Proper & Pure n,n-DMT pull / extraction

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Well-Known Member
It looks a bit like the lower layer of the Extraction Mixture; once extracted / evaporated.
Wonder how and what the effects are like with Lime tek...? :hump:
I don't think it is a lower layer as there isn't a lower layer in this tek. Further, the naphtha is perfectly clear when decanted to pyrex dish.

Anyways, here is some really good information on Jungle Spice and other alkaloids:

Usually, if you want a full spectrum product you use something like xylene as indicated in Q21's tek. In fact, after you pull your pure white DMT you can go back with xylene and extract the other alkaloids.

I was a little puzzled because I was just using naphtha. However, with Q21's tek two-thirds of the naphtha would soak into the bark and would remain in there (and evaporate too) until next pull. Perhaps, the build up of naphtha and evaporation caused some sort of reaction ...not sure. I do know one thing, it smells just like DMT - that is why I believe this is some form of Jungle or Jimjam.

I should further note, SWIM is in Canada and is using Ronsonol lighter fluid and the formula changed in 2010 (?) when Zippo bought them out. The CAS #'s are 68410-97-9 and #6472-49-0. It is also worth noting that an evaporation test was done on this fluid and it left NO residuals.
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Well-Known Member

Preparing Your RB Mixture:

Step 2.) Add Water. 500 mL [into an open, tempered glass container]



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Step 7.) Add Naphtha to Mixture.

[before this step you can divide glass container x2-3 - optional]



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Step 8.) Mix / Heat / Wait x3-7. [keep glass container/s open & not sealed]

[boil a pan of water, take off to OUTSIDE, set glass container/s containing mixture in hot water]




Well-Known Member

The Extraction [Part 2]:

Step 9.) Let Mixture settle into TWO layers [Naphtha on top. Sodium Hydroxide/RB on bottom].

[The top layer should have dissolved / emulsified the n,n-DMT into the naphtha.]

Step 10.) Decant the top layer into a glass container/s. DO NOT decant any bottom layer!!!



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Well-Known Member

Step 11.) Collect the Naphtha that contains the DMT into a separate glass container/s to Precipitate.

Step 12.) Repeat steps 7-10 {two, three or more times for a better yield}. [optional]

[2 extra glass containers may be needed]




Well-Known Member
I love that jungle. hits harder stays longer. less hyperactivity and you can actually pay attention to your blast off. I hit it pretty hard on the dab nail.


Well-Known Member
n-oxide then zinc and acetic, turns to freebase, you do that? my friend is a chemist and does this on the side of his extraction biz.


Well-Known Member
I love that jungle. hits harder stays longer. less hyperactivity and you can actually pay attention to your blast off. I hit it pretty hard on the dab nail.
I don't know about that one, Mate.
You may be more right than I.

Some are weary towards that jimjam, man... IT could however, be...a rumor. ;-)
But the intuitive forces are strictly forbidding IT's availability to SWIM and eYE.

n-oxide then zinc and acetic, turns to freebase, you do that? my friend is a chemist and does this on the side of his extraction biz.
Pretty sure SWIM didn't go that way... Processing...
SWIM has sent in His PMs.

Taking an Acetic wash. What about K hydroxide?
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Well-Known Member
STB in a pressure cooker actually , with solvent, straight to base, , then you have your oxides which is a LOT OF WEIGHT!!! , the oxide bring the oils into the final product increasing your yield and in my opinion gives you a GREAT experience, full spectrum, you can re-ex the end and it might be less steps idk but my guy swears by it and he says his yields are great.
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