sleeping in the same room as tent health question


Active Member
hi people

i want to grow in my bed room in a small tent with carbon filter lights and fans. carbon filter will be blowing in to the room out of the text

is it un healthy to do this. is the carbon bad for you to breath in every day for long amounts of time also what about the evaporating nutrients and water could that be bad for your health

i will make a big room soon to grow in but after thinking about cose and my
So much wrong with this lol.

The carbon doesn't leave the filter, it IS what filters.

Nutrients don't evaporate. Humidity is humidity.

Plants provide oxygen for you to breathe.
yes i know the carbon is the filter but carbon still has a smell that it produces so you must be breathing something in. bad or not i have no idea
i was just guessing some small particles of nutrients could or might evaporate. it is a liquid and all liquids can evaporate. i have seen nutrients crystallize so the moisture must evaporate
I grow in my closet and my room is about 12ft x 12ft. It's a small room and I haven't had any health concerns yet. Everyone is right tho, it can be noisy if you don't reduce the sound of your fans. Primarily the fan hooked up to your carbon filter. Also, if you don't have a carbon filter, your room's gonna smell like a bag of dirt once you transplant into a bigger pot.

Another concern you should think about is heat...if the air leaving your tent is going directly into your room then your room might get hot af. Especially if you live in SoCal or an area that get's extremely hot during the summer time. Happy growing brotha!
Where I live tends to be pretty hot in the summer. Vented the tent into the same room which gets pretty hot. I’m gonna change that and vent it into the attic. Should solve my problem.
Noisy! For 1 whole year, I had 2 5×5 tents in my bedroom less than 5 ft from my bed, takes a minute to get used to and if you watch t.v in their, prepare to have all your favorite shows screaming at you at high volume. Just setup your intake, from the room, and exhaust outside, or into another room if that's not an option. Especially if you have future plans of co2 supplementation. I like to pull my air from inside where its cooler and I can keep a better control over things. Get a co2 reader and get an idea of what your p.p.m's are in the room
i have my 4x4 tent in my bedroom right up against my window to exhaust it out the window somewhat and yea it's healthy only thing bad about it is the damn fan is loud and i have to crank mine up at max speed. my fan is only 4" i should upgrade it probably to a 6" at least or 8" but other then the noise of the fan i don't really have any major issues that solely can be blamed on the tent. humidity sure but i live in Hawaii it's ALWAYS humid here only time i really feel it is when i open up the tent you can feel the hot air but that was back when i didn't vent it out as much now i vent it out as much as i can got everything wide open besides the doors.

biggest concern would be doing your measurements making sure everything fits in your room and where you plan to leave it and access it and if your happy with your bedroom layout. i had the hardest time doing mine due to my 55gal aquarium and ceiling fan but since i really don't care what my room looks like i make it work my layout is decent kind of tight but i have to keep a lot of my gardening shit in my room because my grandpa throws my gardening shit away if i leave it in the garage just my vermicompost going on.

i don't exhaust my tent into my room cause if i did it would be much hotter despite the outside air is cooler then inside plus i only have 1 fan setup. i'd literally need to run an AC to properly drop temps for growing needs but other then that you get used to it. i like the noise tbh cause it helps me sleep at night i tend to keep my computer running all night with something on youtube since i don't have cable in my room

i used to grow in my bedroom closet before i got the tent but without a fan. that was kind of hell because the lights is just shining in my face all the time and i didn't really have a exhaust i used a air purifier for air circulation and that thing is just as loud as my AC infinity
got a old tent from a friend with a 4 inch fan and filter. the fan don't sound that loud maybe it will be more noisy in the tent. i will set it up later this week and find out.
Hey, just look at it this way-you're the CO2 burner/tank so breathe deeply.
i will make my bog sleep in the tent then haha joking. does breathing really change the co2 levels that makes any difference. correct me if i am wrong but co2 intake is based on light so if my light is small increasing the co2 levels would do nothing ?? not that i would run a co2 burner/tank in a bed room that a person sleeps in
I run my indoor grow lights at night so they're on while I'm sleeping. Plants 'eat' CO2 and will deplete their concentration in a closed room. Depending on the size of the room, it should be possible to bump up the ppm a significant amount.
'edit'- I do sleep with a CO2 burner in my bedroom, aka a propane wall heater.
I wouldn't worry about the carbon but I would be worried about the photonic radiation that can cause significant health issues such as impotence and incontinence. But you can block that with a few dilithium crystals, a coat hanger, and some duct tape.
I wouldn't worry about the carbon but I would be worried about the photonic radiation that can cause significant health issues such as impotence and incontinence. But you can block that with a few dilithium crystals, a coat hanger, and some duct tape.
everything can be fixed with duct tape. if only someone told fukushima about duct tape. they could of avoided the melt down