"Operation Wetback" - Trumps latest anti-them strategy.


Well-Known Member
Are you seriously even from America?? You sound like you have issues. All emotional and shit. You quoted me multiple times and I’m not even talking to you. Get a life

How has watching world news helped you? Seriously? I mean I don't know why, you just don't strike me as a world traveler and I can't imagine that watching "world news" (wtf is that by the way? American news corners about American issues across the globe or like foreign news in their native language?) has benefited you in any way shape or form.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
so you are voluntarily shutting out the free and open press & media to get spoon fed feel good propaganda and misinformation, deliberate bullshit from an aspiring plutocrat?..."facts are stubborn things"
and what is the truth?
and ain't you kinda old to get lured into a cult?
You get a lot of credit to try to educate the uninformed here.

Some people just aren't worth the effort. That guy's a joke. I was an elected union officer for a decade, I can see right through him.

I actually had to defend idiots like that in grievance hearings, even though they were lying through their teeth. I actually got sick of it and quit. Less meetings, more time with family and dogs, it all worked out for the best.
I been there too, they think they can fool someone. Laughable. They only fool themselves. Thank you for stepping up to that in your Union. Those types of jobs can have a broad impact on the community and they can be very difficult to do.


Well-Known Member
Are you seriously even from America?? You sound like you have issues. All emotional and shit. You quoted me multiple times and I’m not even talking to you. Get a life
Yes I am from America but spent a little over half my life overseas, and 15 years older than you so from your perspective I might not seem American. What issues does it sound like I have? I'm just calling you out on your nonsense kid, what does world news have to do with anything? You don't even understand your own country and you want to bring up world news? Damn.

Heres a hint kid, everybody on this forum has a life. They have loving wives, girlfriends etc. Children, killer cars, killer weed the whole nine yards. Even you. Difference is you are 35 talking like a little girl all over the place.


Well-Known Member
First you said you use to live in America and now you’re saying you still do? Sounds like some bullshit to me. How don’t I understand MY own country? Because I said -
Right now though the economy is doing well. It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold. Read about it. Don’t get emotional.
Yes I am from America but spent a little over half my life overseas, and 15 years older than you so from your perspective I might not seem American. What issues does it sound like I have? I'm just calling you out on your nonsense kid, what does world news have to do with anything? You don't even understand your own country and you want to bring up world news? Damn.

Heres a hint kid, everybody on this forum has a life. They have loving wives, girlfriends etc. Children, killer cars, killer weed the whole nine yards. Even you. Difference is you are 35 talking like a little girl all over the place.


Well-Known Member
Yeeeeaaaaa you’re delusional old man. Not once did I ever admit to not getting hurt at work
Just another dumb shit sucking off of disability.

What's it going to be next week? Your back, I suppose. Too dumb to be a knowledge worker, too lazy to do physical labor, too nervous to steal so you collect disability.

Now that everybody knows you are a retarded broke back conservative, you start acting the ass. Pretty soon you'll start complaining that everybody is picking on you. It's never your fault, is it?
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Well-Known Member
First you said you use to live in America and now you’re saying you still do? Sounds like some bullshit to me. How don’t I understand MY own country? Because I said -
Right now though the economy is doing well. It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold. Read about it. Don’t get emotional.
translation: mumblemumble I'm too stupid to say anything to contribute so I'll just vomit up this mess.


Well-Known Member
First you said you use to live in America and now you’re saying you still do? Sounds like some bullshit to me. How don’t I understand MY own country? Because I said -
Right now though the economy is doing well. It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold. Read about it. Don’t get emotional.
unemployment is low because the low wage jobs of the trump economy are too shitty to want to work

the real unemployment number is 37.2%

37.2% of people who can work are not working. that is the true unemployment rate


Well-Known Member
I'm not cynical about it. It does an amazing job at what it is supposed to do. America accomplishes just about everything it sets out to do. Unlike you, I am not making excuses..10X more money? Dumbest thing I have ever heard..period. We already spent more than every other country per child and you think more money is the answer? Thats like saying more salt is the answer when something is too salty. Doesn't make you a loser, I just don't think you see the problem, too much in it.
Yes, cynical. You are cynical about education. Cynicism is when a person explains away a problem or failure with some theory that includes malicious intent such as "the goal of raising half the population to be Trump voters". That's just cynical. Oh, and I said that the education system failed you. Public or not, the education system failed you. That's what I said and that's what I meant. You failed too. For the money we spent educating you, be it home schooled or private schooled, we didn't get a good product.

At least you can read well enough so that you can pay your taxes and follow road signs. Maybe the next generation will turn out better.

I named the problems with today's school system that can be fixed with money. They are smaller class sizes, fixing deteriorating school buildings, refreshing out of date textbooks, improving teacher pay and ensuring resources are available to give ALL kids the opportunity for a good education. That's called identifying problems that can be fixed with more money. That's not like saying more salt fixes a meal. What can't be fixed with more money are involved parents (or overworked, exhausted parents) and our society's poor attitude towards scholarship and encouraging scholastic achievement.


Well-Known Member
You want a war on poverty but you want to import millions of poor people a year?You want a smaller class size but you want 100,000 non English speaking people a month, who don't pay property tax in the public school system?
Wow talk about wild straw man argument posed as a question. You must be really fun to talk to, what with your belief in extraordinary mind reading power.

umm, perhaps you should ask questions rather than just decide for me what I'm thinking or willing to do. Or is your post framed the way it was because it is so much more fun to accuse rather than converse that you have forgotten how to talk to somebody you don't know?


Well-Known Member
You’re just crazy and a piece of shit person. Weren’t you guys on the same side?? Let it go and go smoke something. Sounds like YOU NEED IT

Yes, cynical. You are cynical about education. Cynicism is when a person explains away a problem or failure with some theory that includes malicious intent such as "the goal of raising half the population to be Trump voters". That's just cynical. Oh, and I said that the education system failed you. Public or not, the education system failed you. That's what I said and that's what I meant. You failed too. For the money we spent educating you, be it home schooled or private schooled, we didn't get a good product.

At least you can read well enough so that you can pay your taxes and follow road signs. Maybe the next generation will turn out better.

I named the problems with today's school system that can be fixed with money. They are smaller class sizes, fixing deteriorating school buildings, refreshing out of date textbooks, improving teacher pay and ensuring resources are available to give ALL kids the opportunity for a good education. That's called identifying problems that can be fixed with more money. That's not like saying more salt fixes a meal. What can't be fixed with more money are involved parents (or overworked, exhausted parents) and our society's poor attitude towards scholarship and encouraging scholastic achievement.


Well-Known Member
You’re just crazy and a piece of shit person. Weren’t you guys on the same side?? Let it go and go smoke something. Sounds like YOU NEED IT
I'm guessing you haven't sounded out the words and so don't know that this is the politics forum. Toke n talk is where you belong. Not that there is anything wrong with tnt, just that's where people go to simply agree with each other. Or agree to disagree.

not the politics forum.

Is this where you stretch your intellectual capacity and say something dumb like lecturing me about how many posts I've made since I joined four years ago?


Well-Known Member
Doesn’t mean you take the thread over with your negative bullshit and full page rants ya pathetic loser. Now that you mentioned it yes you need to get a life because 27,000 is a lot of posts in 4 years. Don’t you work? I joined in 2010 and have like 2,500.
I'm guessing you haven't sounded out the words and so don't know that this is the politics forum. Toke n talk is where you belong. Not that there is anything wrong with tnt, just that's where people go to simply agree with each other. Or agree to disagree.

not the politics forum.

Is this where you stretch your intellectual capacity and say something dumb like lecturing me about how many posts I've made since I joined four years ago?


Well-Known Member
Doesn’t mean you take the thread over with your negative bullshit and full page rants ya pathetic loser. Now that you mentioned it yes you need to get a life because 27,000 is a lot of posts in 4 years. Don’t you work? I joined in 2010 and have like 2,500.
What? You think posts are hard work and take time to compose? LOL

Yes, I guess a person like you would.


Well-Known Member
so you are voluntarily shutting out the free and open press & media to get spoon fed feel good propaganda and misinformation, deliberate bullshit from an aspiring plutocrat?..."facts are stubborn things"
and what is the truth?
and ain't you kinda old to get lured into a cult?
He’s been spoonfed shit his whole life and he likes it.


Well-Known Member
I know that face in the picture you have. Is that you?
The economy sucks

40% of Americans can’t afford a $400 emergency

Wages are stagnant and healthcare is skyrocketing

The market hasn’t gained a point in 18 months

Save your retarded lies for other retards (trump cocksuckers)


Well-Known Member
Yes, cynical. You are cynical about education. Cynicism is when a person explains away a problem or failure with some theory that includes malicious intent such as "the goal of raising half the population to be Trump voters". That's just cynical. Oh, and I said that the education system failed you. Public or not, the education system failed you. That's what I said and that's what I meant. You failed too. For the money we spent educating you, be it home schooled or private schooled, we didn't get a good product.

At least you can read well enough so that you can pay your taxes and follow road signs. Maybe the next generation will turn out better.

I named the problems with today's school system that can be fixed with money. They are smaller class sizes, fixing deteriorating school buildings, refreshing out of date textbooks, improving teacher pay and ensuring resources are available to give ALL kids the opportunity for a good education. That's called identifying problems that can be fixed with more money. That's not like saying more salt fixes a meal. What can't be fixed with more money are involved parents (or overworked, exhausted parents) and our society's poor attitude towards scholarship and encouraging scholastic achievement.
Ok so your ego requires that you believe people on the net are failures. I don't get it. I just assume you have a beautiful wife and beautiful kids and a rich fulfilling job. But you are suggesting that we need to spend about 2.5 million per child to fix the system. That's just insane and incredible stupid. An intelligent person would look at other countries and ask how are they doing better with less money.10X more money, holy shit dude, come back to reality. Dude go google some figures, maybe you can convince somebody you are smarter than you are.


Well-Known Member
An intelligent person would look at other countries and ask how are they doing better with less money.
It's simple: Socialism.

School systems in nearly every other nation on earth are government owned and operated with one goal in mind: Education.

Here, our educational systems are run by for profit entities. If they can't make money on it, they're not going to do it. Even school lunches are farmed out to for profit organizations. They serve the cheapest, shittiest food they can to make more money.

Not surprisingly, our health care system works the same way. If they can't make money on it, they're not going to do it. What's more, you can rest assured that every instrument, every bed, every drug used on you was made/supplied by the cheapest bidder and marked up 1000%.

That's part of why Americans are the dumbest, least healthy, most uneducated people on earth. We rank 36th in education because we're fucking greedy and we run a legalized slave system in order to keep the populace dumb and in debt forever.

The people that speak out against socialist programs obviously never call an ambulance, the fire department, the police, or anything else. They're taught to hate the government, keep government out, and all that other stupid shit by the very people that are robbing them blind and keeping them stupid.

Think about this: why do republicans use the words educated, elitist, liberal and socialism as insults?

Because they're fucking stupid, just like they were taught to be. And they'll stay that way. That's why we are in the shape we are in right now with a dumbassed president that can't put together a coherent sentence and on those rare occasions when he does it's a lie.

And that's why republicans love him: they're just like he is.

THAT is the problem.