Is trump a rapist?

Is trump a rapist

  • Clearly he is

  • No he is not. Deep state coup attempt. I am literally retarded

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Of course he's a rapist, the whole administration are a bunch of repressed sexual freaks. Even tRUmps biggest religious supporter Jerry Falwell jr is a freak, he and his wife like to take turns fucking the pool boy and their are photo's lol. Wonder if Comb-over Caligula and his wife Jerky Ho have their own pool boy?
7 motorcyclists killed last night in a head on crash in New Hampshire. Reportedly Marine veterans there for the run at Laconia. Is it on the news today? Barely. But Trump could fart and there would be a shitload of newspaper articles and blogs would spend days trying to determine what the fart meant. This is how the media keeps the simpleminded distracted.

Then asslicking trolls like Space Greaser come along and keep sounding like a flock of macaws when you surprise them. This is how the wealthy like them. Stupid and easy to control.

Semper Fi, boys. Ride on.
he can be proven a rapist and whatever else and he will STILL win 2020. Our country is completely stupid on politics. Since when does a pres drop 40% in ratings then pick back up 45% in one week ?? Half his supporters are still in the fuckin closet beating on the walls till blue an bloody , then of course they blame obama and the dumb bitch for them being in the closet all bloody with man juice all over them.
Around the time baby bush got in office , they decided to get real ballsy and see just how dumb we really are. We met them right when and where they wanted in a short bus and showed them that if its published on ANY news station , then we will believe it no matter what. If we see the moon and they tell us its not the moon , then its not. period. We see water coming out the sky, they call it snow and we suck on that tit and claim its snow. FACEBOOK tells us news....we listen with open ears. Youtube gives us news, we run with it...........
Now 20 years later , were in the same exact place blaming it on certain politician/party ?! i see a fuckin huge problem with that. With all the knowledge out there, were still gonna run to the polls to try an change things.
Do you guys still believe there is a way to fix ANY of this shit ?
he can be proven a rapist and whatever else and he will STILL win 2020. Our country is completely stupid on politics. Since when does a pres drop 40% in ratings then pick back up 45% in one week ?? Half his supporters are still in the fuckin closet beating on the walls till blue an bloody , then of course they blame obama and the dumb bitch for them being in the closet all bloody with man juice all over them.
Around the time baby bush got in office , they decided to get real ballsy and see just how dumb we really are. We met them right when and where they wanted in a short bus and showed them that if its published on ANY news station , then we will believe it no matter what. If we see the moon and they tell us its not the moon , then its not. period. We see water coming out the sky, they call it snow and we suck on that tit and claim its snow. FACEBOOK tells us news....we listen with open ears. Youtube gives us news, we run with it...........
Now 20 years later , were in the same exact place blaming it on certain politician/party ?! i see a fuckin huge problem with that. With all the knowledge out there, were still gonna run to the polls to try an change things.
Do you guys still believe there is a way to fix ANY of this shit ?
They won the last time despite not winning the majority of the vote. Lightning struck and a combination of factors rolled up to a Trump win. He's running the same campaign in the same way with the same rhetoric expecting lightning to strike again.

It could, don't get me wrong, it could. The odds of that second lightning strike are the same as the last one, 1:700,000.
They won the last time despite not winning the majority of the vote. Lightning struck and a combination of factors rolled up to a Trump win. He's running the same campaign in the same way with the same rhetoric expecting lightning to strike again.

It could, don't get me wrong, it could. The odds of that second lightning strike are the same as the last one, 1:700,000.
The margin was so narrow that that should be kept in mind regarding polls and dumbasses. Even though it was Shillary it should not have been that close. I know a lot of Trump supporters and not one has indicated they feel any differently about him now than they did when they voted for him. Unless something big on either side happens I’m expecting his re-election. A stock market few are involved in has dumbasses optimistic as does the “full employment” bit.
7 motorcyclists killed last night in a head on crash in New Hampshire. Reportedly Marine veterans there for the run at Laconia. Is it on the news today? Barely.

Another drama queen post.

So, other than every major news outlet having a front page story on it, yeah...nobody covered it.

he can be proven a rapist and whatever else and he will STILL win 2020. Our country is completely stupid on politics. Since when does a pres drop 40% in ratings then pick back up 45% in one week ?? Half his supporters are still in the fuckin closet beating on the walls till blue an bloody , then of course they blame obama and the dumb bitch for them being in the closet all bloody with man juice all over them.
Around the time baby bush got in office , they decided to get real ballsy and see just how dumb we really are. We met them right when and where they wanted in a short bus and showed them that if its published on ANY news station , then we will believe it no matter what. If we see the moon and they tell us its not the moon , then its not. period. We see water coming out the sky, they call it snow and we suck on that tit and claim its snow. FACEBOOK tells us news....we listen with open ears. Youtube gives us news, we run with it...........
Now 20 years later , were in the same exact place blaming it on certain politician/party ?! i see a fuckin huge problem with that. With all the knowledge out there, were still gonna run to the polls to try an change things.
Do you guys still believe there is a way to fix ANY of this shit ?

There are a few members here that post real news that I trust -

Just a heads up, it is a well known fact that these members are "deep media" and work for George Soros -
My sportsbook has Trump as the favorite, currently at -110 odds, but they've been higher over the last month or so. Biden is the second favorite, at odds around 4.5-1. As the Dem's fight over who will lead their party, I fully expect Trump's odds to rise as we get closer.