Nukeheads bad business practices

Are you the guy saying there’s a Facebook group dedicated to the people they ripped? I just left a bad review on nukeheads Facebook page and this dude replied calling me a troll saying that I’m blocked . Even said that I have no pictures of myself next to the plants and asking where’s my order number and shit. Good gosh they are terrible
Hey Bro, thats what they do to ya when you have a problem with them. They boot you from the group otherwise as long as there are people watching and praising Cody Oebel your golden. Or complain like many of us have and your a troll! WTF!! If your name is Ganjaman87 on FB then yes we have groups that Do NOT like NukeHeads. I can add you or the name of a good one who hates NH is BrotherHoodOf The Dank. Just let them know what they did to you. There are many of us that got ripped off by them in this group or another good group is SafeHouse Seeds And Treats. They do take care of you! Be looking for ya!
I say this to not one individual, but it's threads like this that make RIU suck... Time to start ignoring people...
Ugh what? why is it threads like this that make RIU suck?

because there's folks here warning folks about meth head scammers? This same shit that's been going on in this industry for ever and has always needed to be called out.

If someone searches Nukeheads and this thread comes up and they see it's a scam maybe it saves them $1000 or more?

Charlatans are something that will be a part of this space as long as it's illegal in places. The shit they are doing would never fly in a legal market.

The fucking guy repackages Jacks/Peters....
Nothing to do with OP or the calling out of bad practices, it's the trolling and dick measuring that I get tired of. Everyone here seems to think they are better than everyone else - at least the loud people do. But I digress and will now take my own advice. Have a good day.
my bad, misinterpreted your intent :)
Ugh what? why is it threads like this that make RIU suck?

because there's folks here warning folks about meth head scammers? This same shit that's been going on in this industry for ever and has always needed to be called out.

If someone searches Nukeheads and this thread comes up and they see it's a scam maybe it saves them $1000 or more?

Charlatans are something that will be a part of this space as long as it's illegal in places. The shit they are doing would never fly in a legal market.

The fucking guy repackages Jacks/Peters....
Mr Head, thanks for the back up bro! There are a few of us that got ripped off big time by Nukeheads and some still are. We are only just warning other people about them. Wish i had been warned about them before i lost 280.00 in beans that turned out to be crap!
Nothing to do with OP or the calling out of bad practices, it's the trolling and dick measuring that I get tired of. Everyone here seems to think they are better than everyone else - at least the loud people do. But I digress and will now take my own advice. Have a good day.
Hey man nobody here is trying to be better than the other guy, don`t know where you get that at bro? Loud People?? Really?? I call it warning people of a scammer unless you are a Nukehead!!!!
Update: NukeHeads bought an ad with High Times, and not they are claiming to be sponsored by High Times. They are telling people this, while claiming they have a lot of haters. They claim the haters are competition companies coming after them, because NH is stealing their sales. In reality, its ex-customers who are pissed off. They market this to their new customers who eat it up, and they have new victims, until the person grows their seeds, or has a light burn out. Those customers then become "haters" who are out to steal their business.