Or is he the one you inherited this dumb attitude from?

Next he will give you the taxation is theft bullshit.
Next he will give you the taxation is theft bullshit.
Alaska is filled with these idiots. “Taxation is theft!” Yet not a single one can begin to outline how any nation can exist without taxing for the services necessary for a civilization to exist under the rule of law. He doesn’t like that either. Yet he lives smack in the middle of it accessing the socialist internet on an electronic device doubtless made overseas. He hates it all and rejects it all. For you.
Alaska is filled with these idiots. “Taxation is theft!” Yet not a single one can begin to outline how any nation can exist without taxing for the services necessary for a civilization to exist under the rule of law. He doesn’t like that either. Yet he lives smack in the middle of it accessing the socialist internet on an electronic device doubtless made overseas. He hates it all and rejects it all. For you.

Yeah I made the mistake of getting into it with him one day. It was all the normal rhetoric.
Bet he refuses to drive after the socialist snowplow goes by. So he waits until nature refills the road with fresh snow and then does it his way. Of course if he’s in an accident he’ll refuse any ambulance or fire department assistance. He’ll just walk like a free man.
So you think that because the Sunni wackos can't make it through shiite wackos to Israel's border to get smoked by elite Israeli troops to harm Israeli citizens, that's proof somehow that Israel funds or supports them.

There goes that negative correlation between racism and cognitive function again...

Sunni's Chop heads off and sell the Organs via Israel .... Shiite's stop that from taking place.... your assessment of wackos is way off pal... Only Sunni's Blow themselves up and Chop peoples Domes off..

Elite Israel Troops? lollllllllllllllllllllllll Mossad for sure Elite all day/night,,,, but their Soldiers are the biggest bitches in the world after the Saudis... Hence the reason you Goym are doing all the dirty work as your life is worthless and only meant to serve their interest... But dont worry... since a super model blue eyed Magic Fairy God came from that land... the Goym shall protect it with their lives...

Join the military to do all of Israels dirty work... Genius
Sunni's Chop heads off and sell the Organs via Israel .... Shiite's stop that from taking place.... your assessment of wackos is way off pal... Only Sunni's Blow themselves up and Chop peoples Domes off..

Elite Israel Troops? lollllllllllllllllllllllll Mossad for sure Elite all day/night,,,, but their Soldiers are the biggest bitches in the world after the Saudis... Hence the reason you Goym are doing all the dirty work as your life is worthless and only meant to serve their interest... But dont worry... since a super model blue eyed Magic Fairy God came from that land... the Goym shall protect it with their lives...

Join the military to do all of Israels dirty work... Genius
Interesting use of capital letters. What is your first language?
what is worst a person who knows he is a slave but still remains so... or a person who does not know he is a slave so they remains so.
also how do you file and how much do you pay in property tax ?

You forgot to add to the options, "a person who is a slave and defends his master", slave.
Bet he refuses to drive after the socialist snowplow goes by. So he waits until nature refills the road with fresh snow and then does it his way. Of course if he’s in an accident he’ll refuse any ambulance or fire department assistance. He’ll just walk like a free man.

I like plowed roads.

So you're saying that because a road is maintained via confiscatory funding, with a persons house used as collateral, that there's no other possibility of how road maintenance funding could be administered ?

That sounds an awful lot like, "but we've always done it that way".
Didn't someone say that black customers are basically rape?

Rape is a forced association, wherein one party forcibly interacts with another unwilling party, using or threatening to use force to accomplish it.

If you force an unwilling black person to serve you (which you apparently would) your actions are similar to rape.

Which part of that comparison would you like to refute Fake Anarchist?