STEEL CAGE DEATH MATCH (no holds barred)

Mainly because I live in a free country, not a commie one like where your seeds came from.

Riddle ME this: How come you don't have your comparison lettuce in this comp?
That one takes a ring all to itself.
So is it looking like competitor wise this is going to just be a 3 ring circus? :lol:
Yeah, it's a blast compared to the t5 for them. I have it at like 30 inches.
I'm experimenting with the 42X at 30" and it looks to be doing a good job on greens. Those lenses the fanboys like to laugh at sure work some magic.

I am letting a couple heads go to seed buttercrunch and black seeded simpson. Have romaine, kale, chard, carrots, onoins, strawberries going now. Nicotincia (sp.?) indian peace pipe, foxglove, from seed, guardian lavender and poppys from seed collected last year, some lupine that I wild gathered and spread seed to a new bed.

I got a couple sweet peppers that were bought as starts but I could enter the top of one if it roots (cut a few days a go).

Whats the question?
Pay attention and read the question very carefully. Ready?
Which seeds would you rather harvest?
-Only a one word answer will be accepted and you must reply to this post.